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艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格在其代表作《卢布林的魔术师》中通过描写雅夏对犹太教的背弃与皈依及道德的沦丧与回归,再现了犹太人在不同的信仰、传统、文化碰撞中艰难地探寻身份,寻求生存平衡的过程。  相似文献   
While engaging the process of artistic creation at the Creative Growth Art Center (CGAC) in San Francisco, California, Judith Scott produced numerous enigmatic three-dimensional fiber and mixed media sculpture pieces that subsequently received international attention. Approaching Scott's life and art from the perspective of Disability Studies – understood as an expressly political project – takes us beyond the limitations of the label of Art Brut/Outsider Art and of questions of artistic communication to properly situate her activities at the CGAC as work in both a social and economic sense. Judith's story – and her representation in a recent Spanish documentary film by directors Lola Barrera and Iñaki Peñafiel – suggests that in aspiring to achieve greater social and economic inclusion for such marginalized populations we must challenge the pervasive clinical paradigm that frames disability as lack and go further by cultivating sustainable, meaningful work experiences, such as that offered by the CGAC to people with developmental disabilities. Ultimately, creating art has the potential to be such a form of meaningful work.  相似文献   
梁华 《齐鲁学刊》2007,(4):102-104
德莱塞的小说要么以外省人为主人公,要么以外省人的眼光观察社会上的人与事,显示出很强的外省意识。形成德莱塞小说创作外省意识的原因既有家庭背景方面的,也有个人方面的。外省意识使德莱塞解构了旧的文学传统,建构了新的文风,也使他能够站在局外人的高度来审视社会与人生。  相似文献   
西方现代派的精神探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代派是现当代西方反传统、反理性的产物 ,他的审美形态是面临虚无深渊的“荒诞”。以往人们常常侧重于阐述现代派的怀疑一切的叛逆精神 ,缺乏对现代派重建精神家园的不懈努力作深刻的把握。本文试图以海明威和加缪为例注释现代派作家探索生命终极意义的“天路历程”。  相似文献   
不同的时代相似的灵魂--"多余人""局外人"比较谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“多余人”与“局外人”产生于不同的时代、不同的国度,但在他们身上却具有相似与相异之处,具有比较的价 值。通过这两类形象的分析比较,对理解这两类形象以及产生他们的时代都会有积极的意义。  相似文献   
"局内人"和"局外人"的区分是用采表明社会科学中研究者所处的位置和采取的角色,因为立场的差异,相应地所得出的结论也会有所不同.2008年由好莱坞梦工厂出品的<功夫熊猫>在国内的热映以及之后不久北京奥运开幕式的所带来的举世瞩目的惊艳,正是"局内人"和"局外人"凭借各自的优势所取得的成功.这两个文化事件使中国人或失望或鼓舞,或悲愤或振奋,而无论如何,它们都昭示了中国文化所具有的魅力和潜力.是中国文化的成功.其实,"局内人"和"局外人"的区分是相对的,真正的"局内人"是不存在的,只有站到一个与自己的同胞不同的观察视角上,才有可能看清楚自己的文化.作为"局内人",应该在努力做到"变熟为生"的同时,自我觉醒,自我反省,自我创建,也就是达至-l费孝通所提倡的"文化自觉",给中国社会生活注入新的活力.  相似文献   
中小家族企业普遍实行家族化管理模式,企业主区别对待家族成员和非家族成员,促使二者之间形成了一种差序结构,严重影响到企业的生存与发展。  相似文献   
No two disasters are the same. Accordingly, sociocultural geographers are aptly positioned to include the place-based and temporal aspects of disasters in their analyses. By examining the experiences of 19 Cantabrian families who have relocated to the Waikato region, this paper offers stories from the margins of ‘traditional’ disaster research. Often researchers know a great deal about the population at the site of the disaster, but little about the people who move away. Further, by investigating relocation, the insider/outsider dichotomy is challenged, as participants in this research are simultaneously inside and outside the earthquake events and their ongoing impacts. ‘Ownership’ of the disaster narratives, including research, lays open ideas of who can speak for whom. What and who is inside and/or outside a disaster event also allows a finer distinction of how place attachment filters experience and ideas of recovery, which are not diminished under internal migration.  相似文献   
劳动力市场分割:一个文献综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
早期劳动力市场分割理论认为,由于制度和社会原因,劳动力市场上会形成非竞争性群体,从而导致劳动力不能自由流动;现代劳动力市场分割理论运用新的分析工具发展了早期制度性分割的观点,并且研究了劳动力市场的市场性分割。研究西方劳动力市场分割理论,对于统一完善我国的劳动力市场有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
庐山面目:论研究视野和模式的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从阐释学观点看来,理解总是以理解者的视野为前提,但"阐释循环"的要义并非证明理解难免循环或主观。我们应该如何理解中国及其历史、文学和文化?中国研究应该采取怎样合适的视野和模式?二十多年前,柯文曾提出在美国的中国研究中,应该有"中国中心"的观念,但直到目前,美国的汉学研究并没有以"中国为中心",却更多受西方理论和社会科学方法的影响,而且也没有重视中国学者的研究成果。本文通过讨论几个具体例证指出,随着中国近来的变化发展,学术交往和互动的机会迅速增加,我们早该打破"内"与"外"的隔阂,抛弃"社会科学模式"自以为是的优越感和(西方)"理论复杂性"的自傲,融合中西学术最优秀的成果,努力奠定理解中国及中国文化坚实可靠的基础。  相似文献   
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