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洛克论宗教宽容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洛克的《论宗教宽容》,是现代西方处理宗教冲突的基本理论依据。但新近发现的文献表明,洛克早年是反对宗教宽容的。本文将洛克对宗教宽容的几次讨论放在十六十七世纪英国宗教冲突的政治背景之下,指出洛克前后期虽然主张不同,但都遵循同样的理论基础,即《第二篇政府短论》中提出的"神法—人法—兄弟法—私人法"的法律结构,只是针对英国现实问题,在这一框架当中适当调整。无论他主张宗教宽容还是不宽容,目的都是为了清除天主教在英国政治中的势力,围绕圣公会建立一个独立的民族国家。他晚年与普洛斯特有过多次争论,但所涉及的并不是原则性的分歧。我们今天思考宗教冲突与宽容问题,应该看到洛克宗教宽容思想的理论基础。  相似文献   
专利权的地域性是专利权法律冲突肯定说和否定说争议的焦点所在.文章通过分析专利权地域性的成因暨合理性,指出无论是国内法还是国际公约,适时地突破专利权地域性均不存在制度上的障碍.认为地域性并不是专利权的本质属性;随着各国政治、经济、文化环境的优化,专利权地域性的消失带有必然性;各国在处理涉外的专利权合同关系和侵权关系时,应突破地域性理论的窠臼,建立适宜的法律适用规则以解决存在的法律冲突.  相似文献   
南非种族冲突的化解与现代化之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南非种族隔离制度未能消弭种族间的尖锐矛盾,反而引发激烈的种族冲突。在镇压无法奏效的情况下,南非政府开始了民主改革的进程,历经沃斯特的政策调整、博塔的改革总战略和德克勒克的改革三个阶段,较成功地用民主改革的方式化解了南非的种族冲突,极大地推动了南非的现代化。南非民主改革和现代化进程表明:各种族间的宽容和解精神是南非民主改革取得成功的关键;种族关系应当建立在平等的基础之上;领袖人物的个人作用在此过程中相当突出和关键;民主与法制是现代化的根本保证;各种族文化应当兼容并蓄,全盘照搬和彻底排斥都是不可取的。  相似文献   
The collapse of the USSR was accompanied by transformation of the South Caucasian latent ethnopolitical conflicts into local wars. Today the situation in the area of the conflicts is “neither war, nor peace”. Three unresolved conflicts of the South Caucasus can be considered as one of the most serious obstacles for establishing a regional security system.The article gives the general characteristics of these conflicts, the trends of their development, taking into account the time factor, and analyzes the behavioral models of the main players – de jure recognized and unrecognized de facto states of the South Caucasus. The basic objective of the main players should be to keep the situation on a level preventing the resumption of the armed conflicts. The attempts of forced resolution of the conflicts are fraught with destabilization of the situation not only in the area of any of these conflicts but in the whole region.  相似文献   
英汉语言和文化差异对广告翻译的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
广告翻译面临的不单是语言转换问题 ,还涉及到各国诸多的文化差异问题。从语言角度讲 ,译者更应注重广告英语的特点 ,文章具体阐述由英汉语言差异引起的在英汉广告翻译中造成的三种差异 ;从文化角度讲 ,国内译者注重的应该是各国间的跨文化因素对英汉广告翻译的影响。文章主要归纳出四点英汉广告翻译中的跨文化因素。  相似文献   
全球化语境中的对话文化学的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化是永远朝向自我认同而存在的人的现实生活。由全球化凸现出来的文化冲突反映了人面对异质性存在而产生的自我认同危机。中国传统文化与西方文化的差异不仅表现在内容上,而且表现在它们在当今人类文化格局中所处地位的不同上,即西方文化处于权力话语地位,而中国传统文化却岌岌可危。文化对话不仅是人类共建一种异中求“和”的世界文化新格局的正确途径,而且是中国文化健康发展的正确途径。在当代,建立对话的文化学已刻不容缓。建立对话的文化学不仅是一种普遍的对话范式在文化理论中的确立,而且要求我们在文化实践和社会实践中展开对权力话语的批判。  相似文献   
In Ethiopia, the study and issue of center–periphery relations is not an easy task. It has remained complex and dynamics as it has been dictated and shaped by ever changing socio-economic relations, state ideology and structure. A case in point is Metekel region, which had been characterized by under development, lowland, hot climate and traditional way of life. Until post-1991developments, Metekel was peripheral in relation to the central state. It was an area of confrontation and conflict. Owing to the structural weakness of the centre, successive rulers of the area did not command effective control over it. Focusing on Gumuz, a Nilo-Saharan family, on one hand, and highlanders and new settlers, on the other, this essay examined the main features and dynamics of center–periphery relations, governance and conflicts in Metekel area. The sources, both primary and secondary, have been carefully examined based on the objectives of the study.  相似文献   
社会风险不能等同于刑法危险,但二者存在动态交叉关系,社会风险可以通过刑事政策转变为刑法中的危险。风险刑法首先是现代刑法应对风险过程中"自觉"的结果,是现代刑法体系的同质组成部分。从贝克划分社会形态的时间考虑,我国早已进入风险社会,且是全面而非局部风险社会。我国社会主要矛盾的转变使我国社会风险在质上表现为严重危害公共安全和公共利益,在量上表现为风险的相对增多,从刑法的应对上来看,似乎只能选择刑法提前介入。风险刑法理论的中国展开应该从实然和应然两个层面出发,前者旨在突出风险刑法的教义学研究,后者需要从社会风险自身的特点出发,有针对性地调整刑法体系,以期防控风险、创造安全。  相似文献   
This paper provides a response to the commentary by Delfabbro and King (2017), which describes major criticisms of articles situated in a ‘political economy’ conceptual framework. The current paper argues that these criticisms obfuscate legitimate concerns about industry involvement in gambling research, and disregard important evidence about activities of hazardous-consumption industries which provide grounds for strong concern about commercial practices of the gambling industry. Although many aspects of the commentary by Delfabbro and King (2017) are contentious, the current paper summarizes conceptual and empirical literature which supports concern about (a) agency and collaboration in practices of the gambling industry, which make assertions of equivalence with a conspiracy theory both inappropriate and misleading, and (b) the role of research on problem gambling behaviours and pathologies in supporting agendas that may undermine public health. This indicates the need for the scientific community to take seriously its role in improving awareness of the hazards of commercial involvement in gambling research, and thus helping researchers to make informed decisions about these risks and their own manner of engagement with the gambling industry.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代,美国爆发了大规模的社会运动,美国社会受到强烈的震动,但却并未因此走向完全的无序。通过法治手段、社会改革以及公民社会的发展,美国社会逐渐实现了由乱到治的转变。这表明,有效的社会制度安排,顺应民意和时代发展要求的社会改革,社会民主参与性的强化,对于化解社会危机,维护社会稳定具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
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