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网络诽谤犯罪属于《刑法》规定的亲告罪类型,此类案件中被害人的证据收集能力受到较大制约,导致其面临“自诉困境”。对此问题,不论是亲告罪的选择性公诉化,还是公权力适当介入证据收集过程的处理路径均存在不足。《刑法修正案(九)》针对网络侮辱、诽谤犯罪的证据收集问题作出新规定,但是无法扩张适用于所有亲告罪类型。亲告罪的自诉困境凸显出我国对亲告罪确立的单纯自诉制追诉模式存在显著缺陷:不利于对被害人的平等保护,以及混淆告诉权和举证责任。重构亲告罪追诉模式的前提是对刑事法中的“告诉”进行重新解释,使其本质回归为诉讼条件,与证明责任“解绑”。在模式选择上,应确立混合告诉制的追诉模式,被害人提起告诉后,可以自主选择适用自诉程序还是公诉程序。  相似文献   
Measures of statistical divergence are used to assess mutual similarities between distributions of multiple variables through a variety of methodologies including Shannon entropy and Csiszar divergence. Modified measures of statistical divergence are introduced throughout the present article. Those modified measures are related to the Lin–Wong (LW) divergence applied on the past lifetime data. Accordingly, the relationship between Fisher information and the LW divergence measure was explored when applied on the past lifetime data. Throughout this study, a number of relations are proposed between various assessment methods which implement the Jensen–Shannon, Jeffreys, and Hellinger divergence measures. Also, relations between the LW measure and the Kullback–Leibler (KL) measures for past lifetime data were examined. Furthermore, the present study discusses the relationship between the proposed ordering scheme and the distance interval between LW and KL measures under certain conditions.  相似文献   
信息是国家治理的重要依据。中国国家治理常规机制与运动式治理机制间的矛盾深刻地体现在了日常管理与应急管理的差异之中。当下的治理逻辑必然地要求日常管理采取科层制的非人格化管理模式,对直接上级的负责制形塑了信息沿纵向逐级向上衰减的常规信息传递机制。但在应急管理机制之下,上级应对突发事件的精准决策却有赖于对真实信息的掌握,而常规机制所带来的表象性避责策略则会削弱上级的决策准确性,由此这一张力进一步形塑了中国国家治理在应急管理机制中的“信息悖论”现象。   相似文献   
The prediction error for mixed models can have a conditional or a marginal perspective depending on the research focus. We introduce a novel conditional version of the optimism theorem for mixed models linking the conditional prediction error to covariance penalties for mixed models. Different possibilities for estimating these conditional covariance penalties are introduced. These are bootstrap methods, cross-validation, and a direct approach called Steinian. The behavior of the different estimation techniques is assessed in a simulation study for the binomial-, the t-, and the gamma distribution and for different kinds of prediction error. Furthermore, the impact of the estimation techniques on the prediction error is discussed based on an application to undernutrition in Zambia.  相似文献   
郑振龙  许鋆  陈蓉 《管理科学》2021,24(6):42-56
使用50ETF期权的高频数据,研究“净购买压力”指标对指数方向性和波动性变化的预测能力,并比较不同加总方法、看涨看跌、不同在值程度的期权以及非对称的“净购买压力”指标隐含信息的差异性.本文发现,50ETF期权“净购买压力”指标隐含着标的指数方向性和波动性的变化信息.在预测指数变化方向时,Delta加总的“净购买压力”隐含的信息已包含在简单加总的指标之中,看涨、看跌期权以及不同在值程度的期权在信息含量上存在差异性.在预测指数波动性时,使用简单加总和使用Gamma、Vega加总的“净购买压力”指标均隐含着未来市场的波动率信息,平值和虚值期权的“净购买压力”指标对波动率具有更强的预测能力.同时,“净购买压力”的隐含信息存在非对称特征.  相似文献   
There are no practical and effective mechanisms to share high-dimensional data including sensitive information in various fields like health financial intelligence or socioeconomics without compromising either the utility of the data or exposing private personal or secure organizational information. Excessive scrambling or encoding of the information makes it less useful for modelling or analytical processing. Insufficient preprocessing may compromise sensitive information and introduce a substantial risk for re-identification of individuals by various stratification techniques. To address this problem, we developed a novel statistical obfuscation method (DataSifter) for on-the-fly de-identification of structured and unstructured sensitive high-dimensional data such as clinical data from electronic health records (EHR). DataSifter provides complete administrative control over the balance between risk of data re-identification and preservation of the data information. Simulation results suggest that DataSifter can provide privacy protection while maintaining data utility for different types of outcomes of interest. The application of DataSifter on a large autism dataset provides a realistic demonstration of its promise practical applications.  相似文献   
文章首先回顾了从我国计划经济时期的行业会计制度、改革开放初期引进外资背景下的企业会计制度到1993年企业会计准则体系确立的历史进程。在此基础上,系统总结了企业会计准则在改革发展过程中的主要特征,即与国际会计准则逐渐趋同、母公司报表和合并报表同时披露、以历史成本为主兼顾公允价值。经过20多年的发展,中国逐步建立了符合市场经济要求的、与国际规则趋同的、较为完备的企业会计准则体系,使得相关领域工作者的会计思维实现了从计划经济向市场经济的转变。但现行会计准则还存在一些问题,例如未处理好会计准则制定与会计目标之间关系、部分准则产生了不利的经济后果、未很好地建立会计信息分析方法体系等等。基于上述问题,提出了相应的对策建议。研究结论对中国会计准则改革和会计信息服务实体经济具有积极的启示作用。  相似文献   
哲学社会科学人才评价机制是促进哲学社会科学创新发展的基础性工作。当前,我国哲学社会科学人才评价机制存在着较多的现实困境。信息技术的高速发展为哲学社科人才评价产生了较大的影响,尤其是大数据有助于提升人才评价的科学化和规范化、准确性和预测性、透明性和公平性。构建大数据背景下的哲学社会科学人才评价机制,需要以大数据环境对社会科学人才评价的应用价值为立足点,以多元化的评价主体、客观化的评价标准、公正化的评价程序为基本内容,重点解决好“谁来评”“评什么”“怎么评”的问题。同时,通过完善人才评价法律法规、建立人才资源数据开放共享和一体化平台等措施,努力推动人才评价的法治化、科学化、规范化发展。  相似文献   
当前关于城市“管理”的理论研究中,“城市治理”的话语正在取代“城市管理”,由此形成的各种对城市的认知也反映在城市的实践中,譬如,提倡提高公众参与、实施精细化治理、信仰信息技术等。通过审视城市治理主张的公众参与假设、技术治理假设和空间治理假设,文章提出治理理论的兴起不足以取代城市管理理论;对管理主义的批评,不能通盘否定“管理”理论对城市的重要作用。主张重塑城市管理理念,以管理思想处理理性与自由的关系,理清并守住政府的职责,警惕唯市场效率,探索多元价值的平衡之道,贡献管理公共性的经验,促进国家治理能力和治理体系的现代化。  相似文献   
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