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We examined the moderating roles of individualistic and collectivistic cultural orientations and academic achievement on the relation between Chinese adolescents’ shyness and depressive symptoms. A sample of Chinese adolescents (N = 492) from an urban school participated in the study during seventh (T1) and eighth (T2) grades. Adolescents self‐reported their shyness, cultural orientations, and depressive symptoms. The school provided records of their academic achievement. Concurrently, shyness and individualism were positively whereas collectivism and academic achievement were negatively, associated with adolescents’ depressive symptoms. Longitudinally, T1 shyness (but not individualism, collectivism, or academic achievement) predicted T2 depressive symptoms after controlling for stability in depressive symptoms. Concurrent relations between shyness and depressive symptoms were moderated by adolescents’ cultural orientations. Specifically, collectivism was protective whereas individualism was harmful, for shy adolescents’ adjustment. Furthermore, collectivism and academic achievement jointly moderated the relations between shyness and depressive symptoms concurrently and longitudinally. The results suggest that cultural orientations may influence shy adolescents’ depression symptoms through individual‐level self‐evaluation, and indicate that cultural factors and academic achievement need to be considered comprehensively for understanding and improving shy Chinese adolescents’ psychological adjustment.  相似文献   
This article aims to articulate a new agenda in the scholarship of social movements. Specifically, it seeks to turn attention to the assumptions that undergird activism. Rather than studying movements themselves, we can study them as the embodiment of collective expectation in a particular public. We can learn more about the broader society in which movements are embedded by asking how activists and the public they seek to engage determine what is within the realm of possibility. I refer to the imagined horizon of possibility as the activist prospectus. To illustrate the importance of prospectus, I draw upon a case study of environmental activism in Samara, Russia. Ethnographic observation and analysis yield insights into subjective perceptions that help explain the weakness of civil society within Russia.  相似文献   
The essay offers one piece of a larger conjunctural analysis, in an effort to contribute to a better story of the contemporary organic crisis. It considers three elements of the complexity of the ‘crises’ of knowledge: First, it explores the increasingly felt social perception that knowledge (and the forms of authority that accompany it) has become less determined and determining, less identifiable, less effective, more troubled. It argues that one must think about these developments historically and contextually, rather than going along with the panic that has surrounded their increasing visibility in recent political events. Second, it considers some of the attacks on the university as well as some of the recent changes in the political economy and institutional forms of the academy. Finally, it argues that academics have failed to examine their own contributions to the crises of knowledge, failed to consider the ways their own cultures and practices can be located within rather than against the crises of knowledge.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,学术界开始逐渐重视对福公司的研究,并涌现出一大批有分量的学术研究成果。本文通过资料钩沉与梳理,将已有研究成果分别归类到资料汇集和工人运动、矿权纠纷、道清铁路、福公司与近代教育、福公司与城市建设、相关历史人物等研究专题,并分别指出了它们的长处和不足;提出了进一步发掘历史资料、拓宽研究思路、开阔学术视野,客观认识福公司对焦作近代化和城市化的贡献等问题。  相似文献   
以评价理论为框架,选取权威的语言学杂志学术5篇书评为语料,从态度系统的视角对英语学术书评的评价策略进行分析。经统计发现学术书评中蕴含了大量表态度意义资源,但其子系统分布不均匀,其中表情感、判定和鉴别意义的语言资源占表态度意义总资源的比例。因此,学术书评作者通过使用较多的鉴赏资源,判定资源来实现其评论客观公正的意图。  相似文献   
在对当今我国高校学术生产现状进行考察分析的基础上,认为我国高校学术生产存在以下四种值得重视的倾向:学术研究功利化;学术成果形式化;学术评价简单化;学术风气浮躁化。文章对这四种不良倾向给我国高校学术生态带来的危害进行了阐述。  相似文献   
当前学术界在我国廉政建设中主张广泛借鉴欧美各国的廉政建设经验。客观来说,西方发达国家的廉政建设体制相对更加完善和卓有成效;不过,这些经验在我国是否适用,不能仅仅依据经验本身,更多的则取决于中国是否存在国外经验生长的土壤。由于这些国家的近现代发展历程、廉政建设面对的国情与我国有较大的相似性,因而其廉政经验比较符合我国的廉政建设需要。  相似文献   
凌纯声先生1930年的赫哲族田野调查是中国民族学和人类学界一次科学的实地调查,具有开创性意义.本文从现代中国提倡和注重实地调查研究的学术背景来审视这次田野调查.上世纪20年代后,中国人文社会科学逐渐从吸收传播"西学"向研究中国历史、社会、民族文化转变,朝着"本土化"的方向努力,从而形成了提倡实地调查研究的学术风气,而且中国学者进行了多次学术实践.这次田野调查与那个时代的学术背景密切相关,并且体现出其学术背景.本文还论述了蔡元培先生与这次田野调查的密切关系.  相似文献   
近代江南史研究见证并参与了近代中国社会文化的变迁,相比上海、苏南等地,浙江近代文化史研究亟需进一步拓展与深化。以革命与事件、结构与认同、学人与学派等研究路径为线索,回顾浙江近代文化史研究的关键要素,应能展望今后研究的方向:去意识形态化、突破单向度思维,以多元视角阐释近代浙江的革命群体与事件;揭示近代浙江文化现象背后深层次的社会关系和权力关系、结构与心态、集体记忆与文化认同,进一步认知近代精英与民众、国家与社会的能动关系;浙江学人在近代学术流变中发挥承前启后的作用,学人学术思想的本意及其实践成为近代浙学重建的重要参考。运用整体视角综合事件、结构、学理,积极拓展史料与理论范式,深入发掘近代浙江文化的历史经验和内在脉络,将为探索中国原理提供有效的知识与思想资源。  相似文献   
佘意明所著《株洲文明史略》一书,为株洲地域文化的研究开辟了新领域,发现了新史料,提出了新观点,填补了株洲地方史研究的一个空白,具有重要的学术价值。其在语言表达方面,则非常讲究修辞艺术,行文生动活泼。  相似文献   
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