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为确保对华中占领区的统治,消灭该地区内的新四军,1941年7月至1944年底,日汪在江苏大部分地区掀起了罪恶的“清乡”活动。针对日汪掀起的“清乡”活动,活跃在江苏抗日根据地的新四军在中共中央及华中局的领导下,坚持党的一元化领导,把武装斗争、统一战线与群众动员紧密结合在一起,积极展开反“清乡”运动,最终赢得了反“清乡”斗争的胜利。  相似文献   
梁振华的长篇历史小说《新青年》展现了作家浓厚的反思意识和对历史小说真实性书写的探索,作家用充满生活逻辑和现实指向的方式来叙说中国近现代史,为人们重新认识1907至1927年间的中国提供了一个新的视角和平台。  相似文献   
为培养中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人,以思政课的教育实践为例,对习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进行研究。研究认为,习近平总书记从民族复兴、党和国家事业发展以及建设中国特色社会主义教育强国的全局出发,高度重视教师队伍建设和教育工作;作为用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人的中坚力量,思政课教师要在学生心里埋下真善美的种子,始终做学生立德铸魂的引路人;思政课教师要坚持不懈地传播马克思主义科学理论,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装师生头脑,引领学生坚定理想信念,补足“精神之钙”,始终做政治清醒的明白人;要引领学生弘扬中国精神,锚定成长成才的“压舱石”,特别要在指导学生贯通学好“四史”,涵育家国情怀和培养创新实践能力方面下功夫;要引领学生培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,在学思悟践中掌握马克思主义科学思辩的方法论精髓和实践要义,切实解决好世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”问题,帮助学生“扣好人生第一粒扣子”。  相似文献   
高等农业院校服务社会主义新农村建设的探索与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建设社会主义新农村是国家提出解决"三农"问题的战略决策。加强社会主义新农村建设,高等农业院校承担着重要的历史任务。高等农业院校该如何在建设社会主义新农村中发挥作用,怎样发挥作用,华南农业大学在这方面做了有益探索。作者详细论述了华南农业大学为社会主义新农村建设服务取得的成效。主要做法包括积极开展各类教育与培训,为"三农"和社会主义新农村建设培养高素质人才;加强科学研究,通过新产品研发和成果转化,为社会主义新农村建设服务提供科技支撑;加强与政府、科研和技术推广机构的合作,加大成果转化与推广力度,全方位服务社会;开创新的推广转化模式,创办《绿色家园》农业科普电视栏目,大力开展科技下乡活动;鼓励毕业生到基层、到西部、到祖国最需要的地方建功立业。  相似文献   
Alcohol consumption and its relationship to gambling was examined in a statewide New Mexico survey in 1996 and 1998. Data regarding both drinking habits and gambling behavior were obtained from a stratified random sample of the adult population (N = 2674) across the entire State of New Mexico via phone survey. These surveys were carried out shortly after a period when New Mexico experienced an initial surge in the legalized gaming industry. Fifty-seven percent of survey respondents reported drinking in the past month, while 43.1% reported no drinking in the past 30 days. Results show that while the number of days in the past 30 that a person drinks is significantly correlated with some types of gambling behavior (e.g., in 1998, drinking more days was associated with more card gambling and sports gambling), it is the amount of alcohol consumed per occasion that is associated with more gambling behavior. For example, in both 1996 and 1998, drinking more per occasion was associated with more sports betting, dice gambling, number/lottery gambling, gambling using machines, and paper game gambling (e.g., pull tabs, punchboard). These results suggest that problem gambling behavior is not affected as much by the number of occasions on which one consumes alcohol, as by the amount of alcohol consumed per occasion.  相似文献   
2007年6月1日开始实施的新《合伙企业法》是一部非常有效地法律,但其最大缺陷是仍然没有规定表见合伙制度。表见合伙与表见代理、与民事欺诈是有明显区别的,不能用表见代理与民事欺诈解决实践中的表见合伙纠纷。新《合伙企业法》第76条的规定让人困惑,像似表见合伙,实则不然。建立表见合伙制度更有利于保障交易公平和安全,彰显善意第三人的利益,充分救济善意第三人的权利。因此,我国应当建立表见合伙制度。  相似文献   
欧洲绿党所倡导的“绿色新政”,其目的在于实现在地球自然限制内带来经济繁荣、社会正义和生活幸福的经济社会的全面转型,而实现路径则依赖于对基础设施、工业产业、教育创新、社会聚合与自然环境等进行投资。由欧洲议会绿党党团委托支持、绿色智库“重构”完成的这一研究报告,试图构建一个相对不利环境下如何达到改变欧洲经济与社会状况的投资水平的金融体制。它认为,欧盟每年需将GDP的2%投资到2020年时实现CO2排放减少30%目标的工作中,并建议财源的主体应是私人投资,同时国家创造必需的激励和支持以吸引这些私人投资。  相似文献   
Variable r‐lessness in New Orleans English is a salient linguistic feature tied to local place‐based identity. In this study, I examine rates of r‐lessness in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, which caused large‐scale displacement in the region. Participants come from the linguistically conservative suburb of Chalmette, where r‐lessness is more robust than in New Orleans proper. Participants’ connections to Chalmette were measured in two ways: (1) post‐Katrina location status, i.e. whether participants returned or relocated after the storm; (2) place orientation, captured via an ethnographically informed, multifaceted measure of stance and exposure to places outside of Chalmette. Analysis revealed that place orientation better predicts rates of r‐lessness than post‐Katrina location. I argue that the marked quality of r‐lessness makes it available for identity‐driven use to express a connection to Chalmette. This study demonstrates one way to account for the linguistic implications of individuals’ shifting allegiances to places they live(d).  相似文献   
新生代农民工城市融入的本质是新生代农民工与城市市民、城市社会组织及政治的互动与认同,这种互动与认同以信任为基础。其中人际信任、组织信任与政治信任分别构成新生代农民工身份建构的基础、融入城市的社会资本与政治认同的基础。由于当前社会人际信任缺失、组织信任匮乏与政治信任偏低,导致新生代农民工陷入身份建构与政治认同困境。因此只有通过修复新生代农民工的人际信任、增进其组织信任、重构政治信任方能构建起积极的身份认同。  相似文献   
Milestone or deadline driven production management is predominant in most manufacturing companies. Problems and other disturbing occurrences tend to see their first daylight during phases where plans are implemented into reality, for example, when production commences, prototypes enter manufacturing and deliveries are expected. Conventional control routines fail to depict the true progress and procedures of the company on an on-line basis, which means that instead of being proactive they serve as means to react to already existing problems. This paper studies the application of advanced visualization techniques to the already existing information embedded in a comany's information infrastructure, and how it can help management to anticipate probable near future pitfalls. By studying those daily operations of a company which share a document relationship with the true manufacturing process, that is, the meta-manufacturing processes, a completely new perspective on the company's value-adding activities is drawn. By mining the existing data reservoirs of a company traditionally difficult management processes, such as product development, vendor integration, production planning, can be analysed and the problems identified in a novel way to react in advance. The paper displays several empirical examples from bulk to one-of-a-kind production where the method has been successfully implemented.  相似文献   
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