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洞经音乐文化是中华文化的一部分,大理洞经音乐文化源远流长,它是道、佛、儒、唐宋词牌和民间小调的集合体,是以道教思想为基础发展演变而成的音乐社团和民俗文化,有大理地域文化的特色,是多元文化的结晶。洞经文化具有积淀历史文化、凝聚民众社团、陶冶民众道德情操的功能。目前应当抓好对洞经文化的继承与发展的课题。  相似文献   
“释比”是羌族文化的集大成者,在羌族人的生产生活中扮演着精神领袖的角色,是羌族非物质文化遗产保护的重点对象。在对羌族“释比”的来历和社会角色进行梳理的基础上,论述了“释比”的传承过程,并首次对其谱系展开研究。  相似文献   
以绍兴文理学院为例,说明地方大学校园文化与区域文化的互动效应。绍兴文理学院承传越文化之“发愤图强”精神、“经世致用”精神和“忧国忧民”的名人精神,并经过批判和文化过滤,培育和凝炼成“修德、求真、图强”的校园精神。学校以百年校史积淀的文化精神熏陶培养人才,同时也影响社会,发挥了学校对于地域文化的引领作用、示范作用和强化作用,促进了社会的进步。  相似文献   
日本长野地区至今仍广为流传着一个传说——“鬼女红叶”传说。该传说的文本记载肇始于日本中世,其后几经演变渐渐在长野地区以相对稳定的传承方式固定下来。通过文献研究法,解析该传说的文献记载与长野地区的勾连,沿着时间轴从文本层面对该传说的传承进行研究,理清文本传承的脉络及其情节演变过程,在此基础上考察文本传承所反映的在地化要素。  相似文献   
荣昌陶器技艺是中国传统陶器技艺的重要组织部分,因其历史悠久、工艺精湛而久负盛名,与江苏宜兴陶、云南建水陶、广西钦州陶并称为中国四大名陶,荣昌又与广东佛山、江苏宜兴一起被誉为中国“三大陶都”。在千百年的传承和发展过程中,荣昌陶器为巴蜀地区人民的生产和生活曾做出过重要贡献。在非物质文化遗产保护热兴起的今天,重新梳理荣昌陶器技艺产生和发展的场境,发掘潜藏在陶器技艺背后的经济和文化动因,能够使我们在文化生态和生产条件发生巨大变化的今天更好地保护、传承和发展荣昌陶艺。  相似文献   
Inheritance is a significant means of transferring wealth from one generation to the next, and therefore increasingly attracts attention from researchers and policy-makers working on intergenerational and multidimensional poverty. However, until now disabled persons have been overlooked in these discussions. This oversight is particularly unfortunate because, as a group, the estimated one billion people with disabilities (some 15% of the world’s population) are among the poorest and most marginalized of the global population. Over the past decade, a small but growing literature has examined the recursive connections between poverty and disability throughout the developing world. In this paper, we argue that disabled individuals are routinely denied inheritance rights in many low-income and middle-income countries, and that this is a significant and largely unrecognized contributor to their indigence. The denial of inheritance is both a social justice issue and a practice that can no longer be overlooked if disabled persons are to be brought into the development mainstream.  相似文献   
构式与其组构成分间的互动关系一直是构式语法关注的核心问题之一。Goldberg在构式语法理论框架中提出了动词与构式的双向互动观,但在实际论述中却过于强调构式对动词的单向压制,降低了动词义对构式生成的贡献,忽略了对构式组构成分的系统研究。以构式与其组构成分间的互动关系为视点,从构式压制与承继的辩证关系出发,进一步阐释图示构式生成是构式与组构成分在互动压制和多重承继合力作用下的结果。同时,基于封闭语料库穷尽分析汉语羡余否定构式"好不X"的特征,结果表明:构式压制与词汇压制是双向互动的;图示构式特征的形成取决于构式对其组构成分的多重动态承继;图示构式基于互动压制承继合力机制的形成。  相似文献   
为了更好地实现在环境艺术设计中传承地域文化,了解两者的基本定义是基础。从地域文化与环境艺术的概念出发,就地域文化对环境艺术表现与缺失进行深入分析,同时通过探析地域文化对环境艺术设计的现实意义,对环境设计中地域文化的应用与传承进行研究。  相似文献   
In this paper I first offer a systematic outline of a series of conceptual novelties in the life‐sciences that have favoured, over the last three decades, the emergence of a more social view of biology. I focus in particular on three areas of investigation: (1) technical changes in evolutionary literature that have provoked a rethinking of the possibility of altruism, morality and prosocial behaviours in evolution; (2) changes in neuroscience, from an understanding of the brain as an isolated data processor to the ultrasocial and multiply connected social brain of contemporary neuroscience; and (3) changes in molecular biology, from the view of the gene as an autonomous master of development to the ‘reactive genome’ of the new emerging field of molecular epigenetics. In the second section I reflect on the possible implications for the social sciences of this novel biosocial terrain and argue that the postgenomic language of extended epigenetic inheritance and blurring of the nature/nurture boundaries will be as provocative for neo‐Darwinism as it is for the social sciences as we have known them. Signs of a new biosocial language are emerging in several social‐science disciplines and this may represent an exciting theoretical novelty for twenty‐first social theory.  相似文献   
明清以降来青早期移民的祖籍问题,民间和学术界一般都认为是在今天江苏省南京市、笔者以今天南京珠玑巷不可考为起点,经过对民间传说和历史资料的辨析查考,提出两种推论认为;所谓南京珠玑巷一是可能在今天浙江诸暨市(为同音之转),二是可能在今天河南省开封市(该地曾是旧县祥符)。由于自然和人文环境的变异、官方和民间话语修正的双重作用而使其发生了改变,并最终使这一文化符号在误读的情况下,被赋予了新的文化内涵。  相似文献   
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