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Asymptotic inferences about a linear combination of K independent binomial proportions are very frequent in applied research. Nevertheless, until quite recently research had been focused almost exclusively on cases of K≤2 (particularly on cases of one proportion and the difference of two proportions). This article focuses on cases of K>2, which have recently begun to receive more attention due to their great practical interest. In order to make this inference, there are several procedures which have not been compared: the score method (S0) and the method proposed by Martín Andrés et al. (W3) for adjusted Wald (which is a generalization of the method proposed by Price and Bonett) on the one hand and, on the other hand, the method of Zou et al. (N0) based on the Wilson confidence interval (which is a generalization of the Newcombe method). The article describes a new procedure (P0) based on the classic Peskun method, modifies the previous methods giving them continuity correction (methods S0c, W3c, N0c and P0c, respectively) and, finally, a simulation is made to compare the eight aforementioned procedures (which are selected from a total of 32 possible methods). The conclusion reached is that the S0c method is the best, although for very small samples (n i ≤10, ? i) the W3 method is better. The P0 method would be the optimal method if one needs a method which is almost never too liberal, but this entails using a method which is too conservative and which provides excessively wide CIs. The W3 and P0 methods have the additional advantage of being very easy to apply. A free programme which allows the application of the S0 and S0c methods (which are the most complex) can be obtained at http://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXE.  相似文献   
奥古斯特.威尔逊被公认为继奥尼尔、威廉斯和米勒之后最重要的美国剧作家。作为文化民族主义者,他坚持非裔戏剧作品的"黑人性"和黑人文化身份的"非洲性",主张通过书写黑人历史帮助当代美国黑人与非洲进行文化连接和实现身份建构。奥古斯特.威尔逊的戏剧创作思想和写作手法深受4B、即罗马尔.比尔登(Romare Bearden)、阿米里.巴拉卡(Amiri Baraka)、乔治.路易斯.博尔格斯(Jorge Lois Borges)以及布鲁斯(Blues)音乐的影响。奥古斯特.威尔逊的作品在题材、内容、结构、语言等方面具有绘画、小说、音乐等多种艺术门类的特点,其剧作在当代剧坛独树一帜。  相似文献   
托马斯.伍德罗.威尔逊是20世纪在美国乃至西方最著名和颇具影响的学者和政治家,也是理想主义的主要代表人物和理想主义外交政策的实际施行者。他所倡导的理想主义道德政治对国际政治产生了深远影响。基督教信仰传统教育以及"美国例外论"、"美国使命论"对威尔逊的政治信仰及道德观具有决定性的影响,考察威尔逊关于战争的思想转变和国际联盟思想形成的历程,并重点总结威尔逊政治伦理思想的基本内容、重要影响及其现实意义。  相似文献   
"不确定性"是后现代主义文学的特征之一,但它在现代主义文学中就已经存在。在福克纳的《八月之光》中,人物的存在状态呈现出明显的不确定性特征。以主人公克里斯默斯为代表,这种不确定性主要表现为三种:时间中的悬浮、空间里的游离和精神上的偏执。而失去确定性之后孤独飘荡的个体,就成了《八月之光》中的核心意象。对于这种困境,福克纳在小说中虽未明确地给出拯救的方式,却通过莉娜的象征意义间接地指出了一条解救之道。  相似文献   
1935年8月1日,以王明为首的中共驻共产国际代表团发布了<八一宣言>,倡议国内各党各派捐弃前嫌、一致抗日,呼吁建立广泛的"抗日民族统一战线".此举赢得了各界人士的热烈拥护,引发了全国性的救亡热潮.中共理论家陈伯达等人借此发动了"新启蒙运动"."新启蒙运动"以抗日救国为其表、以传播中国化了的"马克思列宁主义"为其里.陈伯达们适时地借助救亡大潮,掀起"左翼"思潮,而"左翼"思潮又与救亡大潮融为一体.大量的青年知识者怀着救亡图存的目的选择了共产党,这对于左翼思想在中国的广泛传播以及新中国的最终建立,都产生了重要影响.  相似文献   
奥古斯都时期古罗马城市化的推进与繁荣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在罗马帝国城市化过程中,奥古斯都在“分而治之,因地制宜”的总原则指导下,在政治、经济、宗教、文化等方面推行了一系列行之有效的政策,从而促进了罗马帝国城市化的繁荣,实现了罗马帝国的平稳过渡,罗马帝国的安定局面一直得以保持。  相似文献   
第一次世界大战后期 ,美国缘何参战 ,众说纷纭。“齐默尔默电报泄密事件”可谓与“无限制潜艇战”同样被认为是美国对德宣战的重要导因 ,文章根据一些史实资料从多角度再做分析 ,进一步加深对美国参战因素的再思考  相似文献   
王立新 《求是学刊》2004,31(6):142-148
本文运用美国外交决策分析中的相关理论对美国伍德罗·威尔逊政府在1913年承认中华民国的政策进行了再研究。总统威尔逊之所以不顾其他列强的反对,放弃大国协商一致的原则,率先承认中华民国,主要出于扩大在华的思想与文化影响和支持中国共和运动的考虑。威尔逊政府对中华民国的承认是美国外交政策中意识形态影响战胜经济与地缘政治利益,或者说是理想政治战胜现实政治的一个典型个案。  相似文献   
Yu et al. [An improved score interval with a modified midpoint for a binomial proportion. J Stat Comput Simul. 2014;84:1022–1038] propose a novel confidence interval (CI) for a binomial proportion by modifying the midpoint of the score interval. This CI is competitive with the various commonly used methods. At the same time, Martín and Álvarez [Two-tailed asymptotic inferences for a proportion. J Appl Stat. 2014;41:1516–1529] analyse the performance of 29 asymptotic two-tailed CI for a proportion. The CI they selected is based on the arcsin transformation (when this is applied to the data increased by 0.5), although they also refer to the good behaviour of the classical methods of score and Agresti and Coull (which may be preferred in certain circumstances). The aim of this commentary is to compare the four methods referred to previously. The conclusion (for the classic error α of 5%) is that with a small sample size (≤80) the method that should be used is that of Yu et al.; for a large sample size (n?≥?100), the four methods perform in a similar way, with a slight advantage for the Agresti and Coull method. In any case the Agresti and Coull method does not perform badly and tends to be conservative. The program which determines these four intervals are available from the address http://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXEhttp://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXE.  相似文献   
卡伦·霍妮的神经症理论对文学人物的剖析有很强的适用性,以《八月之光》主人公克里斯默斯的神经症人格作为切入点,探究人物的精神世界,更能体察到人物内心的焦虑和敌意,更能透视人性扭曲的根源。种族主义的戕害和社会文化的荼毒,导致主人公人格异化,逐步发展了屈从型、攻击型和孤立型并存的神经症人格。  相似文献   
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