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美国犹太文学延续了犹太教的宗教文化精神,因而犹太性是其文学创作的思考核心。然而,作为一个没有家园的民族,美国犹太作家在美国多元文化背景的影响下,尤其是受文学全球化因素的影响,将其文学创作的主旨在宗教、社会和政治层面上逐渐由展示犹太民族的犹太性向反映整个人类的普世性转化,进而形成了美国犹太文学创作中的多维思考。基于上述原因,美国犹太文学中出现了三位诺贝尔文学奖获得者和一大批世界级的文学大师,为美国文学、世界文学和比较文学的发展做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   
犹太性是犹太民族特有的文化品性,它强调犹太文化的传统含义和价值,而流浪是犹太人生活中永恒的特征也是犹太文化的标志之一。索尔.贝娄的"流浪汉"小说与传统的流浪汉小说不同,小说的人物大多数经历是精神上的流浪。小说中的人物通过精神的流浪,展现其内心世界的流浪意识,在现实社会中寻找自我,以期找到心灵的归宿,实现精神的回归。  相似文献   
绝对性是卡夫卡现代性体验和文本实践的方式,它为我们重新发现卡夫卡文本的肯定性力量提供了一个独特的阐释视角。绝对性的维度决定着卡夫卡的生活实践,并大于其书写实践的全部;它不仅照亮了卡夫卡书写的隐秘起源,也见证了其犹太性的内部变异。绝对性解释了卡夫卡作品中世俗性悖论产生的原因,从而将卡夫卡的解读从流行的文化政治阐释中脱离开来。卡夫卡文本中的绝对性维度以一种积极的方式批判现代性。在表面的荒诞性中呈现出背后深层的肯定性色彩。  相似文献   
Based on personal memory and interviews with former classmates the author outlines the lives of 12 men from the professional middle class, who between 1939 and 1947 attended a segregated “Jewish class” of a renowned Budapest grammar school. The article follows their youth, education, survival of the Holocaust and their careers at home or abroad till the end of the twentieth century. Additionally, as far as it became known, one or two generations of ancestors, siblings, and spouses, and one or two generations of offspring are also presented. Finally, central issues of the lives of the “boys,” such as emigration, political conformism, and, above all, assimilation to the majority society will be discussed in separate chapters. These life and family histories may be regarded as typical of a not insignificant segment of Budapest Jewish society.  相似文献   
20世纪德语犹太文学,从卡夫卡到耶利内克这一创作群体,在远古的犹太文化传统里找到了原型支撑,又在现代精神方面承继和拓展着表现主义之后的超前性,自然地展示了文学价值观念形态上的多元分化和两种文化本质上的深度融合。现代与传统相生、遮蔽与彰显同构、反叛与回归并置、超越与固守共存,成为一体化时代异质文化交流互渗、相反相成的文化样本。从整体上显示了代表德语犹太文学普遍性的品质特征。  相似文献   
美国新生代犹太作家乔纳森·萨福兰·福厄的小说《一切皆被照亮》以一位美国犹太青年作家前往乌克兰寻根的经历为线索,借助魔幻现实主义重构个体层面的家族史和社会层面的犹太集体记忆。通过探讨小说中的"后记忆"与犹太性的关系,该小说体现了新生代犹太作家在后大屠杀时代继承创伤、延续犹太性,并以文学想象表现历史"真相"、照亮未来的不懈努力。  相似文献   

The specific ethno-racial position of Jewishness offers an ideal case study for contemporary U.S. racialisation processes. Despite a proclaimed end to biologisation in a supposed ‘post-racial’ era, essentialist reasoning remains central to U.S. race-making. Employing a content analysis of the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times (2000–2010), I find that biologically rooted constructions of Jewishness occur through appeals to (1) physical definitions based on DNA or phenotype, and (2) subtle biologisation vis-à-vis ancestral claims. Demonstrating both explicit and subtle biologisation expands social scientists’ understanding of race, ethnicity, and Jewish identities.  相似文献   
贝娄小说创作在受"二元对立"思维方式制约的同时,也存在着对之的超越,而他所以能完成超越,既因为他自己整体文化观方面的把握,更由于他对"关系思维"的深刻领悟,这就使他在具体的创作活动既能从犹太人的"生存境遇"中汲取创作的源泉,更使他的创作具备了整体人类的关怀取向,这正是作为作家的伟大所在。  相似文献   
The article examines the way three contemporary Hungarian museums–the House of Terror Museum, the Jewish Museum and the Holocaust Memorial and Documentation Center–represent the history of the Holocaust and the history of Jewish/non-Jewish relations. Reflecting different political agendas, each of the three museums offers a different interpretation of how the Holocaust fits into the larger narrative of Hungary's 20th century history. The article argues that post-communist public memory has been constructed through debates about these histories. By analyzing the three museums' displays, narratives and the debates surrounding them, the article argues that Hungarian public discourse has yet to come to terms with the meaning and place of “Jewishness” (and the way it has informed “Hungarianness”) in modern Hungarian history. Despite the centrality of Jews and Jewish-non-Jewish relations to the museums' narratives, none are able to offer a clear definition of what “Jewishness” means and how it functioned at different times throughout the 20th century.  相似文献   
朱娟辉 《云梦学刊》2012,33(3):109-112
美国当代著名犹裔作家菲利普·罗斯以其创作深刻诠释了他对犹太性的独特认知:其早期创作以一种反叛的眼光审视犹太传统中的阴暗,对犹太传统的反拨体现出他对犹太性的一种逆向性认知;后期创作则以特别的散居观对待流散的客民生活,在“世界中发现家园,家园中发现世界”,其淡化的犹太身份、对普世意义的寻找体现出罗斯对犹太性的超越。  相似文献   
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