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尊师重道是中华民族的优良传统,师道尊严深刻体现了教师地位的崇高和威严.然而,现代教育如果一味强调师道尊严,而忽视学生的需要、人格和尊严,那么,这种"师道"与"生道"的不平等就会使师生关系变得紧张,教学效果也会受到影响.而以人为本的教育现,则视师生间为相互平等的关系.只有在平等基础上的相互尊重、理解、信任和关爱,才能建立良好的师生关系,也才能提高教学实效性.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the two characteristics of the way the issue of euthanasia/death with dignity has been discussed in Japan, compared with the situation in Europe and the USA. The two characteristics are: (i) that the concept of “euthanasia” is sharply distinguished from that of “death with dignity” in Japan in that the former only refers to the killing of a patient by administration of a lethal drug while the latter refers to letting a patient die by withholding or withdrawing life‐prolonging medical treatments; and (ii) that the view that it is sinful to commit suicide is not as common in Japan as it is in the West. In order to clarify these characteristics, I examine the nature of suicide and murder in relation to the issue of euthanasia and death with dignity while briefly reviewing the history of the debates in Japan in order to see how the characteristic understanding of “death with dignity” has generated. I also clarify, by giving examples, the structure of those narratives with regards to the “good manner of dying,” which excludes from society the elderly and people with incurable diseases and ones with motor and intellectual disabilities. In the end, I describe how biopolitics functions in the current Japanese situation.  相似文献   
从政治话语下死亡的符号化、死亡的人性化,再到死亡的苦难表述出发,阐释了政治话语下死亡的美学含义,发现了作家一方面对死亡本质具有了人性化的理解,并试图在审美领域上作新的尝试,另一方面又难以摆脱主流话语的束缚,在死亡叙事上仍然保持有功利性地再现宏大的历史境遇的传统观念。  相似文献   
舍勒对羞感心理的现象学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羞感是指人的精神意向在回首自己的身体时发现自己被束缚在一种动物性生存状态的心理情感体验和生存处境,它对伦理道德的形成和遵守具有基础性地位和作用.羞感区分为身体羞感和精神羞感,身体羞感是廉耻之心的生命感觉基础,精神羞感则是一切道德律令有效的灵魂保证.  相似文献   
研究马克思的人性尊严理论,对全面理解、丰富马克思主义的价值理论,有一定意义。马克思认为,人性在本质上是自由自觉的、和谐的、道德的,是社会关系的最高价值尺度。人性尊严以一切人的经济、社会地位的平等为基础,以人类自由自觉尊严本性的回归和人的全面发展为内容。当然,结合社会主义市场经济,我们还必须辩证看待人性尊严的私人特性和寻求积极自由与消极自由、结果平等与机会平等的均衡配置,实现个人自由与类的整合的价值目标。  相似文献   
Based on the results of a field study conducted during the summer following the wave of mobilizations in Gezi, this article analyzes the development and the social, cultural, and political meanings of this collective movement, which began in Turkey at the end of May 2013 and has been evolving during the summer. The first part of the article addresses the subject of these mobilizations that are opposed to the planning policy, implemented by the government in a process of neo-liberal economic development. The second part discusses the subjective engagement of the protesters and the meaning they give it, by considering alternatives not only to this policy but to the influence exerted on the individual and social life by the technostructures of the systemic forces. The third part analyzes, on the one hand, the methods of direct and online communication for organizing protests and, on the other, the creation of new living constructs, where protesters experiment with the alternatives to the dominations they contest. It is through protest, but also creative and performative actions, that the individuals try to become subjects of their own lives, against these dominations in which the Turkish dimension is part of a global systemic context.  相似文献   
由于“尊严”概念含义模糊,麦克琳、赫斯特等学者提出了“‘尊严’概念无用论”的观点,主张从伦理学词汇表中将其剔除。这种观点遭到国内外多数学者的反对,因为“自主性”等概念仅仅是与之有含义交叉,但无法涵盖或代替“尊严”概念。“尊严”概念的价值就在于它表达了人类使用其他语言不能表达的重要价值内涵,它是生命伦理学的核心价值观念,能帮助人们对抗工具理性的泛滥并拯救人性的迷失。  相似文献   
<黑暗的心>是康拉德的代表作.通过主人公马洛从英国到非洲寻找传奇人物库尔兹的历程,作品探索了文明的内核和外表,展示了人性的黑暗、复杂和悖谬.作者试图透过各种表象去感受每个人对尊严的要求,从而潜在地表达了对健康人性的呼唤.  相似文献   
论隐私权   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隐私本质上是一种隐含在隐私载体或现象中的、个人不愿随便被社会知悉的、与公共利益无关的私人信息。隐私权,是主体对自己的隐私利益进行的自由支配权,其内容与性质随着社会经济条件发展而不断发展。现代意义上的隐私权的内容包括隐蔽权和利用权,在性质上已经属于混合型或复合型权利,但它在本质上是一种独立的人格权。  相似文献   
人格尊严的规范被誉为现代宪法的核心价值,保障人格尊严既是"规范宪法"的必然要求,也是判断宪法正当性的重要基石。规范宪法要求涉及人格尊严的宪法规范必须完备、充分,并积极吸收国际条约中的人格尊严条款;宪法的正当性可以通过人格尊严保障的主体广泛性、标准复合性以及方式多样性等途径加以体现和证明。  相似文献   
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