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基于品牌关系质量理论,从品牌关系强度、品牌关系持续度和品牌关系干扰度三个维度,构建了过失型食品伤害危机情境下食品企业品牌关系质量对消费者宽恕意愿影响的理论模型,采集414份消费者数据,使用结构方程模型对消费者宽恕意愿的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果发现,品牌依赖、品牌亲密、品牌承诺和品牌忠诚对消费者宽恕意愿具有不同程度的正向显著影响,其中,品牌忠诚是最重要影响因素,品牌承诺是第二重要影响因素;品牌风险和品牌伤害对消费者宽恕意愿有着不同程度的负向显著影响,其中品牌伤害比品牌风险对消费者宽恕意愿的负向作用更显著。  相似文献   
通过对宋代矜贷案例中犯罪种类、矜贷原因、免减程度等情况的考察,归纳、阐释了宋代皇帝矜贷时所遵循的重伦理、重德义、重军功、重身份、疑罪从轻的五大原则,认为宋代矜贷体现了皇帝的好生之德,有积极意义。但是经常法外开恩,既有失法律的公正,也易滋生不良社会风气。  相似文献   
作为鲁迅七条遗嘱的出处,《死》是鲁迅告剐之际的遗言。《胡思乱想》则蕴涵着杨蜂“回家”路途的缅想。二者虽有观念和心态的不同,但皆充满回到生命本源的平静和自然,在宽恕与爱的命题上有殊途同归的内蕴。  相似文献   
孔子的“忠恕”之道,即由衷竭力以诚待人,推己及人处理问题。他为此奔走呼号一生。最终欲使人与人和谐礼让,消弭疑虑、互相攻讦乃至剑拔弩张的情势。显然,“忠恕”是天下和平、四海无波之根本。  相似文献   
佛学自传入中国以来,出于自身发展的需要就与儒学这样或那样地妥协、融和,云冈石窟的第9、10窟虽然表现的是佛教内容,但仍闪现出儒家“忠恕”思想的火花。  相似文献   

This study examined how 86 social work students attending a university in Florida viewed themselves and others in relation to self-esteem, empathy, and forgiveness. The study used a cross-sectional, self-administered survey. Results indicated female students reported a higher level of emotional empathy than that reported by male students. Significant relationships were also noted between forgiveness of others and the age of the respondent and ethnicity. Self-esteem was a significant predictor of forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others; and empathy is a significant predictor of forgiveness of others. The study identified the need for social work educators to help students develop a strong sense of self and an understanding of others. Future research is suggested to explore how the timing of a transgression affects forgiveness of self and others.  相似文献   
德里达的解构思路最大的特点是追索思考对象在语言中的原初状态 ,找出其异质与悖论因素 ,让其自身的悖论运动在自我建构中自我解构 ,以求在动态中了解事物。他的宽恕问题研究也是以这种风格进行的 ,但研究的方式已超出纯语言文字的范围 ,向解构的“伦理牵挂”、政治神学关怀“加重分量”。  相似文献   
Willingness to forgive depending on circumstances was assessed in a sample of 203 15- and 16-year-old adolescents from two different cultures: Western Europe and Maghreb. The material consisted of 48 cards depicting a fight between adolescents. Each story contained five items of information: (a) the origin of the offender (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (b) the origin of the victim (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (c) the degree of intent in the act (clear intent versus no intent), (d) apologies / contrition for the act (apologies versus no apologies), and (e) the degree of cancellation of consequences. The overall level of willingness to forgive was clearly different from zero, but was not very high: among adolescents, forgiveness is far from being unconditional. The apology factor appeared to be extremely important: when remorse and apologies are present,it is much easier to forgive. Willingness to forgive extends to the members of the other group. All these results hold true, irrespective of the respondent's origin.  相似文献   
The Forgiveness Intervention Model (Bonach, 2007 Bonach, K. 2007. Forgiveness Intervention Model: Application to coparenting post-divorce. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 48(1/2): 105123.  [Google Scholar]) is tested as a conceptual framework for former partners who are coparenting. Scores of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions of forgiveness from a sample of 135 separated or divorced parents were analyzed to contribute to the understanding of coparenting quality. Previous literature supported the contribution of certain predictor variables, including blame, offense severity judgments, and control variables including hostile divorce proceedings, satisfaction with child custody financial arrangements, perceived remorsefulness of the former partner, prior conflict, and the mediating role of forgiveness to coparenting quality. In this study separate regression analyses were run for each dimension of forgiveness to determine their role in the relationship between the study variables and coparenting quality. The cognitive dimension more often had the most significant contribution between the variables examined and coparenting quality. Furthermore, higher coparenting quality was significantly correlated with how positively an individual feels (r?=?.49, p?<?.001) and thinks about the former partner (r?=?.50, p?<?.001). The findings affirm the clinical importance of primary cognitive tasks necessary for an individual to move through the stages of forgiveness to “move on” and achieve desirable outcomes such as a quality coparenting relationship with a former partner.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to explore the place of forgiveness in the dynamics of divorce and the relation among forgiveness, demographics (gender, age and income, length of marriage, time passed since divorce, and the capacity to rebuild one's life), initiative and attitudes toward divorce, and attachment style and loneliness in a sample of divorced persons. A total of 40 divorced persons (18 men and 22 women) participated in this study. No differences in participants´ attachment style, forgiveness (yes–no), or forgiveness level related to gender were found. Forgiveness was related to age, years married, years divorced, income level, secure attachment, and romantic loneliness. Level of forgiveness was related to having remarried or lived with someone after the divorce, secure attachment, romantic loneliness, and unfavorable attitudes toward divorce. We found a negative association between initiative in the divorce and forgiveness and forgiveness level, and none with dependence—emotional or instrumental. Linear regression analysis showed that, in our sample, 37.4% of the variance of forgiveness was explained by security of attachment and age. Level of forgiveness was explained in 28.3% of its variance by initiative (negatively), secure attachment, and romantic loneliness.  相似文献   
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