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论苏区邮政检查的操作方法与纪律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了获得情报,肃清内奸,加强宣传,反制敌方邮检,苏区实行了邮检制度。邮检对象包括:密写、密函信件,记录有军政情报内容的胶卷、录音带、录像带、报刊杂志,夹藏有显微点以及炸弹、毒品、恐吓信、内容反动的信件或者出版物。邮检方式主要有四种。对受检邮件的处理方式有三种。总之,苏区对邮检极为重视,除严格选拔邮检员外,还制定了纪律,操作也较规范。  相似文献   
高校是“立德树人”培养高素质人才的基地,始终坚持在党的领导下办好中国特色社会主义高校,需要在思想和行动上执行好“四种形态”。正确认识当前高校践行“四种形态”存在的“精细治理”“文化管理”“经验管束”“粗放管理”等“四级样态”,对于高校党组织更好推进“四种形态”在高校落地生根具有重要意义  相似文献   
This article examines work–family reconciliation processes in order to understand if, over the course of marital life, women become socially closer or further away from their partner. Drawing on work–life interviews with highly qualified women in Portugal and Britain, we compare these processes in two societies with different historical and social backgrounds. Findings reveal three main configurations of social (in)equality which emerge during married life: growing inequality in favour of the man, in favour of the woman or equality between spouses. With due attention to the importance of national specific factors, we present three main conclusions. First, (in) equality is built up over the course of marital life and female strategies for reconciling family and work are at the core of this process. Second, the national specificities can mould the effects of cross-national gender mechanisms. Third, the intersection between cross-cultural phenomena such as conservative attitudes towards domestic work and national specificities (such as the availability of part-time options) is a rather complex process which needs further research.  相似文献   
作为一门新兴学科,农业社会学近年来在中国呈现出良好的发展势头。一门学科的发展,需要通过不断的知识积累和经验研究进行一砖一瓦的建设,其中理论建设尤其重要。同其他社会科学一样,经典文本在农业社会学的理论建设中具有核心位置。 本专题选取了三个(对)农业社会学中的经典命题:农业的生产时间与劳动时间、农业技术变迁中的占取主义与替代主义,以及技术采用中的“农业跑步机理论冶。按照时代背景、原典阐释、学术延续以及启发意义的思路撰写,尝试为农业社会学的入门者提供一种理论梳理的路径。  相似文献   
The enduring COVID-19 pandemic has gradually transformed our everyday lives. This study focuses on changes in work and family arrangements, with particular focus on changes in domestic help, and examines its impact on the division of domestic labor. Using a social survey of work and the family conducted in November 2020 and May 2021, the results show that from January 2020 (pre-pandemic) to May 2021, approximately 40% of respondents experienced a reduced gender gap for housework and childcare, while a large gender gap is still observed in the absolute frequency of undertaking domestic labor. Some lifestyle changes triggered by the pandemic, such as an increase in the use of takeaways or delivery meals, and the expansion of working from home, are found to be able to contribute a shift toward more equal sharing of domestic labor. However, the fact that the access to such lifestyle changes is more common among those with a relatively high income or high educational background suggests that the lifestyle changes imposed by the pandemic may exacerbate class disparities in the gender gap in domestic labor. Furthermore, the results show that decreased kinship support results in a greater childcare burden being placed on women.  相似文献   
Positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) is a thoroughly researched three-tiered framework for preventing and treating challenging behavior in schools. While more than 20 years of research contribute to the literature base, less is known about PBIS implementation in high-needs school settings, particularly those that serve students predominantly from low-income families and majority minority student populations across urban and rural districts. This study investigated the critical contextual factors of PBIS implementation from the stakeholder perspective. Specifically, we surveyed 161 participants including teachers, school staff members, and administrators who were PBIS team members and had received technical assistance in PBIS implementation. The completed surveys were analyzed with participants and their schools coded for district type, Title I funding, and position in order to determine how the perceptions of issues such as buy-in, administrator support, PBIS in secondary school settings, and poverty affect PBIS implementation and team needs. The factor analysis and resulting structure along with statistically significant results for each factor are presented along with implications.  相似文献   
土地流转是实现规模化经营的前提之一,然而土地流转中却出现大量小农复制,从而影响土地流转的质量和效果。运用12省(自治区)2 553份农户问卷,详细分析土地流转中小农复制的现状及其形成原因。研究发现:(1)农户流转耕地面积不大,转入户流转面积20亩及以下的约占总转入户数的60.3%,转出户流转面积5亩及以下的约占总转出户数的74.38%,转出户中仍然经营土地的约占总转出户数的74%。(2)农业分工发达使生产更加方便、文化传统形成路径依赖、禀赋效应产生“价值幻觉”以及公共服务不健全使未来存在不确定性导致转出户流转部分土地。乡土社会限制土地流转范围和经营风险增加风险感知导致转入户流转小规模土地。  相似文献   
学科文化是学科的灵魂,是学科不断发展创新的精神源泉和内在动力。学科文化自信是文化自信的重要组成部分,培育大学生文化自信应着眼全局,整体推进。学科文化自信与文化自信具有统一性,与核心价值观培育具有同构性,与担当民族复兴大任具有生成性。培育大学生学科文化自信,要深入挖掘和整合学科文化内涵,不断创新和发展培育手段,最终达到浸润和形塑博学自信的新时代大学生的目标。学科文化自信的培育可以达到激发学生学术热情,促进学生和学科全面发展,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,坚定理想信念以及践行使命担当的效用。  相似文献   
道德是上层建筑的意识形态,由社会经济关系决定,并反作用于社会经济关系。我国社会主义道德对社会主义建设和改革开放发挥巨大促进作用,是中华人民共和国前进的道德力量,在中国人民站起来到富起来再到强起来的征程中,起着精神引导作用。中国共产党历来重视思想道德建设,新中国成立之后,注重道德对社会主义建设的积极作用,坚持两个文明一起抓,法治与德治相结合,大力推进公民道德建设,发挥道德模范的示范作用,大力加强学校思想道德建设。70年来,特别是党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央采取各种措施大力加强思想道德建设,我国伦理学学科建设成果丰硕。这一系列的工作凝聚起强大的道德力量,使人民群众焕发出极大的爱国热情,华夏儿女同心同德,共圆中华民族复兴之梦。  相似文献   
加快建立中国特色、世界水平的学科评估体系,是提升我国学科建设水平和人才培养质量的重要助力器。在全国第五轮学科评估即将开始之际,学科评估应更加突出其诊断功能,突破评价标准单一、偏重学术导向、加剧马太效应的三重制约,引领高校尤其是地方高校学科的特色发展。应转变学科评估在服务师资队伍建设中呈现出的量化倾向、行为主义倾向以及行政化倾向,引导新时代的学科评估更好地服务于高校的师资队伍建设。应寻求学科评估工具价值和理性价值的融合,关照不同发展阶段学科的主体需求,构建和谐共生的学科评估生态系统。应聚焦立德树人根本任务,彰显新时代学科评估中本科教育的使命与责任,以更精细的分类、更民主的参与、更科学的价值判断、更合理的评估标准,进一步发挥学科评估对高校尤其是西部高校学科发展的引领作用。  相似文献   
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