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伴随《中华人民共和国民法总则》以及《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定(四)》的施行,公司章程在公司法人治理中的地位进一步得到提升。但现代性条件下股东、公司法人以及外部社会之间的张力尚存,且现有法人理论不足以支撑公司尤其是有限责任公司的治理实践。为更好地规范涉章决议以避免其侵害股东权益,仍需进一步发掘我国公司法人理论。从股东在有限责任公司法人共同体中的特殊性权利义务出发,在公司法人差异化,章程、股东权类型化的前提下实现股东合法利益的最大化。  相似文献   
现实的人是马克思新哲学的出发点和落脚点,同时也是马克思对整个思想史上各种“片面人”的颠覆性阐释,是唯物史观与唯心史观和经验论决裂的标识。它不同于性恶论或性善论或既无善亦无恶论,也不同于黑格尔的“绝对精神”的人,更不同于费尔巴哈的“类”。与黑格尔思想及其青年黑格尔派和费尔巴哈等人思想交锋的过程中,马克思分别通过以所有制为轴线动态考察历史发展和以分工为轴线静态考察社会的结构性存在两条线索来阐释“现实的人”的内涵,并以生产工具为红线,对资本主义社会下“现实的人”的静态结构和动态发展予以微观透视。由此,按照唯物史观的基本立场、观点和方法来说,以经济决定政治、政治决定文化的序列构成的结构性存在来解释人才是马克思所谓的“现实的人”。  相似文献   
Young runaways and thrown‐out children, under‐16, face a number of barriers to accessing safe emergency accommodation. The need for such accommodation is not always apparent because children sometimes make themselves invisible to services through fear of being returned or fear of being removed from inappropriate accommodation. Young people's retrospective accounts of their experiences suggest the importance of a ‘transitional person’, an adult who has a pivotal role in trust‐building and who acts as a conduit to services and helps runaway and thrown‐out children overcome internal and external barriers to uptake of emergency accommodation.  相似文献   
艺术现象学的基本问题是一种非对象性的艺术创作是否可能及如何可能的问题。直观相继而来的被给予性,并非所有的被给予性都绝对的通向非对象创作,唯有基于虚静主体的直观被给予性,才能真正实现非对象性的绘画创作。首先论述虚静就是世间一切存在的根源和本性。其次论述直观对于画家真正接近事物和实现非对象性创作的重要意义。再次论述马里翁所勾画的新主体如何取代了建构性的“我”,从而实现了去主体形而上学的历史使命。最后论述了具象表现绘画理论对于非对象性绘画创作的启示。  相似文献   
2013年7月30日在东京医院辞世的竹内实先生是日本战后最早开展现代中国研究的学者之一,特别是在对毛泽东、鲁迅的研究上更是成绩斐然,被誉为日本毛泽东与现代中国研究“第一人”.在鲁迅文学的研究上,竹内实先生视角独特,见解独到.他剥离鲁迅的“神性”,去掉外界所给予的一切光环,打破“圣人鲁迅”的桎梏,通过分析他的作品,考证他的生活,了解他所处的时代环境、生活的周围条件、担任的职务与世俗身份等,将之还原成一个平凡人,通过融入到鲁迅的平凡生活中,渗入到鲁迅的作品中去“阅读”鲁迅,为读者呈现了一个还原了“人性”的鲁迅.  相似文献   
理性人假设是经济学大厦的基石之一.自其提出之日,就遭到学者广泛而激烈地批评,但似乎并没有妨碍以理性人假设为基础的个人主义分析方法攻城掠地,形成目前庞大的经济学帝国主义,直至目前,也没有看出它放慢侵略的步伐.在表象背后,必然有对理性人假设的现实需求,必然存在其内在合理性和重要价值性:首先,理性人假设是一种方法论逻辑,为科学研究所必须;其次,理性人假设是追求最大化,而非实现了最大化,梦想能否实现是受制度、技术、文化等现实的约束;再次,相比其他人性假设更接近现实,它为社会治理提供一种可能的进路;最后,它是激励约束制度设计的前提.  相似文献   
针对中药浸膏微波真空干燥设备工作时出现的封板反复变形及旋转轴与封板连接处气体泄漏的问题,文章基于 ANSYS的手段和理论分析,设计了旋转轴支撑方式的封板以及旋转密封与平面密封相结合的密封方式,优化了中药浸 膏微波真空干燥罐体的结构。改进后的设备结构受力均匀,最大应力发生在封板近中央处,封板的变形及设备漏气的问 题得到了有效的控制。优化设计提高了设备的安全性及可靠性。  相似文献   
夏世华 《求是学刊》2012,39(2):51-56
文章系统解读了楚简《唐虞之道》第14至29号简的思想内涵及脉络,认为这部分简文首先通过尧成为天子之原因的追问,突出了德与位的张力问题,即在应然之理上,有位必当有德,但就实然之事看,有德未必有位.简文对这一德位张力有两个层面的解决方案:一方面,要求有德无位者全力修德,谨守性命,安于时命,养成恒常如一的圆满德行,从而能在得位而治时能“利天下而弗利”;另一方面,要求有位者透悟性命之正,从而能主动尚德授贤、退而养生,这既能使贤者居位而利天下,又能退而养生以自利.简文将“七十致政”之礼普遍化,试图断绝天子终身制的构想,也具有深刻的政治哲学意义.  相似文献   
Person‐centred approaches place individuals with a disability at the centre of decision making, with their carers and family invited to be partners in the process. Rather than being required to fit within existing service programs, person‐centred approaches enable individuals to choose the support options that best meet their needs. In order to facilitate this, person‐centred approaches will be accompanied by the introduction of individualised funding. This means the individual will be provided with funding to purchase services of their choosing. Given these significant changes occurring in the disability sector, Carers NSW surveyed informal carers of people with a disability to identify what they knew about person‐centred approaches and how they felt about their introduction. Survey results indicate that there is a need to increase the capacity and willingness of carers significantly in order to engage with person‐centred approaches and individualised funding. Carers require targeted and comprehensive information about these concepts in order to understand fully the changes occurring within the disability sector. These findings also indicate specific areas that need to be addressed in order to increase carers' awareness of these concepts and also to address existing negativity and confusion.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships between types of activity and quality of life (QOL) for older men and women at different ages. Based on cross-sectional data that included 220 community-dwelling elderly persons aged 65 and older in southern Taiwan, the results showed that the participation rates in many activities declined with age for both genders. Social activity and solitary leisure activity were significantly associated with QOL for old-old men, but not for young-old men. Only social activity was significantly associated with QOL for young-old women, but there was no significant association between any activity and QOL for old-old women.  相似文献   
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