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《Long Range Planning》2022,55(4):102125
Strategy process and practice research has illuminated the internal dynamics of strategy work – at the cost of backgrounding processes and practices that relate to engagement with external actors. In this conceptual paper, we argue for an extension of this body of work by shifting the focus of research from internal practices and processes towards externally oriented practices of engagement. We do so by critically building on the military strategy literature and develop the concept of strategy as engagement. This concept suggests understanding the role of strategy as bridge between policy and tactics; the importance of grand strategy as the making of policy; and the need to focus attention on tactics as distributed collective action. Thus, we contribute to strategy process and practice research through 1) extending its repertoire to practices of engagement and 2) broadening its epistemic foundation through a critical reading of military strategy.  相似文献   
《香奁集》因其艳情旨趣,历来成为诗评家争议和诟病的焦点之一,本文从文学的生态环境、文学自身的发展、诗人的性格特征和经历等多方面,质疑了有些论者所持的香草、美人的寄寓之说,肯定了《香奁集》是一部叙写恋情、艳情的个体心灵记录。并进一步从文化的层面揭示其在中国艳情文学史上的划时代的意义,通过对诗歌文本的解析,深入探讨了《香奁集》独具个性的情性之美,肯定其对儒家诗教传统的突破,表现了自然而最具本真色彩的人性光辉。  相似文献   
国家建设是指由传统国家转变为现代民族国家的国家建制过程,也是在超越传统国家的前提下建立起和不断完善一整套具备现代国家基本特征的组织、价值和制度的历史过程。梳理历史上各国国家建设的历程,我们可以尝试性地概括出国家建设模式的类型:阶级建设国家模式、军队建设国家模式和政党建设国家模式。以此类型为依据,对20世纪以来中国国家建设模式的选择问题进行理性分析,政党建设国家模式的最终成功有其内在深刻而独特的政治逻辑。这一模式下形成的政党国家必须进行适应性的调整和转型,才能真正有效推动中国现代国家建设的不断深化。  相似文献   
郭象独化哲学的崇有把自然山水审美引向独立,相当于掀起一场美学革命。这其中包括对俯仰与虚静两种审美观照的整合,深深影响了此后美学思想发展进程的基本走向。俯仰与虚静各有所长,亦各有所短。俯仰有观物取象之长,亦有思维的类比受限之短;虚静有排斥外通感物之短,亦有拓展心灵自由之长。郭象的无心玄应,唯感是从则构成二者的交融互补。其经无心过滤清洗过的唯感是从,一方面以俯仰的类比之短补入虚静的心灵自由之长,另一方面以隔绝外通之短补入俯仰的接物之长。中古山水审美的寓目辄书蔚然成风、巧言切状的追求及目击道存的观照方式的确认和推行,均得益于这种整合。它既是对庄子虚静排除具体感性的改造,又是对其目击道存理论依据的创造性发展,从而大大拓展和深化了中国古代的审美观照。  相似文献   
王夫之诗学中的意境论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在20世纪的王夫之诗学研究中,意境论是一个尚未引起足够重视的问题,一些当代学者虽然对王夫之的意境论给予高度评价,但在若干重要的问题上,未曾取得一致意见。本文认为,王夫之对关涉意境本质的情景交融说和超以象外说均有独到的贡献。这与他作为中国诗学的集大成者的地位是相称的。  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):476-496
Individuals routinely experience discrimination based on sexual orientation. Since the implementation of Don't Ask, Don't Tell in 1994, over 13,000 military personnel have been discharged from the U.S. military on the basis of sexual orientation. As helping professionals, social workers will often provide services to returning gay and lesbian veterans. Therefore, social work programs must ensure that students develop positive attitudes toward and understanding of the needs presented by this population. Little is known about whether a specific degree program can be a predictor of student attitude toward gay and lesbian individuals in the military. Eighty-nine graduate students completed the Attitudes Toward Homosexuals in the Military (ATHM) scale, and scores were compared between two graduate degree programs: Social Work and Business Administration. A statistically significant relationship was found between degree program and ATHM scores. Implications for policy, practice and research related to gay and lesbian veterans are discussed.  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(14):1949-1973

This study examines communicative stigmatization processes and their influence on self-concept clarity for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals (GLB) in the United States military. In-depth interviews were conducted with GLB (= 16) military service members and veterans, and data were analyzed using grounded theory analysis. Findings revealed that GLB identity repudiation incites feelings of identity incongruity for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the U.S. military. GLB identity repudiation was composed of three key communicative practices. Further, because non-heterosexuality was viewed as seemingly incompatible with the military identity, many participants struggled to integrate their two social identities effectively. As such, participants employed several strategies to manage their conflicting sexual and role identities.  相似文献   
生命的意义与价值是哲学的永恒主题。魏晋时期,玄学思想家将思考的重点转向人的生存,并从本体的高度诠释了生存可能性。王弼、嵇康在会通儒道的原则上出现了分歧,但都将生存问题纳入各自视野,彰显出人的超越意识。郭象创造性地诠释了《庄子》文本中"自由"与"逍遥"的现实含义,将"道通为一"的精神境界含涉在世界之中,为人的生存可能性找到了新的形上依据。  相似文献   
唐人著录嵇康绘有《狮子击象图》,但该图恐非嵇康之作。"狮子击象"作为一种异域景象传入中原,结缘于佛教在中土的流播。狮子形象大约在东晋时期进入文士绘画题材。宗炳《狮子击象图序》交代了该图的绘事缘起,《狮子击象图》本系宗炳之作的可能性较大。唐人归之于嵇康名下,和嵇康刚烈的性格与"狮子击象"的惨烈意象暗合,其白画跟《狮子击象图》在文献著录中并行流传引起误题以及唐人借其题签抬高画价有关。  相似文献   
辛亥革命时期,革命党人秦毓鎏领导无锡和金匮两县的光复事业,起义成功后建立的锡金军政分府,成为当时很有影响的地方政权的代表。锡金军政分府从1911年11月成立至1912年5月结束,存在半年左右时间。在此期间,军政分府组建军政领导核心、接管地方旧有政权、举办民团等,强化了对地方政权的控制;通过废除厘金、催租征税、镇压农民抗租斗争,来稳定地方的经济秩序;积极废除地方的陈旧陋习,移风易俗,注重市政建设,推进了无锡社会事业的发展。锡金军政分府的存在,对周边地区如常州、镇江等地方政权的稳固,对革命党人光复南京起了积极的作用,甚至对后来的"二次革命"也有很大的影响。  相似文献   
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