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通过对310名大学生的问卷调查,考察了大学生社会支持与手机成瘾的关系,并检验了孤独感在二者之间的中介作用。结果表明:1.大学生手机成瘾无性别、年级、专业差异;2.大学生社会支持与手机成瘾呈负相关,孤独感与手机成瘾呈正相关;3.大学生的孤独感在社会支持和手机成瘾的关系中起中介作用。  相似文献   

探讨大学生的孤独感与自我概念、社会支持之间的关系,采用孤独感量表(UCLA)、田纳西自我概念量表(TNXZWGN)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)对吉林省某高校大学生作为研究对象进行问卷调查。结果表明:(1)大学生的孤独感与自我概念和社会支持在性别和生源地方面不存在显著的差异关系;(2)大学生的孤独感与自我概念、社会支持呈显著的负相关;大学生的社会支持和自我概念呈显著的正相关。  相似文献   

目的:考察大学生社会支持与孤独感、抑郁的间的关系,探讨孤独感在社会支持和抑郁间的中介效应。方法:以天津市某高校1244名大一新生为对象。用抑郁状态问卷、孤独感量表和领悟性社会支持问卷进行测试。结果:社会支持与孤独感、抑郁的间的相关显著,孤独感可以作为中介变量部分中介家庭外支持和家庭内支持和抑郁间的关系。结论:可以通过调节个人感觉到的社会支持和或改变孤独体验来减少个体抑郁的风险。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的稳定发展,人们生活水平也在不断提高,越来越多的青少年有了自己崇拜的偶像。本研究以大学生为研究对象,主要探究大学生的偶像崇拜现状、偶像崇拜与孤独感和社会适应的关系。采用问卷调查法,收集了来自甘肃、湖南、四川等地的大学生关于偶像崇拜的资料,对收集的数据运用SPSS 23.0进行统计分析。形成如下结论,首先,相较于男大学生,女大学生偶像的非理性崇拜水平更高。且不同性别大学生在偶像的类别上具有显著差异。其次,相较于非独生子女而言,独生子女对于偶像的非理性崇拜水平更高,孤独感水平也更高。其次,相较于非理性崇拜的大学生而言,理性崇拜的大学生的社会适应水平更高。再次,非理性偶像崇拜水平与社会适应具有显著的负相关关系;社会适应与孤独感具有显著的负相关关系。最后,社会适应在偶像崇拜和孤独感之间起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生孤独与自尊之间的关系。方法:采用自尊量表和UCLA孤独感自评量表对500名大学生的自尊和孤独进行了测量,对测量结果进行统计分析。结果:自尊水平在性别表现为差异不显著,孤独感在性别表现为显著性差异;自尊水平在生源地表现为差异性显著,大学生孤独感在生源地表现为差异不显著;自尊水平与孤独感呈显著相关。  相似文献   

目的:研究大学生人际信任与孤独感的现状,探讨大学生的人际信任及其因子与孤独感的关系。方法:采用大学生人际信任量表和孤独感量表(UCLA)对236名大学生进行调查。结果:1、大学生的孤独感水平较高,人际信任水平较好;2、大学生孤独感和人际信任之间呈显著负相关,孤独感与人际信任怀疑性因子呈正相关,与权威信任、对他人的承诺信任和对他人的行为信任呈显著负相关;3、大学生人际信任对孤独感具有预测作用,人际信任各因子中怀疑性因子对孤独感预测达到显著水平。  相似文献   

对东北5所不同层次高校的在校大学生进行问卷调查,进行相关分析,结果发现:大学生厌学程度与学习动机呈显著负相关,尤其是与内部学习动机呈显著负相关,与外部动机相关不显著;厌学程度与学业自我效能感呈显著负相关。以厌学为因变量,以学习动机各维度和学业自我效能感为自变量进行逐步回归分析,学习动机的两个维度和学业自我效能感对厌学有显著的回归效应。  相似文献   

利用青少年心理韧性量表、领悟社会支持量表和青少年生活事件量表,对260名四川省阿坝羌族藏族自治州茂县受灾儿童进行了研究,以揭示生活事件、社会支持与心理韧性之间的关系,探讨具有可行性的心理适应对策。结果表明:1.不同性别的儿童在生活事件量表的受惩罚和其他因子上存在差异,不同程度的社会支持在心理韧性上平均得分上存在显著差异;2.青少年生活事件与社会支持存在负相关;社会支持和心理韧性存在明显的正相关,且与心理韧性中的积极认知、目标专注存在显著正相关;5.回归分析表明,家庭支持是儿童心理韧性的最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

为探讨医学院校大学生时间管理倾向与自我和谐的相互关系,采用时间管理倾向量表和自我和谐量表对医学院校210名大学生进行了调查。结果显示:医学院校大学生在自我与经验不和谐及自我的刻板性两个分量表上的得分显著低于常模,但在自我灵活性上显著高于常模;医学院校大学生的时间管理倾向与自我和谐在性别、是否独生、是否担任学生干部、是否恋爱方面并无显著差异;医学院校大学生时问管理倾向与自我与经验不和谐呈显著负相关,与自我灵活性呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

潘子彦 《职业时空》2012,(3):162-164
采用霍兰德职业兴趣倾向量表对442名工科大学生的调查表明,工科大学生总体的职业兴趣倾向为SEI,即社会型、经营型、研究型,这与专业发展要求有些偏离。其职业兴趣不存在显著的年级差异,但存在显著的性别和专业差异。  相似文献   

The higher rates of disease and death associated with male gender have been widely documented, yet little is being done in the college health setting to address men's health issues. Many of men's health risks are related to social isolation and prohibitions on showing weakness. The authors describe the Virginia Tech University experience with 3 Man Alive groups that were developed to (a) create a supportive social structure for male college students who may otherwise be socially isolated, (b) model healthy expression of emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, and joy; (c) create a safe space for men to discuss sensitive issues, such as relationships with significant others, sexuality, and substance abuse.  相似文献   


The higher rates of disease and death associated with male gender have been widely documented, yet little is being done in the college health setting to address men's health issues. Many of men's health risks are related to social isolation and prohibitions on showing weakness. The authors describe the Virginia Tech University experience with 3 Man Alive groups that were developed to (a) create a supportive social structure for male college students who may otherwise be socially isolated, (b) model healthy expression of emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, and joy; (c) create a safe space for men to discuss sensitive issues, such as relationships with significant others, sexuality, and substance abuse.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between cyberbullying and perceived social support, usage of the internet, and usage of social networking services (SNS). Whereas previous research has generally focused on adolescents, the current study attempted a comparative analysis among groups of adolescents, university students, and working adults. The analysis showed a positive relationship between usage of the internet for information and cyberbullying victimization, as well as a negative relationship between the usage of SNS for reading purposes and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. Experiences with cyberbullying as perpetrator and victim were found to be more numerous with higher numbers of online friends, while a negative relationship was observed between offline perceived social support and acts of cyberbullying. For the adolescent group, acts of cyberbullying were more common with less reading of SNS. For university students, a positive relationship was found between perceived social support and acts of perpetration and victimization. For working individuals, acts of perpetration and victimization were found to be more common with larger numbers of online and offline friends. In all three groups, a negative relationship was found between acts of cyberbullying and offline perceived support. Theoretical and managerial implications as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior and its consequences are a serious mental health problem for youth all over the world. In this study we investigated how problematic internet use, sensation seeking and social/dispositional factors are related to three forms of aggression: physical, verbal, and anger in a sample of Hungarian youth. In total 408 (50% females) aged between 14 and 24 years (M = 20.8 years, SD = 2.6) completed an online survey (between January and June 2014; different online social networking sites and online forums, such as university groups on Facebook and Hungarian writing sites) assessing these constructs. Multiple linear regression analyses (stepwise method) revealed a mixed pattern of predictors of each type of aggression, with boredom, age (as negative predictor), stress, lack of shyness and internet-associated neglect accounting for significant variance in verbal aggression. Obsessive internet use, disinhibition, stress and loneliness each accounted for significant variance in anger. Finally, after controlling for gender, internet-associated neglect, disinhibition and loneliness were associated with physical aggression. These findings suggest that interventions targetting aggression need to focus on different behaviors and attributes, depending on the type of aggression exhibited. Learning effective aggression management techniques should be a part of complex health education programs that would help with prevention of social conflicts, substance use, problem behavior, psychological and mental health problems as well as problematic internet use.  相似文献   

This study explores the practices of online social activities among children and adolescents in order to uncover the connections between preferences for online social interaction and loneliness, social support, and the mediating effect of identity experimentation online. Data were gathered from a random sample of 718 youngsters aged 9 to 19. Analyses revealed that individuals who are lonely and have a lower level of offline social support find opportunities for identity experimentation online more gratifying than those who are less lonely or not lonely. Both loneliness and social support offline were found significantly related to preference for online social interaction, but the relationships were mediated by identity experimentation online. Finally, it was found that age differences exist. In particular, individuals aged 9 to 14 who are lonely and those aged 15 to 19 with little social support show a significant preference for online social interaction. Implications for future research into identity experimentation online and social relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 459 fourth-graders, high school students, and undergraduates completed a Homelessness Questionnaire developed for use in this study. Although participants generally expressed positive and supportive attitudes toward the homeless, attributing homelessness to either social maladjustment (e.g., drug problem) or negative characteristics (e.g., laziness) within the homeless was positively associated with “fear of and anger toward the homeless” for all groups of participants. In addition, perceptions of and reactions to the homeless were influenced by both the participants’ gender and age group. Although high school and college students’ interest in helping the homeless was associated with various attitudes and reactions (e.g., feelings of sympathy/support), their indication that they had ever helped homeless people (either directly or indirectly) was consistently associated only with the acknowledgment that their mother and father had ever helped homeless people (either directly or indirectly). Among these older participants, homelessness in the United States was rated as a more serious problem at the end of the questionnaire than at the beginning.  相似文献   

Higher-education institutes today face an uphill battle in trying to restrain online misbehavior. This study examined the cyber-victimization experience of 1,052 higher education students with and without learning disabilities. All participants completed five online questionnaires regarding cyber-victimization, social support, self-perception, well-being, and body perception. Results revealed that compare to students without learning disabilities a higher proportion of students with learning disabilities reported cyber-victimization. Positive associations were found between students with learning disabilities and cyber-victimization, and negative correlations between students with learning disabilities, self-perception and well-being. Regression analysis indicated that for students with learning disabilities, predictors of cyber-victimization were low social support, low self-perception, and being female, whereas for students without learning disabilities, the predictors were low social support, low well-being, and low body perception.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of 2 Philip Morris corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs—a tobacco-related smoking prevention versus a tobacco-unrelated program—on college students' perceived CSR motive, attitudes toward Philip Morris, and behavioral intentions to support the company. Using 2 college student samples in the United States and South Korea, this study found that the tobacco-unrelated program and a positively perceived CSR motive elicited more positive responses about CSR values, attitudes toward CSR activities and the company, and behavioral intentions to support Philip Morris. Korean college students were more likely to perceive Philip Morris's CSR activities as mutually beneficial and to support Philip Morris than were American college students.  相似文献   

The authors investigated differences in college‐going expectations of middle school students who would be the 1st in their families to attend college. Social‐cognitive career theory (SCCT; R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, & G. Hackett, 1994) was used to examine college‐related expectations in 272 seventh‐grade students. Differences were found between prospective 1st‐generation college students (PFGCSs) and their non‐PFGCS peers, with the former group demonstrating lower self‐efficacy, higher negative outcome expectations, and more perceived barriers. Path analysis demonstrated partial support for the SCCT model. An alternative model for PFGCSs is proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if a link may be found between abuse history, fear of negative evaluation, and negative self-statements concerning heterosocial interaction. Participants were 59 female and 39 male college students from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Correlational analyses were done for both genders between measures of childhood and adolescent abuse history, fear of negative evaluation, and the use of positive vs. negative self-statements concerning social interaction. Positive correlations were obtained between the scale for sexual abuse and fear of negative evaluation, and between the scale for sexual abuse and the negative self-statement scale in the female group. T-tests revealed a significant difference between genders for total scores on the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CAT; Sanders & Becker-Lausen, 1995) and for the negative home environment/neglect subscale of the CAT. The findings suggest that women with history of sexual abuse may be at risk during social interactions with men. Findings of a significant difference between genders on the CAT, specifically in the area of negative home environment/neglect imply that girls suffer a higher level of abuse in this area than do boys.  相似文献   

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