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从人格的两重性谈领导干部如何保持健康人格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山西省临汾市原公安局长邵建伟由清廉走向腐化、从勤政变为贪婪的心路历程为切入点,运用“双重人格”理论,从人性弱点角度分析犯罪原因、过程及警示意义,探寻贯彻党中央最近提出的“把教育和预防作为反腐败工作的重点,坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防方针”的方法和途径。  相似文献   
系统的开放性是联盟成长演化的重要条件。输入足够的负熵流是系统从无序走向有序的必要条件。针对来自于企业技术联盟的内部和外部的正熵流,设计相应的负熵流控制机制,有利于企业技术联盟在熵流控制过程中改善自身管理状况,获取负熵流,提高联盟绩效。  相似文献   
突发事件发生的类型和频率与日俱增,给人民生命和财产造成的危害日益加重,应急管理成为处理重大自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全事件等突发事件的重要手段之一。针对这种情况,运用现代知识管理和风险管理技术,建立应急管理模型,设计出了应急管理系统;应急管理系统主要包括三个部分:客户端、服务层和存储层。在客户端,用户可以检索需要的应急知识;服务层主要用于应急知识的获取、处理与预警消息的发布;存储层主要提供各种数据和案例。  相似文献   
试论国际项目融资的风险及其法律防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际项目融资主要适用于耗资巨大、开发周期较长、操作过程复杂、有可靠现金收入来源的大型工程项目,它可以有力地解决发展中国家基础设施建设资金短缺问题。但因其投资规模大、工期长、工程和技术复杂、有关利益参与人众多,面临的可变因素多,因此面临的风险也很大。需要从政治、金融、经营、环境等方面进行有效的法律防范,从而保证国际项目融资能够稳定、有序地开展。  相似文献   
高校职务犯罪问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着高校体制改革的深入发展,高校职务犯罪率正呈上升之势,并体现出特有的形式与特点。当前我国反腐败法制不健全、权力监督机制松懈、个别人员思想政治素质不高、法制观念淡薄是诱发职务犯罪的主要原因。要有效预防高校职务犯罪,现阶段必须加大思想教育力度,加强法制建设,强化监督机制,建立完善廉政制度,以对高校职务犯罪进行综合预防。  相似文献   
论群体性突发事件预防和处置机制的构建   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
随着改革进入攻坚阶段和人均GDP超过1000美元,我国也进入矛盾凸现期,新的矛盾不断出现,深层次的矛盾不断显现。这些利益上、政治上及思想上的矛盾冲突极易诱发群体性的争吵、打斗,酿成群体性突发事件,给社会的和谐稳定构成严峻挑战。应尽快建立并完善群体性突发事件的预防和处置机制,使其在未发生时能有效预防,刚萌生时能有效化解和控制,发生后能及时妥善处置。  相似文献   
There are few areas in regulation likely to cause more controversy than where risk, science and politics collide. While the case of Thalidomide shows that it is by no means an exclusively recent concern, David Vogel’s work confirms that it is an enduring theme of contemporary debate. Vogel has maintained that, while the American regulatory regime of the 1960s and 1970s may have been intensely contested, its European counterpart now displays significant similarities, so that the “Tortoise has now caught up with the Hare”. This article challenges such a view, suggesting that he has overstated the role of Precaution in European regulation, where it is qualified by other regulatory principles (BATNEEC, Proportionality and Subsidiarity) that embrace other socially valued objectives: economic growth, technological innovation and employment. Moreover, while the rhetoric of European regulation may evoke a concern with the role of science in regulation (often at the cutting edge, where precaution demands the evidentiary bar to intervention is lowered) in practise, its role (through risk assessments) has ensured that it is elevated.  相似文献   
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and comparative risk assessment (RA) use the same building blocks for analyzing fate and potential effects of toxic substances. It is tacitly assumed that emission-effect calculations can give uniform and decisive answers in debates on toxicity problems. For several decades, mainstream policy sciences have taken a different starting point when analyzing decision making on complex, controversial societal issues. Such controversies in essence are thought to be caused by the fact that different actor coalitions adhere to a different, but in scientific terms equally reasonable, conceptualization or "framing" of the problem. A historical, argumentative analysis of the Dutch chlorine debate and the Swedish PVC debate shows that this is also true in the discussions on toxic substances. Three frames have been identified, which were coined the "risk assessment frame," "the strict control frame," and the "precautionary frame." These frames tacitly disagree about the extent of knowledge/ignorance about the impacts of substances, the robustness/fallibility of emission-reduction schemes, and the robustness/vulnerability of nature. The latter frame, adhered to by environmentalists, seeks to judge substances mainly on their inherent safety. Under the current institutional arrangements and practices, RA and LCIA are executed mainly in line with the philosophy expressed by the risk assessment frame. This article gives various suggestions for dealing with framing in debates on toxic substances. One of the options is elaborated in somewhat more detail, i.e., the development of multiple indicators and calculation schemes for RA and LCIA that reflect the different frames. An outline is given for a possible indicator system reflecting the precautionary principle.  相似文献   
本文探讨了老年再婚过程中戒备心理的表现形式包括对婚姻对象的戒备和对自己子女及家人的戒备;并从认知因素、情感因素、经济因素三个方面分析老年再婚过程中戒备心理产生的原因;提出了老年再婚过程中消除戒备心理的对策。  相似文献   
一个地区的流动性冲击能通过金融传染扩散到其他地区,完全的金融市场对于金融传染是稳健的,而不完全市场面对金融传染则是脆弱的.由于我国金融市场还处在发展阶段,不能有效抵抗金融传染.因此我们应有正确的政策取向,即一方面要坚持稳定地开放国内金融市场,另一方面要增加流动性储备和采取灵活的短期抑制性措施.  相似文献   
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