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运用DEA模型对我国新能源汽车企业2015—2019年的创新效率进行测算,并基于双元创新视角,选择探索性创新投入、开发性创新投入、政府补贴、企业性质、企业规模和融资约束作为前因解释变量,通过fsQCA方法对提高新能源汽车企业创新效率的有效路径进行识别,总结归纳为“渐进式创新主导型”、“开拓式创新主导型”、“双元创新驱动型”和“政府补贴支持型”四种构型。  相似文献   
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化创新成果的继承和发展。基于激发内生动力、增强外力引导、优化宣传阐释、转变工作模式的路径视角,提出推进习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“进头脑”要着力把握好学习的“自觉性、长效性、渗透性、实践性”四重维度,在学懂、弄通、做实上下功夫,为高校科学把握思想内涵、武装头脑、指导实践提供长效机制。  相似文献   
民宿作为一种新型的住宿产品,是发展乡村旅游和丰富住宿业态的重要载体.对皖南民宿网络评价文本分析发现,住客对皖南民宿的消费体验感知主要体现在软件服务、硬件设施、周边环境以及入住体验四个方面,"老板"和"房间"是住客感知最为深刻的具体对象,住客网络评论中积极情感占据绝对地位,大部分要素的表现性得分较高,但民宿的位置、交通、餐饮等方面也存在一定的消极感知.可以从服务质量、地域文化以及品牌创建与宣传方面进一步提升皖南民宿住客消费体验质量,促进区域业态可持续发展.  相似文献   
文化是乡村振兴的灵魂,也是乡村振兴彰显地域性和文化性双重价值的重要资源。在现代文化冲击下,民族地区文化振兴面临村寨建筑文化城市化、传统文化失传、乡土文化主体缺失、村寨公共文化空间萎缩等多重现代性困境。根据云南民族地区文化资源禀赋,其乡村文化振兴应该以物质性文化、社会性文化和制度性文化为价值维度。云南民族地区文化振兴应该坚持以乡土性、选择性和公共性三位一体的价值选择为原则。  相似文献   
爱国主义歌曲作为对祖国抒发赞颂之情的歌曲,是“光荣颂”“欢乐颂”“祝福颂”的有机统一,是培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要载体。从精神价值而言,爱国主义歌曲具有社会公共性、历史恒久性、无比崇高性。高校开展咏唱爱国主义歌曲活动,能增进学生对祖国的自豪之情,提升其民族自信,激发其报国之志。高校开展咏唱爱国主义歌曲活动,即要精选优异的爱国主义歌曲音乐本体,又要注重发挥高校教师的带头作用,还要加强学校各级组织机构和辅导员队伍的引领作用。高校党政领导对这类歌咏活动要进一步提高认识站位、增强重视程度、加强条件支持。  相似文献   
针对消费者绿色偏好异质性而引发产品需求不确定性的情形,构建了基于混合CVaR准则的绿色供应链双层风险决策模型,研究了一个具有不同风险态度制造商与一个具有不同风险态度零售商所组成供应链的最优绿色研发投入及广告宣传水平等决策问题,分析了成员不同风险态度对供应链相关决策的影响。在此基础上,提出一个基于风险补偿的双向成本分担契约协调机制,并给出实现供应链协调的合理转移支付区间,最后通过数值分析验证该协调机制的有效性。结果表明,无论供应链成员表现为何种风险态度,该契约均能实现供应链协调,并且对由风险规避制造商与风险追逐零售商所组成的供应链协调效果最为显著。  相似文献   
Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   
韩叶 《南亚研究》2020,(1):53-73,149,150
近年来,印度对中印在跨境河流水关系中的不平衡问题非常重视.其中,水文信息不对称以及收益不平衡是印度对水关系不平衡的两个主要认知.基于中印边境的互动历史,印度在对水关系的认知形成中往往会夸大中国的敌意与威胁.据此,印度试图通过建立制度框架、将中印水争议国际化以及竞争性开发跨境河流水资源的战略思维,平衡中国在雅鲁藏布江—布拉马普特拉河水关系中的优势地位.然而受水外交两面性特征和内政的掣肘,印度平衡战略的影响有限,而且更强化了其对雅鲁藏布江—布拉马普特拉河战略安全收益的重视,并使未来中印双方基于水资源共同利益进行合作的难度加大.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the impact of pension income on living arrangements of the elderly. Taking advantage of a unique opportunity due to the recent establishment and expansion of the New Rural Pension Scheme in China, we explicitly address the endogeneity of pension status and pension income through a fixed-effect model with instrumental variable approach by exploiting exogenous time variation in the program implementation at county level. We find an overall positive effect of pension income on independent living as well as considerable heterogeneity. The positive income effects of the NRPS are concentrated among the elderly with adult children living nearby, of higher socio-economic status, and with better health at baseline; for other groups, the effects are insignificant. We also find that more generous programs exhibit larger effects. Our results highlight that living arrangement is multidimensional in rural China.  相似文献   
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