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幼儿的撒谎行为是幼儿成长过程中面临的普遍问题,如果忽视这一问题,将会对幼儿的健康成长造成影响。对幼儿的撒谎行为教育者既不可漠不关心、任其发展,也不可过分斥责、大打出手。文章分析了影响幼儿撒谎行为的内外因素,提出了一系列矫正幼儿撒谎行为的有效策略,以促进幼儿身心健康发展。  相似文献   
针对独居老人频繁出现行为异常的情况,提出了基于热释电红外传感器和穿戴式传感器的老人行为异常检测系 统。设计了行为异常检测的硬件环境,介绍了红外传感器和穿戴式传感器的工作原理,提出了依据重力加速度所在轴向 检测老人躺下位置是否发生异常的方法,并融合了红外传感器和穿戴式传感器的信息对躺下位置异常进行检测。在1 居室的家庭环境中对位置异常检测的方法进行验证,通过实验的方法验证了算法的可行性,并确定了检测躺下状态的阈 值。系统能有效实现对独居老人是否发生躺下位置异常进行检测。  相似文献   
论《呐喊》、《彷徨》中虚无主义思想的复杂性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<呐喊>、<彷徨>在价值取向上存在着相当复杂的循环否定和自我否定现象,其思想体系也相应呈现出一种无序的混乱状态.面对两难选择的思想困境,鲁迅主要采用说谎和遗忘两种方式来应对,从而使<呐喊>、<彷徨>的价值选择处在一种空白、悬置的状态,这是<呐喊>、<彷徨>虚无主义思想产生的内在根源.<呐喊>、<彷徨>中所表现出来的虚无主义思想带有鲁迅本人的个性特征与时代印痕,与社会现实存在着一种同构关系.  相似文献   
目前我国社会中存在生产要素闲置状况 ,而且这种状况有加剧的趋势。党的十六大提出全新的价值理论 ,并在这一理论指导下解决该类问题 :提出激活闲置资源 ,加快经济社会稳定发展的建议和措施  相似文献   
以济南市一所公立幼儿园445名3~6岁儿童为被试,使用问卷调查法考察学前儿童说谎的一般特征及与母亲教养方式的关系,结果发现:学前儿童说谎不存在性别差异,但具有显著的年龄差异,3岁儿童说谎高于5、6岁儿童;母亲拒绝显著正向预测儿童说谎,母亲拒绝水平越高,儿童说谎行为越多;儿童性别在母亲温暖和说谎的关系中起调节作用,即母亲温暖程度越高,女孩的说谎行为越少;母亲温暖对男孩的说谎没有预测作用。  相似文献   
儿童说谎研究的进展与方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童说谎行为是道德发展和社会认知发展的重要研究课题。在该领域,原型理论和民俗模式是两个有广泛影响的理论。然而,目前不仅存在关于这两个理论的争论,有关研究结果也存在较多不一致。研究设计及其生态效度仍有待改进。今后应该加强对我国儿童乃至青少年在真实生活背景和网络背景下说谎行为的研究。  相似文献   
“Deception” is defined predominantly as the intentional attempt to create false‐beliefs in others. However, the intentionality behind early acts of deception and its relation to false‐belief understanding remain unresolved. In this article, we offer a three‐stage theoretical model of the development of deception in human ontogeny. We posit that at any age, human deception is an intentional action, but its form changes according to the level of the deceiver's intentionality. As the primary function of deception is to influence the behaviour of others, we argue that first‐stage deceptions‐in‐action involves only in the analysis of behaviours and perceptual access, not beliefs. In our view, the ability to deceive and false‐belief understanding are eventually inter‐connected, but false‐belief understanding is not essential for the earliest form of deception. Based on empirical findings, which suggest that by observing the results of early deceptions children build their knowledge of mental states as causes of human actions, we claim that the second stage of deception is representational deception. Further, as the understanding of beliefs becomes more advanced, the effectiveness of children's deception increases, and new forms of reflective deception (the third stage) emerge. Future directions for research are outlined, and limitations of the current model are discussed.  相似文献   
按照维特根斯坦的观点,哲学的问题源于语言的误用。因此,需要从概念上进行澄清。这对教育学、心理学等也同样适用。通过儿童说谎概念的界定,发现儿童的谎言不仅遵循成人世界内说谎的“符合律”,还需要契合“排除律”,两者缺一不可。有基于此,成人对儿童的说谎应当做到:首先,澄清儿童谎言的概念,反思习以为常的观念。其次,辩证地对待儿童谎言,避免非此即彼的思维模式。再者,指向“善”的教育目的,朝向“爱”的教育方法。此外,成人应当和儿童多交流、常对话,走进儿童的世界,理解儿童、包容儿童、接纳儿童、呵护儿童、守护童年。同时,对于不能明晰的不可说的“谎言”领域,应保持沉默。  相似文献   
南宋抗金名将韩世忠,戎马一生,丰功伟烈,于绍兴十一年与岳飞、张俊同时被解除兵权,并先后两次遭秦桧等人密谋陷害。但是韩世忠能够休闲避难,以富贵终其生,并非偶然,究其原因,主要有三条:岳飞的挺身保护;宋高宗的私情庇护;韩世忠的自我保护等。  相似文献   
The rate of false allegations has been a topic of research spanning back to as early as the 1970s. Studies have often relied on data gathered by Child Protective Services workers and court administrators. Some researchers have also used hypothetical scenarios to estimate rates. However, given the plethora of sampling methods, there is a large variation in estimated rates of false allegations of sexual abuse depending on the data source and context of the allegation. Additionally, methodological problems such as unclear or invalid criteria used to judge truth or falsity of an allegation, unrepresentative samples, and ignoring important contextual variables such as the stage at which an allegation is made, currently all render the determination of actual rates of false child sexual abuse allegations to be unknown. This examination of literature is intended to gain a firmer understanding of the frequency at which allegations are false and during which stage of prosecution they occur, thus assisting with the legal practice of distinguishing between a false versus positive allegation. Research reviewed supports two general conclusions: (a) the vast majority of allegations are true but (b) false allegations do occur at some non-negligible rate. Suggestions for future research, as well as cautions about claims about specific rates of false allegations in the courtroom, are provided.  相似文献   
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