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李林 《现代交际》2011,(4):80-80
导游员在导游交际过程中要养成一定的个人风格。本文就导游交际语言的艺术特征展开讨论,研究导游语言的口语化及幽默等语言风格,阐述在学校教育中导游交际语言风格养成的训练方法,为培养导游员形成个性化的语言风格提供参考途径。  相似文献   

张梅 《职业》2016,(35):79-80
一、导游讲解课程性质 导游讲解是导游职业生涯中至关重要的一环.导游讲解课程是旅游与酒店管理、导游等专业的核心实践课程.该课程既是全国导游人员资格考试口试训练课程,也是导游员岗位基本技能训练的载体.因此,该课程的定位为:"一个认同、二个基础、三个基本、四个目标".  相似文献   

浅谈导游专业教学中学生讲解能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张赛萍 《职业》2008,(14):55-56
导游员被称为旅游业的灵魂、旅行社的窗口.导游工作是一项综合性很强的服务工作,一名合格的导游员必须要有过硬的服务技能,才能适应现代旅游发展的需要.而导游服务是一门艺术,集语言、表演和综合艺术于一身,体现在导游讲解之中.  相似文献   

李梅乐 《职业》2008,(6):48-49
旅游学校是培养导游的摇篮,作为旅游专业的教师,在向学生传授专业知识技能的同时陶冶学生良好的思想品德,帮助学生明确职业目标是义不容辞的责任,也是需要深入研究和探讨的重要课题。导游专业学生刚刚步入学校,对导游员这一职业不甚了解,行之有效的方法就是:利用课堂教学并走出课堂使学生深入了解导游员的角色定位,强化导游技能训练,通过社会实践让学生去学习、去领悟、去实践、去提高,尽快实现职业目标。  相似文献   

高阳 《职业时空》2009,5(7):76-77
中职旅游专业教学中,导游员素质的培养重点要从导游讲解能力、导游规范服务能力和特殊问题处理及应变能力这几个方面入手。只有因材施教,做到理论与实践相结合,才能培养出德才兼备的导游人才。  相似文献   

袁林菊  米心台 《职业》2001,(2):23-25
在假日经济方兴未艾,旅游热潮一浪高过一浪的今天,导游这一职业早已被人们司空见惯了。“导游”二字,顾名思义,就是带领(别人)旅游、游玩。既然是带领别人“游”,那导游员本人也就“游”在其中了。为此,在人们的想像中,导游员总有看不尽的湖光山色、名胜古迹、大海白帆、奇花异草……能尽情领略各地的风土人情,陶醉于美丽的大自然之中,何其逍遥自在!所以,说导游是一种职业,谁也不会否认,但若和“劳动模范”联在一起,又似乎有些不可思议。 常言说“隔行如隔山”,业外人士由于对导游这一职业的深层内涵了解不够,产生上述想…  相似文献   

本刊讯为适应旅游业日益兴旺发达的需要 ,满足旅行社、旅游者希望有高素质的导游员提供优质服务的迫切要求 ,桂林市旅游局培训中心在广西重点技校桂林市技工学校内建立起了广西第一个导游员培训基地。日前 ,导游员培训基地迎来了第一届学员 ,培训基地不仅给他们开设导游员必修的全部课程 ,而且按照旅游局主管领导“高起点、高标准、高素质”的培养目标的要求 ,给学员增设音乐、舞蹈、健美、朗诵等课程。为了把理论知识和实践结合起来 ,培训基地从开学起每周还安排有桂林山水实地导游指导课。旅游局主管导游工作的领导和教师带领学生踏遍桂林…  相似文献   

王艳 《现代交际》2015,(3):35-36
年审培训是导游年审制度的重要组成部分,其合理定位和设计有利于提高导游员的整体素质。文章通过比较对导游年审培训进行了准确的定位,在此基础上提出了导游年审培训设计应遵循引导、规范、实用、高效、灵活等原则,详细论述了各设计原则的具体要求。  相似文献   

曹林芳 《职业》2016,(21):116-116
高职考试内容的改革,对教师模拟导游讲解部分提出了更高的要求,要求学生讲解浙江省的12个著名景点。本文结合模拟导游的平时训练方法,结合考纲的要求,阐述模拟导游讲解技能的提升的途径。  相似文献   

导游专业学生的语言表达能力,可以说是该专业的主要职业能力之一。因为语言表达能力的高低,从某种程度上直接影响旅客对服务的满意程度,同时也决定了旅客对旅行社声誉的服务评价。本文试图从培养导游专业语言能力训练方法、途径作一些分析研究。  相似文献   

易娜 《职业时空》2012,(3):117-119
护理专业的语文教学工作要主动适应护理专业需求,结合受体特征,不仅培育学生的语文运用能力和人文情怀,还须培育学生的职业素养,建设有护理专业特色的中职语文教学体系。以现有语文教材为载体,将护理专业所需能力要求嵌入语文教学中去,并结合专业特色将日常应用文、护理应用文的写作纳入语文课堂的训练之中。语文课应加强学生的口语训练,以培养合格适用的护理人才为根本目的,通过系统的课堂实训,保证学生掌握护士工作所必需的基本口语表达技能。  相似文献   

In Italy teachers for nursery and primary schools are trained in many ways. Although in this complex system numerous initiatives regarding the implementation of intercultural education have been taken by the Ministry of Education, practice is still inconsistent and a great deal is left to the initiative of individual teachers, principals and schools. The Teachers Centre of Democratic Initiative (CIDI) realised two projects in the field of language education. The basic idea was to ascertain to what extent the language used in school may pose an obstacle for children whose mother tongue is not the school language. The follow‐up was a field training course on intercultural issues. The objectives were to identify didactic instruments and procedures designed to transform the way in which a foreign child would be viewed from being a “problem” to being appreciated and valued. The paper closes with a list of elements that may be viewed as cornerstones of training activity in an intercultural framework.  相似文献   

Free Enterprise     
John Barr 《Social Studies》2013,104(2):72-79
Exploring controversial and difficult events and issues with young children can be challenging. The Civil Rights Movement is an abstract, perhaps remote, issue for young children today. However, it is an important part of our country's history and a theme worthy of study. This article suggests ways to use photographs to explore this mature subject matter that allow children to observe, discuss, and relate to pictures as a means of developing language along with concepts. Furthermore, discussions inspired by viewing the photographic documentation of the historic events surrounding the struggle for civil liberties allow students to share their insights about basic human rights and relate them to their lived experiences. The essential question guiding this lesson plan is: How can photographs provide insight into historical events? Scaffolded questions, based on the photographs, guide the students from observing and understanding to reflecting and analyzing. In addition to the lesson plan, the article contains historical background on the marches and related picture books and teaching resources based on the marches.  相似文献   

G. H. Mead's model of language and mind, while perhaps understandable at the time it was written, now seems inadequate. First, the research evidence strongly suggests that mental operations exist prior to language onset, conversation of gestures, or social interaction. Second, language is not just significant symbols; it requires syntax. Third, syntax seems to be part of our bioinheritance, that is, part of our presocial mind/brain—what Noam Chomsky has called our language faculty. Fourth, this means syntax probably is not learned nor a social construction that is internalized as a cultural template. Fifth, this suggests a basic reversal of the prevailing model of symbolic interaction, mind, language, and perhaps the self as well, although there has not been the time or space to engage that topic here. Therefore, symbolic interaction may turn out to be a more Chomskyan than Meadian process. Given the bioinheritance of our mind/brain we are able to engage in symbolic interaction; it does not appear that symbolic interaction creates our mind or the basic computational algorithms of language .  相似文献   

从导游专业人才培养模式构建、课程体系重构、实境教学和学生课外活动等方面,对该专业学生职业能力培养过程进行了探索,提出了全过程培养导游专业学生职业能力的观点,取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experiential exercise for training beginning marriage and family therapists, as well as several adaptations of the format. The basic exercise consists of role playing a therapy session in which the people playing the clients speak a language that is not understood by the therapist-in-training. Although the therapist cannot understand the clients, the clients can understand the therapist. This exercise assists students to become more cognizant of the need to be cautious and curious in the cocreation of meaning in therapy. In addition, this exercise builds confidence and clinical skills, such as learning about nonverbal communication while observing process.  相似文献   

Current Department of Health guidance on multi-agency policy and procedure to protect vulnerable adults from abuse requires the design and implementation of comprehensive training programmes. This paper identifies three issues of critical significance to the development of a local training strategy, namely, language ('vulnerability' versus 'rights'), the relative significance of 'awareness', and the scheduling of training in relation to overall policy development. These issues are illustrated by a local training course which, in addition to imparting basic information on the new agenda and locating the latter within the wider context of adult welfare services generally, actively facilitated practitioners' contributions to multi-agency policy development. The outcomes of this initiative are reported in terms of the Department of Health's radical vision of 'mainstreaming' staff involvement.  相似文献   

陆晓婧 《现代交际》2012,(5):201-203
音乐能够调节情绪、激发兴趣,促进理解、增强记忆。法语歌曲较好地融合了语音、语言和文化知识,如果选择恰当、教学设计合理,在遵循法语语言知识的学习和各项语言技能训练的前提下,将法语歌曲作为语言学习的辅助材料,既可增加教学内容的趣味性,又可提高教学方式的灵活性。  相似文献   

The DSM has largely become the common language of behavioral health which its authors intended. Although family systems theory resulted in part from the study of major mental illness, it later became distanced from considerations of individual psychopathology. No studies have assessed current practices and views within the field of family therapy on teaching students the use of the DSM. Member training programs of the Education and Training Council of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy were surveyed regarding their practices in teaching the DSM. Seventy-nine of 177 surveys (45%) were returned. Ninety-one percent of these programs offered training in the DSM, and in 93% of those such training was mandatory. Written comments indicated that pragmatic concerns about students being able to speak a common language with other behavioral health providers were among the primary reasons for teaching the DSM.  相似文献   

创业教育是高职院校人才培养的重要内容,它以培养学生创业意识、创业心理品质和创业能力为目的。通过构建包括创业学科课程、创业活动课程和创业实践等课程在内的创业教育课程体系,从创业的基础知识、创业意识、创业知识结构、创业心理品质、创业能力等方面对学生进行系统的教育和培养。  相似文献   

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