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网络舆论监督具有反腐败的独特优势,而其真实性、偶然性、侵权等问题又制约了这种优势的发挥。这些问题都有制度成因,如何进行制度构建是网络舆论监督反腐的关键。这种制度构建有三个维度,从网民层面看,基于有限实名制的自律和基于法律规范的他律同等重要;从网媒层面看,应尽快建立网络舆论监督平台建设机制、网络舆情监测与引导机制、媒体间协作与创新机制;从政府层面看,应着力推进政务信息公开机制、舆情快速反应机制、事件调查督办机制等。  相似文献   
腐败治理是一项复杂的社会工程。目前,中国进入全面深化改革的新时期,如何处理好反腐败与市场经济改革、政府治理、制度安排之间的关系,成为当前改革的重点与难点。利用中国2000—2013年宏观面板数据,系统分析了市场化程度、政府治理和制度安排因素对反腐败的影响机制。研究发现:市场化程度提升能够起到消减腐败的作用。政府治理对反腐败影响较为复杂,政府规模表现为规模越大,治理能力越完善,越有助于减少腐败,但子指标公职人员相对工资水平与反腐败相关性较为模糊,需要理性看待现阶段"高薪养廉"的作用。制度安排特别是法治化和信息化水平的提升起到了显著减少腐败的作用,佐证了全面推进依法治国和加强信息化建设对反腐倡廉的必要性。  相似文献   
Strategies for the prevention of police corruption, for example, bribery, commonly neglects its social dimension in spite of the fact that police corruption has societal causes and undertaking a reform of the police requires, to some extent, reforming society. In this paper, we built a decision tree from socioeconomic profiles of 103 countries classified according to their level of police corruption using data from the United Nations Statistics Division and Transparency International. From the rules of the resultant decision tree, we identified and analyzed social determinants of police corruption to assist policy-makers in designing societal level strategies to control police corruption by improving socioeconomic conditions. We found that school life expectancy, involvement of women in society, economic development, and work-related indicators are relevant to police corruption. Moreover, empirical results indicate that countries should gradually improve social indicators to reduce police corruption.  相似文献   
In an innovative use of government manifestos, this paper examines the salience and shape of anti-corruption policies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic during the period 1990–2013. Both the intensity and shape of anti-corruption efforts appear to be related less to the actual extent of corruption or external influences and more to the growing domestic electoral pressure expressed through the higher ranking of corruption on the list of public problems and to an ideological bent of governments. We also use cultural theory to examine the philosophy of anti-corruption measures. We find that the hierarchical approach clearly dominates, but there is also extensive evidence of an egalitarian approach. There are only a small number of individualist measures and there is nearly no evidence of fatalist measures. We found that the political right in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia is associated not just with an individualist and market-based approach to anti-corruption, but even more with emphasis on anti-corruption itself and empowerment, civil society and public accountability as a means of fighting corruption.  相似文献   
In recent years, many studies have begun to explore the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in promoting clean government, pointing out that it will make government more honest. However, existing research pays more attention to the correlation between the two factors, and few studies analyze in depth and in detail what the key ICT mechanism is that promotes the construction of clean government. Our case study of two innovative local clean government reforms in China has found that the key mechanism is improving the availability of information. Specifically, the reforms included two interrelated mechanisms: reducing the information asymmetry between vertical levels of government and bridging information barriers between government departments at the horizontal level.  相似文献   
“透明国际”,是世界上最具影响力的反腐败非政府组织,每年都要限据民意测验和国际机构提供的调查报告打分,评选廉洁国家排行榜。文章对“透明国际”2008年的清廉指数排名进行了研究,揭示了政府行政行为中存在的腐败现象,深入分析了腐败行为对政府形象的破坏力,并提出通过发挥媒体的监督和正面引导作用,提升公务员思想道德素质和个人综合素质,并以预防和惩治腐败体系为制度保障,加大反腐倡廉力度,从而塑造为民清廉的政府形象。  相似文献   
信息时代的到来,为反腐倡廉工作的创新与发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。面对当前网络反腐存在的问题,寻求构建基于信息化条件下的反腐模式,实现民间自发的网络反腐与官方自主的信息化反腐的有效对接,架构高效、快捷的信息化反腐模式,加强对信息化反腐模式的引导,整合优化反腐的力量和资源,完善相关的法律法规,提高信息化反腐人员的素质,对推进新形势下我国反腐倡廉工作又好又快发展,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
推进反腐倡廉科学化的路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于反腐败斗争具有长期性、复杂性和艰巨性,我国反腐倡廉建设的科学化水平仍需进一步提高。因此,必须继续深化转型期我国反腐倡廉建设规律的认识,推动反腐倡廉建设的理论创新,规范反腐倡廉建设的内容体系和职能,增强反腐倡廉建设方式方法的实效性,加强反腐倡廉建设绩效评估。只有这样,才能深入推进我国反腐倡廉建设的科学化进程。  相似文献   
通过对当前反腐倡廉制度执行中存在的问题和执行力薄弱原因的分析,从坚持制度立行并重、提高制度执行力的角度,提出提高反腐倡廉制度执行力的相关措施和建议。旨在强化内控管理,防范腐败风险,认真积极地履行按照制度办事、靠制度管人、用制度规范行为的长效机制,实现反腐倡廉制度的最初目标。  相似文献   
在回望2014年中国新闻传播业纷繁复杂的生存环境、新闻传播学科生态、舆论生态和传媒业发展的实践与理论的基础上,纵观2014年中国传媒业发展的重大事件,回顾了相关媒体或学界关于新闻传播实际现状的评析,认为2014年中国新闻传播学热点频繁,媒体融合向纵深发展,媒体转型发生变革,数据新闻成为新闻报道新形式,学科范式和学科教育创新实践,互联网治理成新常态,传媒伦理依旧话题不老,大数据、碎片化、互联网思维、反腐倡廉顺应社会发展,媒体生态变化进而成为时代特征变数  相似文献   
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