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杨杰宏 《民族学刊》2019,10(3):36-43, 112-114
口耳相传的口头传统构成了羌族传统文化的主体内容,其特征表现在内容的丰富性、内部文化的差异性、传承形态的宗教性、文化影响的多元性等方面。这些特征既是羌族民众基于深厚的历史传统中传承生成的,也是在与多元文化互动共融中不断进行合理性改造中达成的。传承中的再造构成了羌族口头传统生成与发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

Using latent class analysis, this study examined the overall patterns of multifaceted intergenerational relationships of 604 parent-child dyads in 292 transnational families in Beijing, China. Three family relation types emerged: local obligatory (27%, with reciprocal support and ambivalent feelings), distant discordant (27%, with weak associations and high conflict), and distant intimate (46%, with highest filial ratings and emotional quality). Parents’ health and children’s marital status, socioeconomic status, childcare responsibilities, and sibling numbers were associated with different relation types. The findings are helpful for social workers to identify subgroups of older adults in transnational families who are at risk of having inadequate support.  相似文献   
《吕氏春秋》倡导重农的政策思想主要是对《老子》“圣人之治”理论的继承和发展,体现在:“朴”的政治哲学,“不尚贤”的政治主张和老子“小国寡民”的政治情怀。《老子》与《吕氏春秋》之间有两条主轴贯穿始终:一是以老子政治哲学为主的道家“无为”思想,《吕氏春秋》将其浸透在重农政策中;二是《周易》、《老子》思维方式在《吕氏春秋》中的体现,具体表现在《吕氏春秋》的言说方式和言说内容具有正反相合、注重“天地人”三者融通与和谐的整体性思维特点。而《周易》、《老子》的流传与演变,为《吕氏春秋》的思想内容、思维方式和言说特点提供了方便之门。  相似文献   
唐晓梅  杨戴云 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):25-30, 104-105
随着乡村“过疏化”蔓延,我国传统村落正在急剧消失。为应对这一危机,2012年国家启动了“中国传统村落”名录保护工程。黔东南作为我国传统村落分布最密集、保存最完整、最具民族特色的地区,虽然对加强传统村落保护传承已成共识,但在实现路径上地方政府与村民仍存分歧。黔东南传统村落保护开发利用,需要注意以下几点:一要尊重村民生产生活需求;二要尊重传统村落生成规律;三要保持传统村落的完整性;四要保持传统村落的真实性;五要保持传统村落的延续性;六要挖掘传统村落的典型性。同时,应积极落实国家项目;实行严格的保护措施;加强传统村落日常管理;着力改善生产生活条件;培育发展“农文旅”特色经济。  相似文献   
乡村治理是乡村振兴战略设计框架中的重要内容,是我国国家治理的内在基础逻辑。要构建和完善“自治法治德治”的 乡村治理体系,应当积极发掘、传承保护、盘活和创新利用好乡村传统治理资源,推进本土化治理,实现乡村善治的终极目标。 彝族传统文化结构中蕴藏有丰富的治理资源,相关学者早从不同视角做过相关探讨或研究。总体看来,目前,虽然学界以“乡 村治理”作为直接视角嵌入的研究尚少,但是早有学者针对彝族的习惯法、家支制度、德古机制、信仰文化、乡村精英等展开相 关研究。众多研究成果表明,彝族传统治理资源具有强大的治理效能和实现乡村善治的独特优势。  相似文献   
彝族古籍文献《苏巨黎咪》产生于唐朝初至中叶,记述了从上至君长到下至百姓的各种传统道德观念,蕴含着对秩序观念的建构,是彝族传统文化的重要载体。其主要内容可归结三个层面:强调君臣关系下的忠臣观念;以君主为主体的尚贤爱民的治理观;孝悌亲友、崇祖敬毕的和谐观及爱美向善的仁义观。该书是作者通过对儒家文化的学习以及有选择性地吸收和融合的产物,体现出作者出于维护统治者利益的、对稳定社会秩序的追求,把下层和上层、边缘和主流联系了起来,增强了族群凝聚力和认同感,维护了君长统治和社会稳定,推动了当时彝族社会的良性转型和健康发展。  相似文献   
伴随《百家讲坛》的热播,争议之声渐起,这与它后期的市场定位密切相关。由于栏目目标受众定位为"初中生",必然降低其学术标准,因此遭到学者的批判。之所以出现异议,主要是批评者的学术期待和《百家讲坛》栏目的市场性质错位等原因所致。  相似文献   
孝悌是"仁"的根本和基础。北宋思想家张载对"孝悌"思想作了重要发展:首先,把天地当作父母,把所有的人和万物都当作兄弟和朋友;其次,把孝悌由一种品德提升为一种精神修养。张载对传统孝悌思想的发展具有深刻的启示:提升道德修养和精神境界需要从孝悌开始,同时需要具备感恩和移情能力。  相似文献   
现代农业的发展是以功利性为特征的,受经济目标的逐利影响,正逐渐步入生态困境。后现代农业发展阶段将出现农业生态观的原始回归,这将为我国农业传统文化功能的发挥创造机遇。我国后现代农业发展阶段应重视传统农业文化的诉求,挖掘本土农业文化资源,加强对外引文化的审视,提高农业自我创新能力。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework for addressing intergenerational transmission, historical change and agency. The framework will be employed to analyse the findings from a longitudinal follow‐up study over two generations of men, where couples from Norway participated in an experimental research study, the Work‐Sharing Couples Project, which aimed to promote egalitarian work–family adaptations in the early 1970s. The original study was based on both spouses working part‐time and shift parenting. The follow‐up study concluded that the untraditional work–family arrangement had not been passed on to the sons. The article develops a multidimensional analysis of the work–family adaptations of men in two generations: the untraditional adaptation of fathers in the 1970s; and the neo‐traditional adaptations of sons in the 2000s. In developing a four‐dimensional approach to intergenerational transmission and social change, the article contributes to the study of intergenerational transmission through the comparison of situated agency in different generations and time/spaces. Taking into account different aspects of time and space, personal biography, discursive and material structures of opportunity, and intergenerational dynamics at the family level as well as at social level, the article contributes to theorizing longitudinal qualitative research by linking the micro‐level to the macro‐level.  相似文献   
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