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关于空气污染的防治,可以积极追究相关单位和个人的民事侵权赔偿责任,由此增加空气污染行为的成本,使行政机关加大防污治污的力度,保护空气污染被害者的利益。由于包括空气污染在内的环境污染侵权责任是"无过失责任",因此"因果关系"的认定就成为空气污染侵权责任成立与否的最主要因素。参照中日的相关学说和"东京大气污染公害诉讼案"可以发现,因果关系认定问题的核心本质上仍然是需要进一步确认其认定标准。空气污染侵权纠纷具有影响广泛、因果关系难以科学证明、当事人之间存在利益冲突等特殊性,法院应该将其作为一种独立的特殊侵权责任类型,放宽因果关系的认定标准。  相似文献   
Congress is currently considering adopting a mathematical formula to assign shares in cancer causation to specific doses of radiation, for use in establishing liability and compensation awards. The proposed formula, if it were sound, would allow difficult problems in tort law and public policy to be resolved by reference to tabulated "probabilities of causation." This article examines the statistical and conceptual bases for the proposed methodology. We find that the proposed formula is incorrect as an expression for "probability and causation," that it implies hidden, debatable policy judgments in its treatment of factor interactions and uncertainties, and that it can not in general be quantified with sufficient precision to be useful. Three generic sources of statistical uncertainty are identified--sampling variability, population heterogeneity, and error propagation--that prevent accurate quantification of "assigned shares." These uncertainties arise whenever aggregate epidemiological or risk data are used to draw causal inferences about individual cases.  相似文献   
自休谟始,事实与价值截然分离,一定意义上支持了长期处于通说地位的“刑法因果关系是客观事实”的论断。希拉里·普特南以“事实价值”为基础提出缠结理论,终结了事实与价值二分法的论断。刑法因果关系判断同样契合事实要素与价值要素缠结的现实。在内容上,刑法事实因果关系是扩展和延长因果事实要素的界定和分析;刑法价值因果关系是主体价值、客体价值及相互转化、限定。在本质上,刑法事实因果关系是行为支配关系、相关关系;刑法价值因果关系是刑法法律关系,一种是而又不限于结果导向主义的产物。刑法事实因果关系负担着确证案件事实、奠基法律因果关系的功能,而刑法价值因果关系具有拟制、确立两种功能。刑法因果关系是一种以事实价值为基础,基于发现的价值选择,通过发现、解构与重构,解释两条路径构建。  相似文献   
从犯的原因力是指成立从犯所必需的因行为人的行为与其他人的犯罪行为之间产生的内在的必然联系。从犯是否成立,要经过一般性判断、具体性判断和排除性判断三个环节。一般性判断主要考虑是否具有成立从犯所要求的主观要件和客观要件,具体性判断涉及事前判断与事后判断、主观判断和客观判断、应然判断与实然判断,排除性判断主要考虑刑法分则的特殊规定和刑法总则中的但书。  相似文献   
客观归责理论是德国刑法理论界一个非常重要的热点问题,其为弥补因果关系的缺陷发展而来.中国刑法学理论界也对该理论进行了研讨,并取得了很多成果.但在聚讼众多的学说中,鲜有人对客观归责理论的实质进行剖析.客观归责及其衍生原则,都是为说明行为和结果之间是否具有刑法上的因果关系.而因果关系本身就在于为刑事责任的有无提供客观依据.所以作为因果关系的一种判断因素,客观归责的实质也是为判断刑事责任的有无提供客观依据,属于中国犯罪构成客观要件方面的因素.  相似文献   
环境侵权诉讼中基于因果关系的复杂性和科学不确定性等特征以及保护受害人的价值追求,而引入了因果关系推定的方法.环境侵权诉讼中因果关系推定对举证责任的影响要根据证明对象是基础事实还是推定事实,以及因果关系推定是否由法律明确规定等因素,进行综合认定.环境侵权因果关系推定在我国还属于事实上的推定,而非法律上的推定.我国立法规定的因果关系认定规则的性质是举证责任配置规范,而非因果关系推定规范.  相似文献   
The defence of a process philosophy as the metaphysics for the foundation of social psychology is part of a general defence of scientific realism. Realists, be they classical or neo critical realists hope to construct a dual level science—a phenomenal level resting on a transcendent level required to account for the order and stability to be found in the unfolding of the phenomena. Also required is a driving force or agency. Discursive psychologists argue for a social ontology in which meanings are created and managed by people engaged in projects, made orderly by shared social representations. Concepts like “social structure” are convenient metaphors to describe clusters of discursive practices but should not be interpreted ontologically. Causal powers are revealed in dispositions, which as a matter of logic, must be ascribed to entities self‐identical over time. Only persons meet this condition. Discursive social psychology is quasi social in that Vygotsky wise it looks for a social origin for social representations, and quasi personal in that persons are the naturally active beings that drive the patterns of life forward. A defence of neo‐critical realism against Professor Ratner's criticisms can only be a more careful statement of the position since his specific criticisms do not address the position I have been advocating.  相似文献   
环境民事诉讼制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统的民事诉讼相比,环境民事诉讼具有诉讼主体广泛、损失计算复杂、诉讼时效长等特点。美国和日本的环境民事诉讼制度的发展从理论到实践都比较成功。我国在环境民事诉讼方面还存在着法律规定不明确、诉讼主体范围狭窄、诉讼时效期间过短、赔偿范围小等不足。我国应当借鉴西方国家成功的环境民事诉讼立法经验,进一步完善环境民事诉讼制度。  相似文献   
从法哲学视角对综合法学代表博登海默法律哲学的核心观点进行探讨,笔者提出了不同于博氏的主要观点有:社会对秩序的需求不仅源自心理,而是受制于更具终极性的“存在”;法律秩序是一种“公设人为”的极具主观性的制度,等等。  相似文献   
原因力比较在侵权法上用于“多因现象”中的责任划分,现有理论没有对原因力的含义及其比较作出合理解释。某因素的原因力,是指由于该因素的存在而使结果发生的概率增加值。过错比较从属于原因力比较。  相似文献   
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