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金融危机对日本制造业的影响及其原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由2008年下半年美国次贷金融危机引发的全球性金融危机,使一贯以技术优势颇具国际竞争力的日本制造业深受冲击,出口萎缩、销量不振、库存大增与日元升值等因素叠加,几乎令日本制造业陷入集体亏损的境地。相关企业不得不采取调整计划、裁减员工、压缩经费等方式加以应对。究其原因,除金融危机和日元升值的影响外,追求扩张战略与规模化、开展多元化经营、长期奉行以欧美市场为主的出口战略、缺乏技术创新等是造成日本制造业集体不振的内在因素。  相似文献   
文章通过历史数据分析发现 ,日元贬值有损于中日双边贸易的增长 ,并且日元贬值使我国从日本进口的增长速度下降是由日元汇率和日本出口的特殊关系决定的 ;日元贬值影响我国对亚洲地区的出口 ;日元贬值降低我国出口产品的国际竞争力。经过统计分析发现 ,日元兑美元汇率对我国出口的回归系数为 - 0 .5、滞后期为 5至 10个月 ,说明日元贬值通过以上三个途径影响我国出口。实证结果与我国出口贸易的实践十分吻合  相似文献   
东汉末年的学术思潮,在秦汉思想史上占有重要地位。荀悦《汉纪》是我国古代一部重要的编年体史书。其中,《汉纪》的史论以多种形式出现,集中体现了荀悦的学术思想,同时也反映了东汉末年学术思潮的时代特征。即儒学开始衰落;强烈的政治批判思想倾向;易学从重象数向重义理转变;诸子之学兴起。  相似文献   
黄侃《咏怀诗补注》突破以史证诗这一传统注释方法,立足于诗句本身阐发诗意,纠正了前人的不少牵强附会,为阮籍《咏怀》诗的注释开辟了一条新路。黄先生对诗歌比兴的见解值得注释者重视。但是,完全抛弃史实,忽略《咏怀》诗以古典言时事的特点,也使得他对《咏怀》诗一些篇章的解释不够明确。  相似文献   
Taking a cue from recent works that assert the importance of affect in politics and critical theory, this paper examines affective strategies employed at Yūshūkan, a war museum attached to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Although its revisionist historiography has been generally discredited by historians, over the last decade Yūshūkan has established itself as a key public site for neo-nationalist war memory in Japan. This paper argues that to understand Yūshūkan's appeal we need to address the affective economy it produces around the stories and images of the fallen soldiers. In particular, I analyse the image of kamikaze as a ‘sticky object of emotion’ and ‘somatic marker’ that is both emotionally charged and culturally mobilized. I examine several factors that contribute to its affective capacity: the culturally specific trope of the tragic hero and the aesthetics of self-sacrifice; an emphasis on their ‘ordinariness’ as fathers and sons; and the naturalized, almost moral expectation of the current generations' indebtedness and gratitude to the war dead. A close reading of the museum exhibits, catalogue, website and visitor books suggests that Yūshūkan's rhetorical force relies on the kamikaze icon's ability to arouse visceral and intense emotions. Produced at the intersection of affect and discourse, history and memory, kamikaze is a heavily loaded sign central to Yūshūkan's affective and sub-discursive mode of communication. By illustrating how Yūshūkan mobilizes subjects into its patriotic history and identity via emotional authenticity, I hope to add an alternative approach to the current scholarship that predominantly focuses on the discursive content of Yūshūkan's historiography or religious-spiritual function of mourning. More generally it is also hoped that this study will contribute to thinking through the role of affect in collective war memory by offering a culturally and historically specific case study.  相似文献   
孔子的"直"道,源自人之"真性情"的显现,它以"天道"为其形上基础,以"仁"道为其内在的价值诉求,以心"诚"为其实践原理,三者融合而为一体,在孔子整个思想体系中有着重要的地位。孔子"直"道思想不但对于后世儒学产生重要的影响,而且对于今天和谐社会的建构亦有着极为重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   
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