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Recognition of pregnancy-related anxiety as a distinct anxiety is supported by evidence differentiating it from general anxiety and depression. Adverse associations with pregnancy-related anxiety further support this distinction. An influential study by Huizink et al. (2004), demonstrated that anxiety and depression contribute little to the variance of pregnancy-related anxiety, yet this study has not been replicated. Further, addressing limitations of the original study will provide further clarity to the findings.


Participants (N = 1209), were recruited online and completed three scales: pregnancy-related anxiety, general anxiety and depression. Multiple regression assessed the unique contribution of general anxiety and depression (predictors) to pregnancy-related anxiety scores (criterion) for each trimester.


Across pregnancy, general anxiety and depression explained only 2–23% of the variance in the pregnancy-related anxiety scores. Anxiety and depression showed small unique contributions for some trimesters and specific areas of concern, ranging from 2 to 11%. Comparisons to the original Huizink study showed most results were comparable.


The methodology and more detailed analyses employed addressed noted limitations of the Huizink study. Findings that the contribution of general anxiety and depression to the variance in pregnancy-related anxiety scores was low, supports previous conclusions that pregnancy-related anxiety is a discrete anxiety type. Recognition of this unique anxiety (associated with many deleterious outcomes) may provide opportunity for prenatal screening/early intervention, potentially resulting in improved pregnancy outcomes. Limitations include no exclusion of women deemed as high-risk pregnancy and the pregnancy-related anxiety scale limited in its ability to fully assess this anxiety type.  相似文献   
由语言错位建构出被颠覆的小说文本语境,是莫言体现独特艺术构思的策略。他打破了语言规律,创造出充满颠覆意味的小说文本语境。错位中生成了独特的辞格,他以超乎常人的构思,使辞格运用呈现出纷繁复杂的状态。错位打破了逻辑链的关联,呈现出一种无理状态。但语境等其他因素的参与,却能使本不合理合规的语言现象具有了内在的合理性,并衍生出审美信息。莫言变幻的叙事视角使叙事对象呈现出一种交替错落,以奇异的叙事视角转换制造变幻多端的小说故事情节,构成让人眼花缭乱的文本语境。  相似文献   
肇始于天人合一的宇宙观,中国美学思想中贯穿着气化流行、阴阳和合,达到物我一体、感情与形式相统一的目的。中国哲学尚礼、至美的人文理想,对中国古典建筑、园林的营造影响全面而深刻。中国古建筑、园林是群落美、景观美与人格美的统一,儒释道多元文化交融,道德礼制、天人合德观念构成了中国古典建筑、园林景观设计的理论基础。  相似文献   
在全球化语境中,承扬民族文化、张扬民族精神,是民族儿童文学创作面临的大问题。民族儿童文学作家常以一种世所罕有的审美敏感去表现边地的自然万物,或以魔幻性叙事来构筑民族儿童审美的形象体系,或以发展的、理想的视角展示当下民族儿童的现实,都表达出生命的另一种绚丽和辉煌、生活的另一种奇异和深邃、生性的另一种善良和刚强,使民族精神在民族儿童文学中得到独特的呈现和体现。  相似文献   

The classic nonparametric confidence intervals for a difference or ratio of medians assume that the distributions of the response variable or the log-transformed response variable have identical shapes in each population. Asymptotic distribution-free confidence intervals for a difference and ratio of medians are proposed which do not require identically shaped distributions. The new asymptotic methods are easy to compute and simulation results show that they perform well in small samples.  相似文献   
主持人语言应从引领大众审美需求的社会职责出发,把握好艺术美与平实美之间的平衡。不仅要清晰准确、悦耳动听、传神凝练、弘扬正气,还要充满人文关怀,体现社会理想,在民族传承与现代创新之间建立起不可或缺的时空隧道,成为舞动在生存空间、规范空间和审美空间的优美旋律。  相似文献   
本文认为以"文学审美反映论"、"文学审美意识形态论"为主要内容的"文学审美特征论"是为适应一时的政治需要而提出的应景性的主张,既与事实无关也经不起理性和逻辑的推敲。这些主张作为全国通用教材中权威性的观点,对于执教者和学生已经制造和正在制造着无穷无尽的困惑和苦恼,批评它、否弃它,是文艺理论领域内的当务之急。  相似文献   
审美人格作为"现实的人"的本质力量的感性显现和精神凝结,其特质并非源自独断论式的主观臆断,而是其自身有着外在的和内在的运行逻辑:其内在的运行逻辑是"现实的人"按照"美"的规律来构造自我,其外在的运行逻辑则是"现实的人"的本质力量在实践的多层次积累过程中不断展开和丰富所带来的人格力量的精神凝结。审美人格独特的运行逻辑,使得审美人格的特质呈现出一种多层次积累和开放的结构,具体地表现在和谐、个性、超越等特质的层递关系和交互作用之中。  相似文献   
李进书 《兰州学刊》2010,(4):195-199
萨特认为作家是一个独立个体,其职责是揭露现实真相,其目的是赢得“身后名”,而读者需要全身心阅读作品,并能够再创造。要想达成作家与读者的对话,作品需要一个“召唤结构”来吸引读者阅读,需要包含真、善等普遍性话题,需要是作家和读者建立相互信任的场所。作品所达成的对话有助于:消除东西方文化的隔阂,激发思想自由和现实自由,以及建构一个和谐的人类共同体。  相似文献   
在先秦诸子散文中,《庄子》的文学成就最为突出,是诗的哲学,也是哲学的诗,历来倍受文人的青睐和赞赏。就《庄子》看来,其受楚国文化的影响最为明显,最为突出,具体表现在两个方面:一是楚人尚巫风俗对庄子的影响;二是楚国社会及山水风物对庄子的熏染。  相似文献   
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