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The article describes the policy-making structure which governs the reform of justice in Afghanistan. It is characterized by an evolution from a bilateral to a multilateral approach, aimed at increasing the Afghan ownership. However, observing the system ‘from within’, it seems currently ruled by a mixed regime, being still deeply influenced by external inputs. As a consequence, the final outcome of the process remains uncertain.
Matteo TondiniEmail:
18世纪末以来,世界各大国对阿富汗的争夺以及阿富汗民族在夹缝中奋力抗争以求独立的不懈努力,构成了国际关系史中阿富汗问题的丰富内容。先有英法的对抗,继而是英俄及英苏的争夺,最后是美苏的抗衡及其各自发动的阿富汗战争。究其根源,有地缘故政治因素,有地缘经济因素,有部族、教派因素;有文化因素,同时也与阿富汗自身脆弱的中立外交有关。  相似文献   
作为一个多民族国家和一个部落文化盛行的国家,阿富汗的民族与部落问题非常突出。同时,尽管在禁毒方面取得了一定成绩,但阿富汗的毒品问题依旧十分严重。民族、部落问题与毒品问题相互影响,相互交织。解决阿富汗毒品问题,必需考虑到阿富汗的民族与部落问题,否则毒品问题很难得到真正解决。  相似文献   
奥巴马执政以来,美国反恐战争重心转移到阿富汗。与小布什不同,奥巴马反恐面临三重挑战,即振兴国内经济、结束反恐战争以及应对新兴大国群体的崛起。阿富汗战争久拖不决,奥巴马增兵重蹈前苏联覆辙,陷入泥潭而难以自拔,伊拉克战争的混乱局面继续在阿富汗延续,成为消耗美国力量的另一大困局。2010年中期选举败北之后,奥巴马的权力基础被削弱。在反恐战争第二个十年,阿富汗战争与美国经济的衰弱一道将继续加速美国在全球的衰落。  相似文献   
吴明策  戴永红 《民族学刊》2022,13(1):101-110, 142
铸牢中华民族共同体意识是全国各族人民团结稳定的基石,是新时代民族工作的主线,也是贯穿新疆安全与发展的主线。新疆民族地区是中华民族多元一体格局的重要组成部分,在新疆民族地区铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实质就是增强新疆各族群众对中华民族共同体的认同。当前美国为首的联军完全撤出阿富汗,阿富汗塔利班重掌阿富汗政权,阿富汗重建出现了新的局面。虽然阿富汗局势发生重大变化,但是难民问题、毒品问题、恐怖主义等非传统安全问题依然是阿富汗重建过程中必须面对和解决的。中国新疆与阿富汗接壤,阿富汗重建对新疆的安全与发展产生诸多影响。成功的阿富汗重建会消解其毒恐外溢的效应和强化新疆在丝绸之路经济带建设中的核心区地位。通过打击“三股势力”和毒品犯罪以维护好新疆社会的稳定为新疆的经济发展提供良好的安全环境。新疆经济持续健康发展,新疆各民族群众的生活持续向好,就会带动整个新疆民族地区的认同感增强,反过来又消除了“三股势力”和毒品犯罪赖以生存的土壤。安全与发展两者相辅相成、互为因果。新疆的安全与发展既是铸牢中华民族共同意识的实现路径,又是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的目标所在。  相似文献   
This study investigates the factors motivating women in Afghanistan to seek cosmetic surgery through qualitative in-depth interviews with 16 consumers of cosmetic surgery. Providing a discussion of contemporary life for women in Afghanistan during a time of social and political change, where many suggest women have more freedom and opportunities available to them following the fall of the Taliban and the US-led intervention, this study explores the extent to which post-feminist discourses of empowerment and choice are reflected in these experiences. While some have attributed the consumption of cosmetic surgery among Afghan women to newly granted freedom, this perspective presents cosmetic surgery as an individual choice rather than a response to the complex systems that promote limited beauty ideals. When challenged, this empowerment discourse dissolves to reveal the complexity of body-altering practices. The case of cosmetic surgery in Afghanistan comments on the complex global beauty economy through discussions of the post-feminist politics of choice, ethnic/class politics, and consumerism.  相似文献   
9.11事件以来,美国主导阿富汗和平重建进程,积极实施对阿“新战略”。地区国家对阿富汗和平重建十分关注并大力开展相关的外事工作,尤其突出了对阿富汗的援助。中国援助阿富汗和平重建的举措应当从资金管理、组织机构、援助项目等多方面增强阿富汗自主发展能力,提高援助的针对性和实效性。当前阿富汗局势正处于历史性的转折阶段,中国将同国际社会一道继续支持阿富汗人民克服新挑战。  相似文献   
北约从阿富汗撤军和撤军后阿富汗的局势都影响着中亚地区的安全,但它们对中亚各个国家的影响在程度和具体内容上明显不同。面对北约从阿富汗撤军的影响,中亚国家难以通过向阿富汗政府提供有效的军事和政治支持来防范威胁进入,只能更多地向俄罗斯或美国寻求安全保障。与此同时,中亚国家不同的安全战略选择也使北约从阿富汗撤军的影响有所扩大。  相似文献   
阿富汗是世界上最大的鸦片生产和供应国。2010年鸦片种植量较2009年没有变化,但产量大幅降低,鸦片的市场价格则增长很快。阿富汗南部和西部是鸦片种植量最大的地区,也是塔利班和一些极端、恐怖组织最活跃、安全状况最弱的地方。阿富汗毒品问题受极端组织、腐败和部族势力的多重影响,在短时间内难以得到解决,仍将是阿富汗重建的重要障碍,并将继续给国际社会造成巨大的危害。加强国际合作是目前最有效的禁毒措施。  相似文献   
Women’s empowerment has become a salient issue in nation building in recent times. The need to secure basic human rights may well be at the core of the attention, but development experts appear to have recognized the core role of women in family and community well-being in developing countries and are beginning to tout the importance of women’s empowerment in all the aspects of development policies as reflected in the European Union’s Millennium Development Goals. This study explores political gender differences in Afghanistan, a Muslim country of extensive gender differentiation. The gender disparities we observe are not what one might have expected. Men outperform women only in those specific areas where the prohibitive structural and social limitations placed on women by the larger Afghan society would predict. We contend that these gaps would attenuate as Afghanistan’s nascent democracy deepens and extends more freedoms to Afghan women.  相似文献   
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