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户籍制度引致的城乡二元结构让灵活就业流动人口难以真正融入城市公共服务体系,也给养老保险扩面工作带来困难。区别于既有研究侧重于流动人口养老保险政策和制度的调整,并基于经济融合、心理融合、社会接纳三个社会融合的维度,我们对浙江、四川进行了专项调研,分析了灵活就业流动人口参加社会养老保险意愿不高的原因,发现缴费能力低、城市归属感不强、就业地政策排斥是制约该群体在城市长期居留和养老参保的主要因素。为此,政府应着力提升该人群的个体人力资本,搭建社区交流平台,拓宽其社会融合的意见表达渠道,进而推动养老保险扩面服务。  相似文献   
Physical activity takes place in different social contexts such as leisure, home, and work. However, the differential associations of these distinct categories of activity with aspects of well-being have rarely been investigated. This study was designed to estimate independent associations of (a) leisure-time, (b) domestic and (c) work-related physical activities with subjective well-being in older adults. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2009 with 2,295 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 or older in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Among them, 307 participants were selected for a 3-year follow-up study in 2012. The results based on cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses demonstrated that leisure-time physical activity, after multivariate adjustment, was positively associated with five dimensions of well-being, including ‘physical’, ‘psychological’, ‘independence’, ‘learning and growth’, and ‘social’ well-being. Household physical activity was positively associated only with ‘social’ well-being. Occupational physical activity was not related to any dimension of well-being. The study suggests that associations between physical activity and dimensions of subjective well-being during later life are dependent on the social context in which the activity takes place. This study indicates that physical activity taken as leisure has greatest potential to enhance the quality of life of older adults.  相似文献   
本文试图从国际政治经济学的视角考察全球化之动力与反冲。全球化既造就了赢家,也产生了输家。有理由认为,那些从全球化进程中获益相对较多的国家或社会群体,将成为全球化的坚定支持者,从而推动进一步的开放。反之,那些因全球化而受损的国家和群体,很可能成为全球化的反对力量。尽管如此,赢家与输家的分野并非一成不变。如果各国政府能够以行之有效的政策手段来调和赢家与输家之间的分歧和对抗,那么全球化面临的反对力量就有可能被转化为动力。  相似文献   
This article uses privileged families who hire Independent Educational Consultants (IECs) as an instance to examine how privileged parents collaborate with individuals whom they consider educational experts to support their children in the college race. We argue that advantaged parents' anxieties about their children have created a market for IECs who provide expert advice in order to mitigate the uncertainties that these parents experience and to manage various goals that they want to achieve at an important turning point in their children's lives. Drawing primarily on interviews with parents who work with IECs, we introduce the concept of “collaborative cultivation” to analyze the processes whereby advantaged parents rely on the expertise and expert status of private counselors to cope with their and their children's vulnerability in the college race while at the same time preparing their children for the unknown future. The parental method of “concerted cultivation” reveals how elite parents rely on individuals they perceive as experts to establish “bridges” between their own social worlds and the academic worlds that appear to beyond their control. This bridging labor points to the myriad cultural beliefs enacted to justify the child‐rearing goals that privileged parents wish to accomplish by working with IECs.  相似文献   
由于计算机网络等通讯媒体的广泛使用以及经济的全球化,人们的社会交往模式发生了革命性的变化,即突破国家的界限,形成了以个体为核心的全球性的社会交往模式。“微全球化”研究是一种基于微观视野的全球化研究.其一般模式和共同特点是把个人层面上涉及跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系等方面的变化作为其研究的切入点,并进而把握某种跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系。“微全球化”现象泛见于与青年群体相关的各种活动和事件中,对青年的发展具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
青少年是网络的主要使用群体,网络在其社会化的过程中发挥了举足轻重的作用。网络不断带给青少年全新的认知与消费体验的同时,在一定程度上剥夺了主动性与能动性。"网红"现象火爆是互联网经济与文化发展的产物,折射出互联网时代青少年的主体性面临的深刻危机。本文从认知、态度与行动三个层面逐渐深入解读,对青少年认知与审美的主体性、消费行为的主体性,以及价值观塑造的主体性四个方面进行分析,阐释这场全民狂欢背后青少年的主体性迷失。  相似文献   
青年政治意识作为社会政治现象中的一个特殊方面,对中国、中国特色社会主义乃至中国特色社会主义政治的长远发展都具有重要的现实意义。以社会主义公共意识为基础,以主体性、发展性为一般属性,以政治性、积极性和行动性为特殊属性的政治行动意识作为主体政治心理走向政治人格的重要中介,是中国青年政治意识发展的未来取向,以政治参与意识为中心的青年政治行动意识培养是中国青年政治意识未来发展的重要路径。  相似文献   
《爱国者》以主人公吴以璜的跨国婚姻为主线,串联起分属不同党派、阶级乃至国家的众多形象,在宏阔的历史背景下再现了特定时代中的个体选择与命运。它不仅塑造中国的爱国者形象,表现中国军民的抗日热情;而且将众多日本所谓的"爱国者"置放于狂热与躁动的舆论环境中,揭示他们由天使走向恶魔的扭曲之路,并剖析深层原因,从而更深刻地揭露了日本军国主义发动侵华战争的罪行。赛珍珠用简约笔法勾勒的日本人群像,既令人信服,又发人深省,充分体现了她对日本民族心理与性格的深刻认知。  相似文献   
许多北京居民都千方百计避免吸入京城的雾霾,尤其在污染指数爆表的时候,但是当地的一名企业家却认为将这种污浊的空气装进罐中并作为纪念品出售将是个好主意.信不信由你,他的想法还真没错.  相似文献   
Sexual health education for young people is crucial not only for development of norms but also for protection against vulnerabilities during this stage in life. Although several systematic reviews have examined the effectiveness of peer-led sex education, none have focused on the extent of peer participation. The purpose of this review was to evaluate peer-led sexual health education interventions in more developed countries (MDCs). Electronic and manual searches across five social science, education, and medical databases were conducted. Fifteen articles were selected in total. Most (10 of 15) studies gave low or no responsibility to peers. The majority of articles found improvements in sexual health knowledge (13 of 14) and attitudes (11 of 15) at postintervention stages. Two studies showed improved self-efficacy, and three showed behavioral changes. A preliminary synthesis of effectiveness and level of participation was done. Meta-analysis revealed a large effect on knowledge change (Hedges’ g = 0.84, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.43 to 1.25) and a medium effect on attitude change (Hedges’ g = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.19 to 0.80). Peer-led interventions could be a powerful tool. This review shows that this approach is effective in changing knowledge and attitudes but not behaviors. Further research and action are needed to understand optimal implementation.  相似文献   
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