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顾客关系、信任与顾客对服务失败的反应   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
优异的服务质量是建立长期顾客关系的重要手段。本文通过实际调查,分析了服务质量的两个维度--结果质量和过程质量对顾客满意度和重购意愿的影响,并探讨了顾客关系和信任感在服务评价和顾客反应方面的作用。研究发现,服务过程和服务结果间存在交互作用,顾客关系对服务质量的影响发挥着调节功能,信任感经由服务结果而影响顾客的反应。  相似文献   
随着经济全球化的加速,食品老字号品牌应重视国际消费者,制定品牌发展的国际化战略,走出国门,重塑品牌形象.本文以北京市为例,通过对来华留学生这一群体展开调查,评估北京食品老字号品牌在来华留学生中的传播效果,调查发现北京食品老字号品牌在来华留学生中品牌知晓度和满意度都不高.如何充分利用来华留学生在华期间制定具有针对性的且行之有效的品牌传播策略,如何开展国际化品牌传播战略是北京食品老字号品牌想要提高知名度,走向国际市场亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   
网络化已成为大学生的一种生存方式,但网络媒介的双重属性决定了它对社会生活的负面效应不可避免,引导大学生适应媒介化社会生活势在必行。新时期加强大学生媒介素养教育的逻辑起点在于:网络行为异化造成大学生社会角色迷失及其人格支离破碎;网络行为约束机制缺失冲击着大学生网络道德构建;网络媒介负外部性侵蚀着大学生身心健康。加强大学生媒介素养教育、构建立体化媒介素养教育模式,应着力于培育大学生的媒介伦理素养与主体意识,增强责任意识,理性使用网络媒介;大力强化教育管理者的网络媒介素养,提升实践育人能力,发挥协同效应;全力优化网络生态,降低网络环境对媒介素养教育的影响的风险。  相似文献   
组织学习是驱动企业创新、实现技术追赶与超越追赶的关键因素,如何合理组织企业的利用式和探索式学习是企业构建研发体系的关键问题。学界对二元学习是否有利于企业的创新绩效存在截然不同的观点。同时,组织内部的情境因素是影响组织二元学习和创新绩效关系的最根本因素,组织内部研发协作网络是二元学习的重要载体。基于美国半导体行业企业十年间的专利数据,实证研究发现,不同维度的二元学习对企业创新绩效具有不同的影响,联合二元学习能够积极影响企业的创新绩效,平衡二元学习则会降低企业的创新绩效;内部研发协作网络密度在二元学习和创新绩效的关系中具有显著的调节作用,企业的内部协作网络密度越高,联合二元学习对企业创新绩效的积极影响越弱,平衡二元学习对创新绩效的负影响则加剧。  相似文献   
明代宫廷的书画收藏十分丰富,嘉靖以后虽多有散出,但仍具有一定规模,直至明清鼎革之际宫廷所藏书画才散佚殆尽。明代宫廷所藏书画主要包括接收前代遗存、查抄籍没书画以及帝后臣工新创作书画几个部分。宫廷所藏书画主要由宦官机构司礼监负责保管,存放于质慎库中;另有部分历代帝王、君臣画像由印绶监保管,存放于古今通集库中。明代中叶以后,宫廷收藏书画通过充抵官员俸禄、偷窃等方式大量流散出宫,但同时也存在一定的补充和回流。明清易代之际,宫中所藏书画散佚殆尽,这为明末清初私人收藏家群体的崛起提供了机遇。  相似文献   
由于长期的城乡二元体制,我国农村养老事业的发展远落后于城市,农村养老政策的欠完善成为影响农村养老问题解决的重要因素.回顾新中国成立以来我国农村养老政策的发展历程,将其分为萌芽时期、转型时期和发展时期三个发展阶段,并重点分析了五保供养制度、农村养老保险制度、农村合作医疗制度、最低生活保障制度等特殊养老制度,在此基础上提出了农村养老政策的未来展望.  相似文献   
In this article, we generalize the partially linear single-index models to the scenario with some endogenous covariates variables. It is well known that the estimators based on the existing methods are often inconsistent because of the endogeneity of covariates. To deal with the endogenous variables, we introduce some auxiliary instrumental variables. A three-stage estimation procedure is proposed for partially linear single-index instrumental variables models. The first stage is to obtain a linear projection of endogenous variables on a set of instrumental variables, the second stage is to estimate the link function by using local linear smoother for given constant parameters, and the last stage is to obtain the estimators of constant parameters based on the estimating equation. Asymptotic normality is established for the proposed estimators. Some simulation studies are undertaken to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   
在抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导的太行山区军民铸就的太行精神仍具有积极的现代意义。具体体现是:弘扬爱国主义精神,投身振兴中华的事业;始终坚持全心全意为人民服务;继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风;坚决反对侵略,维护世界和平。  相似文献   
Objective: To analyze the impact of age, BMI and sex hormone on aging males’ symptoms (AMS) and the 5-item version of the international index of erectile function (IIEF-5) scores in middle-aged and elderly Chinese men.

Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Jiashan County. A total of 969 men, aged between 40 and 80 years old, were admitted. Physical examination and the sex hormones were measured, and AMS and IIEF-5 scores were assessed.

Results: The oneway ANOVA analysis indicated older age groups had higher AMS total-scores, somatic and sexual sub-scores, and lower IIEF5 scores (all p?rpairwise) analyses showed the significant associations between AMS and age or sex hormone (cFT, Bio-T, SHBG, and LH) levels, and similar for IIEF5. However, when age was adjusted, the correlation coefficients (rpartial) weakened, and correlation significance disappeared, except LH (for AMS: rpartial?=?0.096, p?=?.009; for IIEF-5: rpartial?= ?0.140, p?=?.001). Multiple linear regressions confirmed the influence of increased age and LH on the AMS and IIEF5 scores.

Conclusion: CFT, Bio-T and SHBG failed to yield any additional predicting information when age was adjusted. To improve the male reproductive health, future research should pay more attention on aging-related comorbidities and how to improve general wellness.  相似文献   
The components of a reliability system subjected to a common random environment usually have dependent lifetimes. This paper studies the stochastic properties of such a system with lifetimes of the components following multivariate frailty models and multivariate mixed proportional reversed hazard rate (PRHR) models, respectively. Through doing stochastic comparison, we devote to throwing a new light on how the random environment affects the number of working components of a reliability system and on assessing the performance of a k-out-of-n system.  相似文献   
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