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Payment by results is a relatively new way of giving development aid, where a recipient's performance against pre‐agreed measures determines the amount of aid they receive. Advocates for the mechanism argue it provides donors with both a ready justification for maintaining aid budgets and better results through innovation and autonomy. It has proved popular, with most bilateral aid donors having at least experimented with the mechanism and the variety of measures stretching from individual health workers being paid for each procedure, to national governments being paid for students' test scores. However, there has not been a robust assessment of whether Payment By Results (PbR) achieves its aims for greater effectiveness. I synthesize the evidence from eight projects fully or partially funded by DFID, the recognized world leader on PbR. This represents the best evidence currently available, and is critically analysed using the leading theoretical framework that breaks each agreement into its constituent parts. I find no evidence that PbR leads to fundamentally more innovation or autonomy, with the overall range of success and failure broadly similar to other aid projects. This may partly be due to the current use of Payment by Results, with no readily identifiable examples of projects that truly meet the idealized PbR designs. Advocates of PbR may thus conclude the idea is yet to be tested. I argue PbR does not deal with the fundamental constraints that donors face, and so it is unsurprising that PbR is subject to the normal pressures that affect all aid spending.  相似文献   
"以儒诠经"是明清时期伊斯兰教中国化的重要标志,辑录与解读"以儒诠经"文本中伊斯兰教中国化义理,有助于更好地了解明清时期中国伊斯兰教界眼中的伊斯兰教中国化。"以儒诠经"文本对伊斯兰教中国化应包含的内容、如何践行伊斯兰教中国化提出了若干真知灼见,许多见解与当今倡导的伊斯兰教中国化若干内容相吻合。  相似文献   
This article studies the Miao classification as an example to examine the minzu shibie project initiated by the Chinese Communist Party after 1949. The Miao classification that originates with the minzu shibie project can be defined as a process of miaoicization; however, it is not a unified Miao group (as projected by the classification team) that has emerged but rather one dominant Miao subgroup that defines the official Miao category in contemporary China. At the moment the most dominant Miao subgroup is the Hmu group in Southeast Guizhou. The overemphasis of Hmu sub-culture to represent all the Miao of China is related to the fact that over the last decades many important leaders in Guizhou have been Hmu. While all Hmu are sinicized to a certain extent, it seems that the Hmu at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale are most likely to be sinicized and to amalgamate with the Han majority.  相似文献   
商洛客家方言古入声今读的情况是塞音韵尾已全部丢失,入声韵尾脱落后,古入声韵或以主要元音相近为原则,归入相应的阴声韵,或独立成韵,相对比较复杂。入声调的今读情况各地也存在差异,罗湾保留阴入、阳入,安乐只有阴入,其他地方没有入声调,清入字或归上声或归阳入,全浊字都归去声,次浊入字部分随清入字走,部分随全浊入字走。  相似文献   
大数据在重大行政决策领域的应用,属于技术理性与决策规则的有机融合。凭借信息来源与技术革新,大数据可赋予传统决策向数字化转型的新动能。大数据的应用贯穿于重大行政决策始终,在市场监管、环境保护等多类事项中所发挥的实践优势较为明显,能够推动决策的高效化、提升决策的精准度、增强决策机关之间的联动。然而,大数据应用可能会引发决策安全的隐忧、个人数据存在的空间被挤压以及决策失误的责任承担等难题。对前述问题提出对策的过程,实乃数据治理向治理数据的转变,此阶段不能欠缺法律法规的引导,应尝试从决策数据安全体系的法治保障、个人数据的法律保护、决策责任追究机制的科学建构等层面去推动大数据应用的法治化。  相似文献   
李春梅  铃木博之 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):102-109, 154-156
本文针对分布在四川甘孜州康定市吉居乡的藏族语言进行分析。吉居话的语言所属在以往研究里没有共识,有属于扎巴语的意见和属于康巴藏语的意见。通过与藏文的对比,可见该语言为一个属于康巴藏语崩波岗方言群的土话,并非木雅语或扎巴语。基于与吉居话周边土话的比较,我们提出吉居话属于崩波岗方言群雅砻江组的假设性结论。本文的分析方法亦能作为识别康巴藏语中方言所属的参考。  相似文献   
文化历来都是哲学和社会科学所关注的焦点问题之一,本文主要讨论文化的民族性和世界性方面的有关问题,并且选择以圣索菲亚大教堂为例,引出对相关问题的思考。  相似文献   
刘琳  郎维伟 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):98-107, 143-144
历史上川滇黔交界区域苗、彝、回、汉等民族之间不通婚的情况在方志中有所记载,现当代的一些调查资料也反映出这一事实。新中国成立以来,随着族际交往日益频繁,当地各民族之间逐渐开始通婚,尤其是改革开放以后,族际通婚现象日益普遍,数量比例呈增长趋势,通婚半径也不断扩大。当地苗族、彝族、回族的族际通婚对象以汉族为主,且存在着民族、地区、性别等差异。从“族内婚”到大规模的“族际婚”,民族政策、外部环境、文化趋同等客观因素发挥了重要作用,而民族心理这一主观因素则起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   
针对大部分彝族“一村一幼”(简称“村幼”)教师普通话水平较低的情况,四川省教育厅委托省内各师范院校开展了深度贫困县“一村一幼”辅导员能力提升培训工程。这项培训工程的重点培训内容是提升村幼教师的普通话水平。以2019年某师范大学承担的四川省凉山州深度贫困县“一村一幼”辅导员能力提升培训项目中284名参训彝族村幼教师的普通话培训为例,探讨该项目彝族村幼教师普通话水平提升策略如下:第一,语言专家集中对彝族村幼教师进行发音标准化技能培训;第二,学前教育专业教师集中训练彝族村幼教师口语;第三,班主任组织学员每天晨读半小时;第四,志愿者跟进式指导学员每天晚自习训练普通话;第五,培训项目组鼓励学员利用碎片化时间练习普通话。  相似文献   
滇南彝族传统经籍文学是当地彝族历代毕摩在当地彝族民间口传文学的基础上,用本民族传统文字——彝文如实记录、第二次创作以及翻译转写其他民族民间文学,并由彝族毕摩一代又一代不断加工、修改、补充、完善,且流传至今的滇南彝族传统经籍文学。从当地历代彝族毕摩所保护和传承且当地彝族民间流传的传统经籍文学版本的主要体裁、素材及其内容看,有史诗类、传说类、伦理类、神灵传言类、婚丧礼仪类、恋爱婚姻类及译著类等;又从当今当地彝族毕摩讲唱传承形式和场域及其采用的唱腔唱曲音乐看,有“甲苏甲类”“诺依特类”“设依甲类”“阿哩甲类”等。纵观滇南彝族传统经籍文学主要体裁、素材及其内容,具有民族性与国际性、支系性与区域性、原生性与变异性、追忆性与憧憬性、丰富性与复杂性、吸纳性与开放性、祭祀性与文学性、历史性与时代性等主要特点。  相似文献   
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