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马秀峰 《河南社会科学》2012,20(3):99-102,108
河南省工业与信息化领域如何从本省实际出发,吸取国内外成功经验,增强区域自主创新能力,是河南省科技工作和经济工作的第一要务,是全面推进中原经济区建设、加快中原崛起河南振兴的关键。通过对"十一五"时期河南省工业与信息化领域自主创新能力现状进行分析,结合国家自主创新战略,提出了"十二五"河南省工业与信息化领域提升自主创新能力应遵循的原则,并结合行业特点提出了相应行业自主创新工作对策,以期能对中原经济区建设发挥更大作用。  相似文献   
三国故事的漫长传播史,经各类传播方式长期参与,由历代文人撰述与丰富的民间记忆共同构成。三国故事传播史多元并存的独特结构,是孕育培养《三国演义》的文化沃土。然此杰出的古典长篇小说,亦属三国故事漫长流播史的环节和支脉,而非三国故事漫长传播的最后定本。  相似文献   

Item response models are essential tools for analyzing results from many educational and psychological tests. Such models are used to quantify the probability of correct response as a function of unobserved examinee ability and other parameters explaining the difficulty and the discriminatory power of the questions in the test. Some of these models also incorporate a threshold parameter for the probability of the correct response to account for the effect of guessing the correct answer in multiple choice type tests. In this article we consider fitting of such models using the Gibbs sampler. A data augmentation method to analyze a normal-ogive model incorporating a threshold guessing parameter is introduced and compared with a Metropolis-Hastings sampling method. The proposed method is an order of magnitude more efficient than the existing method. Another objective of this paper is to develop Bayesian model choice techniques for model discrimination. A predictive approach based on a variant of the Bayes factor is used and compared with another decision theoretic method which minimizes an expected loss function on the predictive space. A classical model choice technique based on a modified likelihood ratio test statistic is shown as one component of the second criterion. As a consequence the Bayesian methods proposed in this paper are contrasted with the classical approach based on the likelihood ratio test. Several examples are given to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   
加强内地高校大学生对港澳区情教育消弭两地文化壁垒,舒缓心理认知偏见,促进两地高校交流与合作,理应成为我国国情教育的题中之义。截至目前,内地高校尚未系统将港澳区情教育纳入我国国情教育范畴,这不仅反映出我国国情教育的滞后性,并由此带来一系列问题。该文就此问题对高校开展港澳区情教育的价值体认和策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   
推行本科生导师制符合高等教育的基本规律,是真正体现教书育人本质,引导学生成长成才、创新人才培养方式、创新学生教育与管理模式的重要举措。M校紧扣立德树人根本任务,聚焦全员、全过程、全方位育人的体制机制建设,通过推行“以宿舍为单元的本科生导师制”来构建新型师生关系,充分发挥教师在“思想教导、专业辅导、生活指导、心理疏导、学术引导”等多方面的作用,强化实践教学环节中的实践能力培养,不断满足学生个性化培养的需要;通过严把本科生导师选聘入口关,明确本科生导师的工作职责,规范本科生导师工作方式,建立健全本科生导师考核评价和激励约束机制来规范和保障本科生导师制的良性运行,促学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   
21世纪以来,中国共产党相继开展了农村三个代表重要思想学习教育活动,以实践三个代表重要思想为主要内容的保持党员先进性教育活动和深入学习实践科学发展观活动。通过这三次活动,广大党员、干部受到深刻的马克思主义教育,进一步增强了对三个代表重要思想的认识。这三次活动对于在新的历史起点上推进党的建设的伟大工程,具有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
县是国家政权结构的基本单元,国家政权行使和行政管理的基础,县对上是宏观经济政策的贯彻者和执行者,对下是县域经济和社会发展的组织者和操作者。县域经济是以县级政权为调控主体,以发展本地经济为宗旨的区域性经济,实施县域经济包容性增长"双向三化一体"发展路径,必将历史性地一揽子解决集多民族、山区、贫困为一体的广大中西部扶贫开发地区的社会经济发展问题。  相似文献   

Area statistics are sample versions of areas occurring in a probability plot of two distribution functions F and G. This paper presents a unified basis for five statistics of this type. They can be used for various testing problems in the framework of the two sample problem for independent observations, such as testing equality of distributions against inequality or testing stochastic dominance of distributions in one or either direction against nondominance. Though three of the statistics considered have already been suggested in literature, two of them are new and deserve our interest. The finite sample distributions of the statistics (under F=G) can be calculated via recursion formulae. Two tables with critical values of the new statistics are included. The asymptotic distribution of the properly normalized versions of the area statistics are functionals of the Brownian bridge. The distribution functions and quantiles thereof are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, the power functions of the two new tests based on area statistics are compared to the power functions of the tests based on the corresponding supremum statistics, i.e., statistics of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov type.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝史发展要义二题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝约400年,为分裂割据时期,战乱促使人们思维活跃,无论政治、军事、经济、文化皆出现了承上启下的新内涵。而其要义则为政治上的儒法结合和三省六部制,军事上的府兵制,经济上的均田制,文化上的永明新体诗和骈文的出现,所有这些对后世历史发展具有深远影响。  相似文献   
王岱舆著作的思想结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究王岱舆著作的思想结构,必然要涉及到他的《正教真诠》、《清真大学》和《希真正答》之间的关系,涉及到这三本著作的内容及其表述形式。只有这样,才能了解他的整个著作的思想结构,进而有可能从整体上对他的思想作深入、系统的分析和探讨。 一、王岱舆的著作 20世纪80年代,王岱舆的《正教真诠》、《清真大学》和《希真正答》由余振贵点校、宁夏人民出版社结集出版。该合刊本是目前比较流行的版本。书后,以白寿彝的《王岱舆传》和金吉堂的《王岱舆阿衡传》为附录。本文拟依据该合刊本展开相关的讨论。其中,  相似文献   
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