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生死问题是一个与每个人关系极为密切,而人们又不能不认真加以思考的问题。孔孟对这一人生问题进行了理性的思考和系统的总结,形成了具有丰富内涵的早期儒家生死观。在孔孟看来,生命是可贵的;死亡既具有必然性,同时又具有偶然性;死亡既是一件可悲的事情也是一件快乐的事情。他们十分重视死亡仪式。  相似文献   
《论语·学而篇》第十六章"不患人之不己知,患不知人也",传统的解释是"不着急别人不了解自己,却着急自己不了解别人",这未能切中孔子原意.从论语的不同注本看,更重要的是从孔子和《论语》的一贯精神看,该章应解释为"不要担心别人不了解自己,而应担心自己没有东西让别人了解".  相似文献   
通过对孔子的教育思想和实践等方面的分析,指出由于孔子生活的时代对其哲学思想的影响,孔子的思想具有唯心主义和形而上学的阴影,孔子世界观中蕴含着宝贵的朴素唯物论和辩证法思想。  相似文献   
孔子仁学思想强调爱人、克己、崇德,把这种仁学思想落实到教育工作中就是教师要爱学生,要克制自我中心主义的倾向,要修身立德。这种思想对正确处理好师生关系从而赢得教育教学的成功具有极大的启示意义。  相似文献   
运用文献计量学的方法,对《河北理工大学学报》(社会科学版)2001-2004四年载文,栏目设置,作者分布等进行了统计分析。  相似文献   
“礼”属孔子思想的重要范畴,春秋时期社会的失序决定了孔子特殊的重礼情结。顺应春秋时期的礼治思潮,孔子寄希望于礼治秩序的重建,试图通过个体的理性自觉实现境界提升,由个体之“仁”重建理想的礼治和谐社会。孔子的省刑或无刑的主张,表现出强烈的人文情怀,与其后来的法家有不同的思路,其思想具有超越时代的意义,对今天和谐社会的建构仍具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
孔子与苏格拉底是早期人类思想史中的重要人物,他们都有着深刻而丰富的道德教育思想.尽管他们生活在不同的文化和社会背景下,二者道德教育的价值取向与方法原则也迥然相异,但二者道德教育的现实与理论起点却又有诸多的相似点.比较、反思孔子与苏格拉底道德教育思想的异同,对于深入了解中西文化传统、批判性地吸收西方道德教育中的积极因素,对推进当前我国的道德教育建设无疑具有重要的作用.  相似文献   
春秋时代,诸侯争霸,“霸”即“伯”,即争当“诸侯长”。历史上,虽有孟子等儒者对春秋史事评价过低,但孔子作《春秋》记载春秋大事,对齐桓公、晋文公主盟之事给予了积极、正面的评价,并从这段历史中发现政治智慧与思想之光,以“大义”和“微言”形式总结其中的经验。“大义”主要有:“尊王”“尊周”,反分裂;“选贤与能”,天下为公;天下治理,“会盟”共商;倡仁道,鄙诈力等。“微言”主要有:“大一统”;“通三统”;“张三世”;新“夷夏”观等。《春秋》“大义”和“微言”都具有与时俱进的特质和价值,可以进行现代性阐发与转化:政治上,维护国家统一,反对国家分裂,推举贤能理政;文化上,促进文明交流与民族融合,维护文明延续发展与民族团结等,这些在当代都具有宝贵的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Routinely collected computerized data were used to study the process of service delivery in terms of admission patterns, type and quantity of services rendered, and status at termination for whites and nonwhites in two community mental health centers. Social area analysis techniques were employed to control for socio-economic status, ethnicity and life style variables, and an epidemiologic model was used to analyze admission and service delivery rate differences. It was found that nonwhite admission rates were at least twice as great as white rates. Service delivery rates to the population at large were considerably greater for nonwhites than for whites. Delivery of direct services within the centers differed for whites and nonwhites, but no consistent trends emerged when types and amounts of services rendered were analyzed, controlling for sex, ethnicity, age, diagnosis and social area. Disruption of care indices were greater for nonwhites than for whites. Highlighted were some of the complexities involved in interpreting results of utilization studies.  相似文献   
The client oriented cost outcome system has been under development in Pennsylvania community and hospital programs since 1972. The system builds upon the behavioral and decision data generated with or on behalf of consumers. Flexibility for local program system design is permitted if the procedures of consumer intake, review, and termination document each consumer's (a) problems, resources, and goals, (b) overall functioning level in their ordinary community, and (c) services intended and rendered as related to (a), above. While the system's primary application is in providing feedback for local program quality assurance and evaluation procedures, aggregation of data permits program planning and evaluation at county, state, and federal levels in terms of (a) client demographic or diagnostic characteristics, and (b) program service characteristics and objectives.  相似文献   
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