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This paper re-examines the long-established notion of ‘media events’ by contrasting and critically appraising three distinct approaches to the question of media events. These are: ritual theory associated with Daniel Dayan and Elihu Katz, secondly, Jean Baudrillard’s approach rooted in his notions of simulation and ‘non-events’ and, finally, the more recent performative approaches to media and mediation. I take Sarah Kember and Joanna Zylinska’s reading of media events presented in Life After New Media (2012) as exemplary of the performative approach. An argument is made that the accounts of media events offered by performative approaches add very little, and, indeed, lack the critical insightfulness of the earlier approaches. Both ritual theory and Baudrillard’s thought are briefly reappraised and, against Nick Couldry, I try to show that these accounts are not characterised by binary and reductive thinking. The major misunderstandings concern the nature of the sacred and profane dualism and the further dualisms developed in Baudrillard’s thought, particularly the figures of implosion and reversibility. Finally, Baudrillard’s position on technology is addressed and the paper concludes with the suggestion that his account is not solely negative, since technological developments are not only at the mercy of ironic reversals they may also enable new rituals of disappearance.  相似文献   
刘勰《文心雕龙》无论是对理论体系的设置,还是对具体问题的论述,或是对总纲五篇的排序,抑或是用“文心”来为全书命名,均体现出一种由内及外的思维方式。而归根结底,这种思维方式源于南朝礼学,所以《文心雕龙》与礼学在思维方式层面具有鲜明的异质同构性。刘勰的思想精神与立身行事体现出其积极入世的儒家情怀,彰显出对礼学的热衷推崇,可以说进行礼学批评是其撰写《文心雕龙》的一个动机,以此敷赞圣旨,进而谋求仕进。因此,《文心雕龙》彰显出浓厚的礼学思想特色,具有深厚的礼学蕴涵,由内及外的思维方式正是其礼学蕴涵的表现之一。  相似文献   
汉字为表意文字,从字形我们就能判断其意义类属,也能推断出与之相关的思想文化内涵。儒家美学思想以“仁”为核心,以“礼”、“乐”为具体的实现途径,在充分肯定文艺的社会功能的时候,将“礼”“乐”作为教化人心的手段,提倡礼乐和谐观。本文从古文字“礼”、“乐”、“仁”、“和”的字形入手,试图通过这几个概念的解析,揭示儒家美学思想的内涵。  相似文献   
This article explores state involvement in the ‘enchanted’ aspects of irrigated rice production in Bali, Indonesia. Modernising states invariably forward what Max Weber called the rationalisation and disenchantment of the world. In irrigation management, the Indonesian colonial and postcolonial states operated staunchly on this model. ‘Enchanted’ elements of Balinese rice production involving temples and rituals were assumed irrelevant and sidelined. Recently, however, bursts of state-funded construction of irrigation temples and shrines suggest a surprising shift. The post-Suharto decentralised state appears to be supporting the enchantment of irrigated agriculture. This article deals with the relationship between legislation under the decentralised state and ritual building activities in Balinese irrigation associations (subak). We examine how contemporary farmers view the new emphasis on ‘ritual technology’. Does it constitute decentralised support of the farmers' world, of local priorities and variance, or a new homogenising project?  相似文献   
宗族文化是否必然会阻碍公共政策的实施,尤其是阻碍具有强制特征的火化政策的实施?江西安远的调查案例可以对此作出回答.江西安远农村的宗族文化保持相对完整,普遍存在一定的宗族认同和祖先崇拜观念,也有宗族理事会组织.火化政策在当地推行非常成功,而在一些宗族文化更为薄弱的地区,火化政策却举步维艰.这种对比挑战了宗族文化会阻碍火化政策实施的预设.究其原因,安远的客家二次葬习俗缓和了火化政策的心理冲击,而传统丧葬的“不卫生”、仪式繁琐弊端早就让农民生厌.丧葬仪式早就发生了名实分离,农民早就想摆脱它,火化政策的实施正好成为他们可以借助的外力.丧葬仪式的改革一旦被启动,就会不断嵌入市场经济的逻辑之中,从而越来越丧失公共性,村庄熟人社会也因此越来越丧失价值生产能力.  相似文献   
"春秋谕祭"是明代朝廷给予因显灵而"御大灾、捍大患"佛山北帝神的褒奖,是祭祀北帝的国家祀典。自明代景泰年间到清代,每年分春秋两次举行,仪式隆重,规模壮观,是佛山上层士绅的特权,而民间酬神谢恩的"醮仪"给普通民众提供了一个参与祭祀的平台和机会,让他们与神有了近距离的接触,给了他们心灵上的慰藉。官祀与私祀,并行不悖,相得益彰,有利于增强佛山民众的归属感和佛山地方社会的整合。  相似文献   
“三礼”即《周礼》《仪礼》《礼记》三部礼书的简称。郑玄为“三礼”作注,在训释名物、注解经文的同时,还详细阐发了自己的文艺思想,对诗乐的生成、功效等问题进行了探讨,给后代研究以重要影响。  相似文献   
文章详细介绍了嘉靖《明伦大典》的编纂过程,该书由《大礼奏议》到《明伦大典》最后成书,历时四年,几易其稿,经数人之手,是嘉靖时期的一部重要的史料,对大礼议及嘉靖政治研究有重大意义。笔者通过分析该书的编纂原因、编纂过程以及内容上前后数稿的异同,深入发掘了该书的重要意义与史料价值。  相似文献   
浅论李觏的法制思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李觏是北宋著名的思想家、教育家,他的思想涉及方方面面。通过对其立法及司法主张、所倡导的审判原则等方面的分析,揭示李觏法制思想的积极影响及其局限性,使人们对其法制思想的进步和不足有一个全面的认识。  相似文献   
本文借鉴人类学关于仪式的理论,以著名的土改小说《太阳照在桑干河上》和《暴风骤雨》为例,讨论了意识形态是如何经由文本与实践进行再生产的,同时还探讨了文本中各种意识形态的纠合与冲突关系。  相似文献   
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