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本文评析孔见散文《丁村的酸梅》 ,指出作者对社会、历史、人性、命运深邃而独特的感悟和认知 ,以及作者积极进取而又随遇而安的人生态度。  相似文献   
Globalization, de-industrialization and Hong Kong's private rental sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of scholars have identified a changing role for private rental housing, as it becomes a more mainstream tenure to house the insecure rich and poor alike in globalizing cities. Hong Kong is an important global city and is experiencing rising rates of social polarization associated with globalization generally, its articulation with the Chinese economy specifically and the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Our empirical research suggests that Hong Kong's private rental sector has responded to and articulates with the city's specific globalization trajectory. It increasingly houses the highly paid, highly skilled but relatively insecure elite and the low paid, low skilled and very insecure underclass, for whom prospects of public housing or home ownership are diminishing. Private renters are younger, more mobile and house both top-end and bottom-end ethnic minorities. The traditional role of private renting and large scale obsolete inner-city housing stock, combined with the aggressive development of up-market and highly desirable private housing estates makes the sector particularly adept at meeting the needs of Hong Kong's hour glass shaped global society. We anticipate that the size of the private rental sector will increase, albeit from a low base and that its hour-glass shape will become more pronounced.  相似文献   
大陆与港澳台的法律分属不同的法系或法律文化,它们虽有很多共同之处,但彼此也有不少差异。从法定继承的地位及适用、法定继承人的范围、法定继承顺序以及法定继承份额等方面,对四法域的法定继承制度作全面比较分析,对了解四法域继承法律制度的异同具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
<孔丛子>一书最初以<盘盂>作为书名,东汉以后始名<孔丛>,宋人改作<孔丛子>,当以<孔丛>为是.其书作者,旧题汉孔鲋撰,宋以后多疑后人依托,今人径称伪托.窃以为前六卷当出自孔鲋之手,第七卷为东汉时孔氏后裔补缀.其书在形成过程中被一再修润,故其文风类似东汉人.笔者发现书中所记多处不合常情常理,子思与孟子的对话更出于杜撰.对于全书内容的可信度有待通过深入辨析予以确定.  相似文献   
以1979年至2004年的"人大复印资料·中国现代、当代文学研究"和<读书>作为考察对象,通过对学界具有一定权威性的期刊用稿倾向的分析,点评近年大陆学界的香港文学研究状况,从批评视野的限制、理论与方法空间的调整及其有效性等方面的考察入手,指出目前大陆学界的香港文学研究走向学术升级的症结所在:就现象研究而言,须摆脱传媒热点问题的干扰,在流行文学以外给文艺小说更多的关注,发掘出真正具有文学史意义的作品;就学科理论体系的建构而言,需要建立具有理论生发能力和原创性的学术话题来促进学术研究水平的提升,此外,学术评价体制对学科研究前景的影响也不容忽视.  相似文献   
从"五至"说的比较来看,<孔子家语·论礼>篇"子夏侍坐于孔子"章与<礼记·孔子闲居>篇及楚简<民之父母>篇所据祖本不同,<家语·论礼>篇所记更真实,更符合原意,并非抄袭<礼记>而来.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the impact of foreign domestic workers (FDWs) on parental roles and family dynamics of Hong Kong’s middle class families. The increase in married women’s labor force participation in Hong Kong has led to a greater demand for childcare, which has been filled by FDWs. Based on interviews with 15 dual-earner couples in middle class nuclear families employing FDWs, how FDWs affect the mother’s gender role and family dynamics is discussed. Boundary work is used by parents in their daily interaction with their children and their FDWs so as to reconcile the perceived indispensability of these workers on the one hand, and the challenges they pose to the definition of parenthood on the other. This research was funded by a Lingnan University Social Sciences Program Research Grant RES/SOC010/978. I am grateful to the guest editors and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.  相似文献   
In order to develop a dose‐response model for SARS coronavirus (SARS‐CoV), the pooled data sets for infection of transgenic mice susceptible to SARS‐CoV and infection of mice with murine hepatitis virus strain 1, which may be a clinically relevant model of SARS, were fit to beta‐Poisson and exponential models with the maximum likelihood method. The exponential model (k= 4.1 × l02) could describe the dose‐response relationship of the pooled data sets. The beta‐Poisson model did not provide a statistically significant improvement in fit. With the exponential model, the infectivity of SARS‐CoV was calculated and compared with those of other coronaviruses. The does of SARS‐CoV corresponding to 10% and 50% responses (illness) were estimated at 43 and 280 PFU, respectively. Its estimated infectivity was comparable to that of HCoV‐229E, known as an agent of human common cold, and also similar to those of some animal coronaviruses belonging to the same genetic group. Moreover, the exponential model was applied to the analysis of the epidemiological data of SARS outbreak that occurred at an apartment complex in Hong Kong in 2003. The estimated dose of SARS‐CoV for apartment residents during the outbreak, which was back‐calculated from the reported number of cases, ranged from 16 to 160 PFU/person, depending on the floor. The exponential model developed here is the sole dose‐response model for SARS‐CoV at the present and would enable us to understand the possibility for reemergence of SARS.  相似文献   
新加坡英语和香港英语在许多方面具有共性和差异,在词汇上表现得尤为明显。新加坡英语的构词方式主要包括借词、译借词、杂交词、创新词和习语等五种,而香港英语则较少出现杂交词,借词的种类也相对单一。新加坡英语和香港英语在词汇方面的异同体现了英语与本土语言文化的交融,也反映了两地社会生活、语言政策、身份象征等因素对英语使用的影响。  相似文献   
日本传本《古文孝经》回传中国考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《古文孝经孔传》当是汉魏以后长期流传的《孝经》注本之一 ,未必是孔安国所作 ,其书在梁末亡逸。隋朝开皇十四年以后 ,经刘炫之手又出现了所谓的《孔传》本 ,对于其真伪问题当时即有争议。此本在隋唐时期传入日本 ,而五代以后在中国却已佚失。《古文孝经》在日本的传授源流是清楚的 ,祖本当是隋唐旧本 ,非日本人伪造。日本江户时代学者太宰纯校刻的《古文孝经孔氏传》正是以日本足利学所藏刘炫《孝经直解》本为底本 ,参校众本 ,旁及他书所引 ,更加音注而成。此书回传中国 ,在清朝学界产生了较大影响 ,也引起不少争议。  相似文献   
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