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《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》全篇凸显了“稳定压倒一切”的主题。美国政治学家亨廷顿的政治发展与稳定理论中关于现代化引起不稳定、必须维持政治参与和政治制度化的合理比例、政治稳定有赖政治制度化的推进以及政治体系必须具备政策革新与吸收新社会力量的能力等论断为当前的和谐社会建设提供了有益的启示和借鉴。因而,要构建社会主义和谐社会,必须深化政治体制改革,扩大公民有序的政治参与,推进政治制度化建设,维护政治稳定。.  相似文献   
在马克思主义发展史上,邓小平创造性地发展了马克思主义民主政治理论,提出了一系列具有中国特色的社会主义民主政治建设思想,其中主要的有以下几点:民主政治建设必须从中国的国情出发;搞好民主政治建设必须健全民主集中制;民主政治建设必须坚持党的领导;强调社会主义民主政治建设和社会主义法制建设密不可分.必须把民主制度化、法律化.  相似文献   
WTO与行政契约的发展及其运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“入世”后,政府职能的转变为行政契约的运用提供了广阔的前景,行政契约因其合意、平等、非强制、柔性化的优点,而具有应对WTO规则的可行性与必要性。目前,按照WTO非歧视原则、透明度原则、保障条款和司法审查原则的要求,积极推动行政契约的制度化和法制化乃当务之急  相似文献   
社会学经验研究传统的形成与确立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代社会学中,经验社会研究和理论研究构成了这一学科的两大主要传统。但同后者相比,有关经验社会研究本身的历史长期以来一直受到忽视。欧美早期经验社会研究的形成和确立的历史有助于我们认识经验社会研究的产生背景、制度化的过程以及对现代社会学发展的影响。对这段历史的回顾对于社会学理论研究同经验社会研究的结合是有积极意义的。  相似文献   
Frame analysis has been developed and applied across contexts in several disciplines such as policy analysis, where the perspective has proven fruitful to carve out essential differences in the construction of meaning and to understand the responsiveness of the strategic use of ideas. However, this article argues in line with other scholars that the analytical potential of frame analysis is not fully utilized in most empirical studies. The article addresses two points of critique raised against frame analytical perspectives: the limited view of the framing process and the limited understanding of frame effects. We suggest two analytical dimensions that help to develop the analytical potential of frame analysis in policy analysis and beyond: firstly, the institutionalization process of frames which can capture the struggle of meaning within policy processes and also distinguish between the varying influences of different frames over space and time. Secondly, the extension of frame effects that through a reconceptualization of frame effects can capture how a frame has an effect on actors other than the audience and beyond its immediate purpose.  相似文献   
In this article, we explore how ‘family’ is conceptualized and negotiated in a Mexican and a Chilean child protection institution. We draw on empirical material from two qualitative studies, employing a multi‐method approach. By using a theoretical framework from family sociology, we explore how ‘family’ is done and displayed by families of children in residential care despite socio‐economic, structural and institutional constraints. These displays consist mainly of ‘little things’ of a mundane character, such as homemade food, sweets, gifts, clothing and family photos, and more intangible displays as family narratives, affection and parental responsibility. The empirical material reveals how professionals commonly disregard these displays in favour of ‘big things’ such as housing, employment, nuclear family structure, therapy and parental school attendance. The professionals' recommendations and decisions in child custody cases can be interpreted as recognitions or rejections of family displays, as the acceptable limits of unconventionality are legally, socially and culturally drawn.  相似文献   
非强制行政行为顺应了服务行政的需要,完善了我国行政管理的方式,具体实现着官民和谐以及保护相对人权利的目标。2005年以来,泉州市和吉林市等地相继开展了非强制行政行为制度化的实践,为规范行政权力的行使,防止非强制行政权力的随意和滥用,拓展行政实践的疆域,更好地维护相对人权益发挥着重要的作用,体现了这一理论的重要实践价值。  相似文献   
新兴宗教的发展与地方政治权力之间有着极为密切的关系。民初一些新兴宗教的勃兴正是得益于政府官员和地方绅商的支持。不过随着北伐对既有权力结构的冲击,原先受到官绅庇护的新兴宗教团体开始面临生存的困境。作为民国时期最具规模和影响的新兴宗教团体----世界红卍字会道院,在北伐之后与其他知名的新兴宗教一样也遭到国民党政府的查禁。不过该团体通过慈善救济这一平台争取军政官员的支持,并将自身与国民政府的救济体系相捆绑,完成“慈善机构化”。借助以上方式,院会与党部及其所支持的团体发生财产纠葛时,便可争取相关部门的支持,从而降低被打击的风险。院会也因此在党国体制下确保相对稳定的生存空间。  相似文献   
The purpose of this pilot study was to describe attachment behavior in children adopted internationally at six months post adoption. Twenty-two children and their adoptive mothers were observed at home for completion of an attachment measure. Mothers also completed a questionnaire on their child's preadoption care. Comparisons of children low and high in attachment security suggested that low secure children showed predominantly ambivalent attachment behavior or that they were still in the process of forming an attachment. Children having foster versus orphanage care prior to adoption differed in quality of preadoption care and in certain attachment behaviors, but not in overall attachment security.  相似文献   
The dramatic rise of parental divorce affects a large number of children placing new and acute demands on the helping services to meet their needs. In addition to the conventional assessment tools for and methods for treating children, new and innovative ones are needed to help therapists understand the problems of these children. In the following article, the author presents new ways to utilize children's drawings to better understand how children of parental divorce see their world.  相似文献   
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