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风险社会理论视角下政府危机管理能力创新的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险社会理论重塑着人类的风险意识与危机应对观念,如果说危机意识有助于我们防患于未然,但风险的潜在性与不可避免性,风险与危机的不可控性与紧急性,让我们在突发的危机到来时,不能不直面风险与危机。我国现行危机管理机制刚刚起步,公共危机的突发性、紧急性与危害性,决定了在危机爆发之后,公共危机管理中应急协调机制的健全是应急处理阶段的关键环节与核心所在。而现行危机管理应急机制的健全既包括应急管理机构设置,也应包含应急机制功能的有效发挥,其中政府“应急协调”专业化能力的增强是有效发挥应急机制功能的重要途径。  相似文献   
我国计算机软件专利保护文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机软件作为一种新的智力劳动成果,如何保护研发者的利益,提高他们研发的积极性,目前,世界各国政府都在积极研究出台相关法律来保护这一新型智力劳动成果.主要介绍了有关计算机软件专利保护的国内外现状及保护的不足之处,提出了完善我国计算机软件专利保护的建议.旨在为我国计算机软件专利保护问题研究的进一步发展提供一个参照平台.  相似文献   
传统行政文化在历史上发挥过积极的作用,但是实现依法行政,必须革除一切与依法行政要求不相适应的传统行政文化中的落后观念、落后思想及不良心理,本着对优秀遗产继承、借鉴的科学态度,要充分认识传统行政文化的价值,推动传统行政文化向现代行政文化的转型,构建新型现代行政文化.  相似文献   
胡锦涛对党的执政理念的创新与发展及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
执政理念是执政党的灵魂和旗帜.党的十六大以来,胡锦涛对党的执政理念进行了创新和发展,使其具有深厚的理论基础和鲜明的时代特色.不断发展中国特色社会主义事业,必须坚持胡锦涛创新和发展党的执政理念的理论成果,着力加强党的执政理念建设.具体来说就是,必须开展执政理念教育,树立正确的权力观、领导观和代表观,做到公平正义,不断创新并保持执政理念的与时俱进和先进性,将执政理念转化为执政机制,确立有效的执政治理结构,积极培育公民社会寻求更多实施执政理念的载体,必须实行"阳光执政",自觉接受对执政权力的监督.  相似文献   
在现代工业化、市场化的浪潮中,壮族传统手工技艺逐渐衰退的趋势日益加剧,抢救和保护壮族传统手工艺已成为一个亟待解决的现实问题。通过对广西靖西凌准村壮族制陶手工艺历史与现状的分析,探究传统制陶手工艺盛衰的原因,论证生产性方式保护传统手工艺的切实可行,认为增加土陶产品的文化附加值,开发创新性、工艺性、装饰性产品是壮族传统土陶手工艺走出困境与实现经济发展和文化传承良性互动的有效途径。  相似文献   
高校学生管理行为侵权的法律问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校管理是维护学校秩序、保障学校生活良性运行、培养高素质人才的重要条件。然而由于高校与学生的关系问题、高校管理权的性质问题没有定论诸多原因,使得高校在其管理中侵犯大学生权利的现象时有发生,大学生状告学校侵权的法律纠纷也呈上升趋势。当务之急是迅速健全法律法规、规范管理、完善救济渠道,以切实保护学生的合法权益。  相似文献   
行政相对人的抵抗权作为公民宪法权利的延伸,其行使具有自身的特殊性。本文就行政相对人抵抗权行使的条件、方式、效果及风险几个方面勾勒出行政相对人抵抗权制度冰山之一角,以期对完善我国行政程序法律制度有所裨益。  相似文献   
Limited research has directly sought the input of parents involved in the child protection system during pregnancy and with their infants. As the focus of these policies and practices, parents have a unique and important insight not available to others, so it is vital to obtain their input. As part of a larger Australian study, qualitative interviews were undertaken with 13 parents asking about their views and experiences. Parents predominantly became involved with child protection services during pregnancy through a prenatal report. Parents who previously had their newborn removed from their care described it as sudden and unexpected, leaving them distressed and unsupported post-removal, with a growing list of requirements for them to see their baby or for restoration to be considered. Domestic violence was a particular issue of concern for some mothers who expressed distress that their partners, perpetrators of violence, were allowed access to their infant with fewer requirements than for them. Improvements recommended by the parents included greater communication and preparation for the removal, better recognition of improvements in their situations and increased supports to be provided to parents both pre- and post-removal. Parental experiences provide an important guide to improving child protection practice with these families.  相似文献   
The Family Group Conference (FGC) is grounded in a rights-based framework, whereby children and their families have the right and responsibility to be primary decision-makers when child protection issues arise, and the statutory agency has the responsibility to convene the entitled members of the family network to lead the decision-making. A distinct core component of FGC—private family time (PFT)—allows families to discuss the information and formulate their responses and plans privately during conferencing. This paper describes how a large child welfare agency in the United States adapted PFT in two ways: (1) including a parent advocate (PA) and (2) abbreviating the amount of time allowed for this discussion. Given the lack of empirical research on the PFT component, this qualitative exploratory study sought to understand the functions and perceived impacts of PA-supported PFT during initial child protective services (CPS) conferences at which decisions of child removal or placement were being contemplated. PFT served multiple beneficial functions and impacted families in several positive ways: families gained greater awareness of safety concerns, felt empowered and confident in the preferred safety and service plan, became increasingly engaged and involved in the case decision-making process and ultimately felt less apprehensive.  相似文献   
Children's participation is essential to achieve good outcomes for children involved in child protection systems. Despite this, research has consistently found children report low levels of participation, are poorly consulted and feel inadequately involved in decisions about their lives. To explore how practitioners understand children's participation, 18 in-depth interviews were conducted with statutory child protection practitioners in Australia. The interviews explored the ways child protection practitioners understand children's participation. Our findings show practitioners conceptualize children as rights holders and believe it is essential to hear directly from children about their needs and wishes to keep them safe. Practitioners identified the importance of transparent processes and decisions. Different understanding of participation emerged, with some participants talking about children as their central focus but not discussing meaningful participation of the child. It appeared that children's participation relied largely on the views and skills of individual workers, as well as their ability to incorporate meaningful participation in limited time and in complex practice environments where children's safety is a primary concern. Systemic changes to address time barriers, training practitioners to understand and implement participatory practice, and seeking children's input into service design, will support consistent and meaningful participation.  相似文献   
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