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This article seeks to shed light on Lim Kim Chern’s gastronomic writing, by ensconcing this individual case in the context of Modern Chinese Prose as an enduring literary tradition, in order to elicit the attribute of locality with diasporic discourse in quotidian life, that distinguishes it as part of a work in Malaysian Chinese Literature than the others. We will further this quest, by comparing the gastronomic writing of Lim before and after the changes in his literary pursuit in gastronomic writing, namely, by the comparison of the literary hierarchy of high-brow literature and the sub-genre of literature that post-positions the literariness, in order to examine whether or not it is a revelation, or even a harbinger of the fate of Malaysian Chinese Literature being minor literature.  相似文献   
Jane Campion’s films have repeatedly used the Bluebeard story as a myth underpinning their narrative structures. This article examines the way in which her 2012 TV series, Top of the Lake, both uses and moves beyond this myth, arguing that its central focus on mothers and daughters draws instead on another, related myth, that of Demeter and Proserpine. This story, Mary Jacobus has suggested, is the Greek myth that Freud does not select, indeed represses, in his search for a founding myth that would ground the psychoanalytic story of childhood development. It is also a myth which, in a gesture of “feminist nostalgia,” feminists have repeatedly appropriated in their desire to recover a “lost,” unalienated mother-daughter relationship. Top of the Lake, I argue, is both an exercise in and investigation of such feminist nostalgia. Campion’s evocation of the myth of Proserpine/Demeter to underpin its complex mix of female Gothic and detective story counters the dominant cultural narrative of Oedipus. But like Jacobus it remains suspicious of utopian fantasies and the unalienated body.  相似文献   
Nostalgia had a prominent place in the Brexit Referendum campaign, epitomized by Nigel Farage carrying around with him an old-fashioned blue British passport on the campaign trail. In this paper, we seek to examine British attitudes towards the past through a new survey instrument administered online in July and August 2018 (N = 3,000). We empirically establish two dimensions of nostalgia that are differentially associated with political preferences. We conclude that it is the substance of the nostalgia that matters, not the looking towards the past per se.  相似文献   
In this article, we analyze local Holocaust Remembrance Day (HRD) ceremonies promoted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in Spain and Turkey. We investigate whether these memory practices have the potential to lead to a cosmopolitan engagement with the host countries’ own pasts. Focused on the same memorial events in highly contrasting and diverse national contexts, this article examines how supranational memory discourses are adopted and reinterpreted within the nation‐state framework. Our ethnographic observation of the commemorations and analysis of the speeches between 2011 and 2018 in Turkey and 2005 and 2018 in Spain show that the Spanish ceremony can be defined as porous and to a certain degree open to multivocality—given the participation of different mnemonic communities—while the Turkish one is sealed and does not allow for the possibility of disrupting its self‐congratulatory national memory narrative. Paradoxically, in both cases, especially in Turkey, the national legitimation profiles are bolstered by the universal frameworks that Holocaust memory provides. Even though memory travels transnationally, the nation‐state still is the most powerful translator of this past. This results in the rendition of pre‐Holocaust nostalgic pasts as a multicultural heaven where different groups, including the Jewish community, lived in harmony.  相似文献   
建立标准化怀旧图片系统的目的在于完善怀旧视觉刺激材料,以利于对怀旧进行深入研究.利用开放式调查和主观评定建立标准化怀旧图片库过程如下:在网络上向100名大学生发放问卷确定怀旧类别;根据怀旧的类别,收集了怀旧图片512张,非怀旧图片257张,再由135名大学生被试对图片的怀旧程度作1-7点评定;根据每张图片怀旧评分值的标准差排序,选取高怀旧图片100张,怀旧感平均值为5.82.低怀旧图片100张,怀旧感平均值为5.02.非怀旧类图片100张,怀旧感平均值为3.15.  相似文献   
“临川二晏”有着浓郁的故乡情结。他们的故乡情结表现在对故乡风物的描绘,以及对故乡人事的叙述与追怀。怀着对故乡的认同感与归属感,他们支持家乡教育,推崇乡贤,一定程度上鼓舞了故乡的读书尚学之风。他们严谨持家,其子孙后代不乏佼佼者,临川晏氏因此成为宋代江西文学家族的代表之一。他们在南唐词派基础上发展了词体,推动了宋代江西词人群体的形成。  相似文献   
城乡二元结构、对城市生活的不适应等通常被认为是农村老人留守的主要原因.我国东部地区也有留守老人,然而留守原因并非都是无奈之举,而是基于乡愁的理性选择.通过对100位留守老人的问卷调查以及23位留守老人的深度访谈,发现东部山区农村老人选择主动留守是对乡愁的守望,表现为五个方面:对故土的依恋、邻里的守望相助、维系传统的"家"观念、实现自我价值、重塑代际关系.最后就关爱留守老人从充实文化生活、提倡情感慰藉、建设美丽乡村三个方面提出相关建议.  相似文献   
This paper considers the trade in second-hand things at Milnerton Market, Cape Town. We describe the labour of traders in making these worn-out objects into saleable products, detailing the displays and discussions which are integral to their valorisation. We show that Milnerton becomes imagined by traders and customers as an alternative to routine shopping at malls and boutique stores. The critical work of protecting and maintaining this alternative form of sociality is enabled by the policing of what can be sold of the market. This work of demarcation is intimately bound to racialised notions of value. In our conclusion, we bring international research on flea markets together with recent South African writings on consumption to consider how alternative trade may assert racial identity in post-apartheid South Africa.  相似文献   
沈德潜的诗除了反映现实的诗作值得肯定之外,其诗集中大量的山水诗、田园诗和怀古咏史诗也同样具有特色,值得重视。沈德潜笔下的吴地山水诗具有浓郁的地方色彩;描写其他地区山水的诗兼李、杜、韩等人山水诗之长,并富有理趣。其田园诗熔铸陶诗和盛唐诸公田园诗之神,并能自开生面。其怀古咏史诗则使事典切,诗境浑厚,能翻出新意。沈德潜备受诟病的歌功颂德诗、应制诗在其诗集中只占很少一部分,即使是这类诗,也不宜一笔抹杀。研究、评价沈德潜的诗要坚持"知人论世"的原则。  相似文献   
台湾怀乡散文以其特定的"美学意识形态"叙事策略建构"古典中国"形象和"中国历史",以抒情化的文学艺术形式还原、修复两岸之间的文化记忆。今日学者对台湾怀乡散文应该特别注意其在美学意义上的超意识形态价值,而相对淡化其在意识形态上与大陆文学之间的分歧和争议,不能因为怀乡散文蕴含着当时台湾社会的政治意识形态思想,而就此抹杀或贬低它的艺术成就。这是从文学史和思想史角度重新评价、审视台湾怀乡散文的学术基础。  相似文献   
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