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马栏革命根据地革命形式的不断壮大,为党员干部的工作能力有了更高的要求。党组织通过建立干部教育培训制度、推进师范学校教育、举办干部培训班等途径,对干部开展了有效的业务教育、政治教育、文化教育、理论教育,培养了一支素质过硬的干部队伍,推动了革命的发展,形成了红色“马栏精神”,也为全国红色革命的胜利和新中国成立后社会主义建设培养了一批优良的干部队伍。  相似文献   
北魏开凿云冈石窟始于文成帝兴安二年(453年),这项工程历时60余年,是佛教中国化的一种表现。昙曜能够在皇权支持下开凿石窟,是特定历史背景下多种因素共同作用的结果。当时全国各地的石窟开凿和佛教造像现象已经广泛流行,无论是达官贵人还是平民百姓均有热衷于佛教造像者,使开凿石窟有了广泛的社会基础。北方僧侣将儒家的伦理道德和礼仪规范融入佛教之中,对教义的变革迎合了皇权的需要,将皇帝地位提高到了佛的高度而受万民敬仰,同时文成帝将佛教视为巩固北魏统治的思想武器,从国家层面对佛教发展给予了支持,这也是石窟能够开凿的根本原因。师贤、昙曜等高僧精于佛教造像艺术,将天子即佛融入到造像艺术之中,迎合了文成帝的政治需要,同时为佛教的发展争得了皇权的庇护和财力支持。  相似文献   
对大遗址管理而言,我国正稳步推进的城镇化既是机遇,也是挑战。为回应这些机遇或挑战,“十一五”前后我国从中央到地方采取了一系列措施,以寻求大遗址管理体制中管理架构和机构的部分突破。这些突破对大遗址保护已经或正在产生积极影响,但也面临着政策不具普适性、无法根除原管理框架痼疾等困境。促成大遗址保护需求与规划的衔接、引入社会力量参与大遗址管理,是突破困境的重要手段。  相似文献   
The Chinese road has deep historical roots. Its most striking feature is that it is marked by historical continuity rather than rupture, and the main force behind this continuity is its intrinsic dynamism and vitality. Unlike the paradigm of Eurocentrism or “Discovering History in China,” the comparative analytical paradigm discovers China through long-term comparisons with corresponding countries in the same time and space in an effort to find positive elements in the history of the Chinese road and to refute the long prevalent theory of Chinese stagnation. Seen over the course of world history, the impetus for the creation of the world’s most brilliant agrarian civilization was endogenous. This impetus was not a momentary “explosive force” but a sustainable institutional drive whose main constituents were the independent farming household, endogenous government capacity and adaptive national governance. In addition to the main theme of “permanent change,” Chinese development had a secondary theme of “cyclical change” which cannot be ignored. The roots of Chinese development are buried deep in the genes of this agrarian nation in the form of sticky institutions, bureaucratic inertia, arbitrary power, etc. Historical continuity provided a foundation for China’s creative revolution and development in modern times, ultimately laying down a socialist development road with Chinese characteristics, although this remains an unfinished relay process.  相似文献   
历史文化资源是城市特有文化形态的依托和我体。能否挖掘、保护、梳理好历史文化资源,关系到城市优秀历史文化的继承与弘扬,关涉到城市未来的发展与走向。历史文化资源,不但要挖掘、整理、保护,更要优化。优化历史文化资源,就是在文明的大背景下,系统梳理历史文化资源,理清历史发展脉络,理清文明发展足迹,理清优秀历史文化传统,进而树立鲜明的城市文化形象,增强城市文化软实力。  相似文献   
包容性领导的概念正在成为研究的热点,目前对包容性领导的定义,学术界没有统一的认识,基于中国文化对包容性概念的理解,梳理包容性相关学术研究、文献,通过探索性访谈研究,对包容性领导的概念进行了定义,并提出包容性领导的价值。  相似文献   
《圆圆曲》是吴伟业七言歌行的代表作之一。明末清初动荡的社会背景,陈圆圆风雨飘摇的身世遭际,引发了诗人的创作灵感,也赋予了该诗巨大的历史价值,故历来此法备受关注,研究成绩斐然。本文梳理了相关研究资料,试图从其历史真实性、创作时间、主题意旨、艺术手法,及与《长恨歌》等同类诗作的比较研究等方面,对近三十年来《圆圆曲》的研究现状做一综述,以期在总结中理清脉络,进而寻求新的学术研究空间。  相似文献   
避讳学是一门研究避讳现象发生发展的一般规律及其应用的边缘学科,历史悠久、文献丰富、成就巨大是我国避讳学研究的最显著特点。伴随一部避讳史,也有一部中国避讳学史。中国避讳学史可分为四个时期:一是避讳史料学时期——先秦至明代,二是避讳学的萌芽期——清代,三是避讳学的形成期——近代,四是避讳学的发展期——现代。  相似文献   
The paper examines changes in the influence of family background, including socioeconomic and social background variables on educational attainment in Australia for cohorts born between 1890 and 1982. We test hypotheses from modernization theory on sibling data using random effects models and find: (i) substantial declines in the influence of family background on educational attainment (indicated by the sibling intraclass correlations); (ii) declines in the effects of both economic and cultural socioeconomic background variables; (iii) changes in the effects of some social background variables (e.g., family size); (iv) and declines in the extent that socioeconomic and social background factors account for variation in educational attainment. Unmeasured family background factors are more important, and proportionally increasingly so, for educational attainment than the measured socioeconomic and social background factors analyzed. Fixed effects models showed steeper declines in the effects of socioeconomic background variables than in standard analyses suggesting that unmeasured family factors associated with socioeconomic background obscure the full extent of the decline.  相似文献   
今文《尚书》之《尧典》叙述尧观象授时、举贤任能、巡狩四方等事迹,树立了高大光辉的明君形象。从其材料来源、思想观念、语言形式及战国典籍的征引等多方面来看,《尧典》应编成于春秋时期。其编者应是孔子,春秋时代官学下移、私学兴起,讲史之风盛行,孔门以讲史教学,故孔子有编辑旧史佚闻之举。从文体方面来看,《尧典》以人物为中心,以事件为骨干,与《商书》、《周书》誓、命、训、诰诸体差别较大,具备了“传记”的诸种因素。  相似文献   
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