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Grønnesby and Borgan (1996, Lifetime Data Analysis 2, 315–328) propose an omnibus goodness-of-fit test for the Cox proportional hazards model. The test is based on grouping the subjects by their estimated risk score and comparing the number of observed and a model based estimated number of expected events within each group. We show, using extensive simulations, that even for moderate sample sizes the choice of number of groups is critical for the test to attain the specified size. In light of these results we suggest a grouping strategy under which the test attains the correct size even for small samples. The power of the test statistic seems to be acceptable when compared to other goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   
农村教学点在农村中小学布局调整过程中面临着师资不足的生存和发展困境,存在教师数量整体短缺、学科结构性短缺及师资质量相对低下等问题,其原因主要是教师编制政策不合理、农村中小学布局调整政策执行存在偏差以及农村教学点教师工作压力大、工作条件差等。解决该问题可以从合理制定和落实农村教学点教师编制、建立健全农村教学点教师队伍补充机制和切实提高农村教学点教师各项待遇等方面入手。  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider some results on distribution theory of multivariate progressively Type‐II censored order statistics. We also establish some characterizations of Freund's bivariate exponential distribution based on the lack of memory property.  相似文献   
阻碍东北老工业基地发展的根本因素在于市场经济制度的缺失。注册会计师审计制度是市场经济制度中的一项子制度,这一制度是否缺失直接影响着一个地区的经济发展。我们对吉林省注册会计师进行了问卷调查,发现吉林省注册会计师审计制度的各个要素都有很大的漏洞。首先,注册会计师为社会公众服务的理念十分淡薄;第二,对审计准则的理解存在着很大的偏差;第三,审计收费明显偏低,激励机制不足;第四,对法律责任和职业道德没有足够的重视;第五,不能很好地区分审计意见类型。调查结果显示,吉林省注册会计师审计制度是不完善的,真正与市场经济相配合的社会经济监督制度是缺失的,这一制度的缺失将极大地阻碍吉林省的发展和东北老工业基地的振兴。  相似文献   
世代累积型小说成书过程往往具有依傍历史而又不乏虚构的独特性。小说成书后伴随着文本的深度传播,某些虚构的人物、故事被民间传说,诗文笔记甚至地理方志被等同于历史真实而流传、引用和著录,从而导致小说向历史的靠拢。本文在全面考察世代累积型小说的基础上,对小说历史化的三种形态进行了阐释,并从文学传播与传统审美文化心理等角度对产生这一现象的原因进行了初步解读。  相似文献   
In the present paper, we define and study four versions of multivariate discrete reversed hazard rates, namely scalar reversed hazard rate, vector reversed hazard rate, alternative reversed hazard rate, and conditional reversed hazard rate. Various properties of these functions are studied. Interrelationships between these reversed hazard rates are explored. We also present characterization of discrete distributions using these reversed hazard rates.  相似文献   
抗战时期,日军的入侵给中国造成的灾难切断了中国历史的连续性。在这种创伤性的情境中,只有通过符号性的行动才能弥合现实的裂缝。物恋是对实证化的匮乏之物充满快感的认同。借助于物恋,抗战文学中的风景描写实证化了在战场的溃退面前遭受质疑的民族价值和信念。因此物恋性的风景,例如旷野、土地、国家等,成为人们的喉舌,传递着人们关于国危家难、寻找出路的想象。  相似文献   

This paper conceptualises organisational diversity as constituted by psychoanalytic lack. Empirically, we show how diversity as Lacanian lack is understood as nothing in or of itself, but as an empty signifier with no signified. The lack of diversity becomes a catalyst for desiring particular ideas of diversity that, however, constantly change due to the empty form of diversity. Anxiety manifests itself in the obsession of unobtainable idealised forms of diversity as well as in the uncertainty associated with the traumatic experience of always falling short of what is desired in an object – the experience of failed diversity. Conclusively, we discuss the productive potential of the power of lack. The impossibility of diversity is what, at once, conditions the possibility of diversity. We therefore suggest that the symptomatic anxiety provoked by the lack should be enjoyed in order to engage with new meaningful desires and fantasies of organisational diversity.  相似文献   
三星堆文明与古地理环境   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
三星堆文明,应从其所在的三四千年前的古气候考察为立足点,以持续性干旱、突发性洪水和山区冰川活动的灾害现象为特征进行分析、研究.据此可以断定其出土的太阳轮,乃是"惧日"的象征,而非一般认为的"喜日"心态.三星堆先民是受了山内恶劣气候的逼迫,逐渐迁移越过龙门山进入成都平原的.当其在山中生活时,食用缺碘盐,造成了"纵目"的甲亢病理现象.在以漫长的世代为时间单位的迁移过程中,熟悉了龙门山的资源.其制作青铜器、玉器、金器的所有原料,均来自龙门山中.由于长时间无战争的和平环境,才造就了灿烂辉煌的三星堆文明.  相似文献   
赋是中国文学中的一个传统话语,体裁类型比较特殊.本文从中西文类对比的角度,考察了赋在欧美学者视野中的文体类别,指出以有韵无韵的二分法译介赋的优势和不足,肯定了以欧洲流行的三分法译介赋的做法,认为译赋为rhapsody是欧美学者对中西文体缺类研究的重要贡献.  相似文献   
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