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对改进计划生育目标管理责任制考核办法的必要性及建立计划生育优质服务以面询、电询、函询为主的"三询"评估制的必要性进行了论述,并结合如东县"三询"评估制的实践情况,对其科学性、可行性和可操作性进行了阐述,旨在为调整计划生育责任制考核机制,推动计划生育优质服务提供新的思路.  相似文献   
苏南地区从乡镇企业异军突起到率先建设小康社会的探索,为邓小平小康社会思想的形成提供了实践依据,而苏南发展取得的丰硕成果是对邓小平小康社会思想的最好验证.苏南地区实践邓小平小康社会思想的可贵之处在于解放思想,抢抓机遇,坚持以经济建设为中心不动摇,坚持两个文明一起抓不动摇,推动经济与社会协调发展,在实践中不断探索、改革和创新,不断创造新的速度、新的效益、新的经验.当前,中央提出科学发展观,苏南的实践给人们留下丰富的启示.  相似文献   
坚持"以人为本"的管理理念,运用各种激励手段激发教师的积极性和创造力,吸引和稳定教师队伍是高校"人的工作"的重要内容.本文以江苏工业学院"人的工作"的实践创新活动为例,从六个方面详细分析了"人的工作"中激励理念和激励手段的运用.  相似文献   
王禹偁是北宋初期诗文革新的先驱 ,其诗歌能从宋初的白体诗中解放出来而发展其讽谕的传统 ,并提倡学习杜甫 ,开宋学杜先河 ;在散文改革上能发展韩愈的“文以明道”与“文从字顺”的理论 ,提出“文以传道明心”的新见解 ,从理论和实践上为宋初诗文革新提供范例  相似文献   
陕北方言的"嘞"、"口览"、"来来"大致分别相当于普通话的"了1(呢)"、"了2"和"来着",但用法上存在不少差异,语法形式和意义别具特色。以结构形式为纲,分别对它们的各种用法及语法、语义作用进行讨论,其内部结构、语气体貌及外部组合的互补分布规律卓然可见。  相似文献   
北宋时,中日之间几乎没有派遣正式的政府使节,但在相互交往中两国的僧侣起到了媒介作用.本文首先考察了北宋时中日僧侣交往的概况,其次着重分析"僧侣现象"的政治背景、经济原因以及日僧入宋目的.北宋中日僧侣交往,改变了宋人对日本的看法,也进一步促进了中日双方的文化交流,影响极为深远.  相似文献   
Alternative accounts of the Northern Irish peace process are analyzed. It is noted that neither Unionist nor Republican accounts accord a significant or positive role to civil society in the reaching of a political settlement. It is only in what might be called the metropolitan liberal perspective that influence is attributed to the role of civil society in achieving a settlement. Two junctures at which civil society, centered on the third sector, played a prominent role in the peace process are analyzed: the Opsahl Commission before the launch of the peace process in 1993 and the nonparty Yes campaign during the referendum on the Belfast Agreement in May 1998. The paper then goes on to discuss why the influence of civil society has declined since the referendum, and draws attention to the conflict between the top-down implications of the consociational nature of the Belfast Agreement and the bottom-up promotion of political accommodation through civil society.  相似文献   
"生生之德"是中国文化的基本精神.宋明理学(包括美学)继承和弘扬了这一思想.审美境界是朱熹及其理学前辈美学思想的核心问题.而审美境界又是一个生命意识问题."生生之德"与审美境界就有着极为重大的内在关系.北宋理学美学家们恰好就是从这一方面去探讨审美问题的.  相似文献   
"任自然"是魏晋南北朝审美意识的主流."任自然"的审美意识,与先秦时期形成的"天人合一"的文化美学思想有渊源关系.在当时,"任自然"主要落实在名士对自然天放的美好人生境界的追求中."任自然"的审美活动导引出钟情于"清秀"的审美取向,对文学、美术、工艺等产生重要影响.  相似文献   
In this paper we examine the relationship between social movements and the police through an analysis of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) which emerged in the late 1960s in Northern Ireland. Following della Porta (1995) and Melucci (1996) we argue that the way in which episodes of collective action are policed can affect profoundly both levels of mobilization and the orientation of social movements. We also submit that the symbolic and representational dimensions of policing can be a significant trigger in the stimulation of identification processes and collective action. The paper concludes by questioning some of the assumptions contained within social movement theory, and their applicability to divided societies such as Northern Ireland.  相似文献   
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