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Acrylamide forms primarily from a reaction between reducing sugars (e.g., glucose and fructose) and an amino acid (asparagine, Asn) formed naturally in foods, including potatoes. This reaction occurs when carbohydrate‐rich foods are heated at temperatures above 120 °C. Multiple potato varieties were transformed with potato genomic DNA that results in down‐regulation of the expression of the asparagine synthetase‐1 gene (Asn1), significantly reducing synthesis of free Asn, and consequently lowering the potential to form acrylamide during cooking. These potatoes with low acrylamide potential (LAP) were tested in agronomic trials, and processed into French fries and potato chips. Decreased levels of acrylamide were measured in these cooked food products when derived from LAP potatoes compared with those derived from conventional potatoes. These reductions can be directly attributed to reduction in Asn levels in the LAP potatoes. The corresponding average reduction in exposure to acrylamide from French fry and potato chip consumption is estimated to be 65%, which would amount to approximately a 25% reduction in overall dietary exposure. Considering that children consume nearly three times more acrylamide than adults on a per kg body weight basis, they would experience the most impact from the reduced acrylamide associated with LAP potatoes. The potential public health impacts, in context of dietary acrylamide exposure reduction, are discussed in this study.  相似文献   
对马铃薯中糖苷生物碱的超声提取工艺进行了研究。以α-茄碱为对照品,通过L9(34)正交试验,优选了工艺参数。结果表明:选用含5%醋酸的乙醇为提取溶剂,各因素的影响依次为:提取次数〉乙醇体积分数〉料液比〉提取时间。最优提取工艺条件是:以60%的乙醇为溶剂,提取时间30 min,料液比1:10,三级提取,粗提物得率薯芽最高为0.016g/g,测得粗提物糖苷生物碱含量230 mg/g;薯芽、薯皮、薯肉中糖苷生物碱含量分别为3.37 mg/g、2.91 mg/g、0.68 mg/g。  相似文献   
在大田栽培条件下,研究了不同的种植密度和施氮量对马铃薯的单株薯重、产量、块茎的淀粉含量和商品率的影响。结果表明:密度和施氮量分别为79500彬hm^2、225kg/hm^2时,单株薯重、产量、商品薯率达到最大值;畸病薯率随施氮量不同没有规率性变化;种植密度大,块茎的淀粉含量反而减小。  相似文献   
Summary Untreated plot of ‘Kennebec’ and ‘Superior’ potatoes were sampled for Colorado potato beetle (CPB) at L'Assomption, Quebec, in 1982, 1986 and 1987. Numbers of CPB larvae per stalk were counted on 74 occasions for sample sizes ranging from 50 to 200 stalks. Regression techniques were used to estimate the relationship between mean and cumulative proportion of stalks infected. These were used to set up binomial sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) sampling plans for pest management decision making with tally numbers (or tally thresholds, cutoff numbers) equal to 0,1,...10. A binomial scheme defined by tally number equal to 4 is proposed for general use, and corresponding plans are given, with estimated operating characteristic and average sample number curves.  相似文献   
全面推进乡村振兴,产业发展是关键。通过深入阐述乡村振兴视阈下凉山州马铃薯产业发展的问题,从强化政策措施落实、提升组织保障水平,加强良繁体系建设、提升良种化发展水平,加强种植结构调整、提升规模化发展水平,强化技术集成创新、提升标准化生产水平,聚焦产业链延伸、提升产业化发展水平,深化供给侧结构性改革、补齐产业发展短板等方面提出了促进凉山州马铃薯产业发展的对策及建议。  相似文献   
甘肃定西马铃薯产业链物流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃马铃薯产业的产业链纵向和横向发展都不够完善,而物流是产业链中一个重要的子集,如何发展物流产业,是一个重要的问题。本文分析了目前甘肃定西的物流体系,指出了其中存在的一些问题和认识上的误区,提出了几种整合产业链的思路。  相似文献   
使用FAO数据库和中国薯网数据中心提供的数据资料,应用描述统计方法,在分析贫困山区马铃薯比较优势突出、保障 当地粮食安全、助力农民脱贫增收、带动贫困山区农业转型升级等突出贡献的基础上,提出了当前马铃薯产业开发正面临:市 场消费受到抑制,市场价格剧烈波动,加工比例偏低产业链条短,市场需求趋于饱和,供给出现阶段性过剩等危机。并提出注 重延伸产业链条,加强马铃薯系列制成品加工;注重由温饱型消费向营养健康消费升级;促进产业开发由外延扩张转向内涵提 升转变;注重新型农业经营主体培育,加强山区马铃薯流通体系建设;积极举办山区马铃薯文化美食节等政策建议。  相似文献   
试验数据表明,氮肥效益的发挥与农田水分状况的关系密切相关,不同的农田水分状况,相同的施肥量所获得的产量是不同的。合理的灌水能够促进肥料的充分利用,氮肥的贡献率随着氮肥量的增加而呈现递减的趋势。不同的分析方法都表明,小水量多次滴灌方式在马铃薯栽培中有利于氮素的吸收,对土壤深层的NO3-N含量影响不大,污染小。在本试验中此灌水方式下,较为理想的施肥量为180kgN/hm2。  相似文献   
采用L9(34)正交实验方法研究马铃薯化学去皮与护色的最佳工艺:去皮是在NaOH浓度5%、碱液温度100℃条件下,根据块茎大小灵活掌握浸泡时间;护色采用1.0%Vc、1.5%柠檬酸和0.1%氯化钙混合液处理20分钟。  相似文献   
马铃薯自清道光年间在山西引种后,得到迅速传播,其俗称也因地域和传入路径的不同而南北各异,以致稍显混乱,主要称谓有“山药”、“回回山药”等。由于其耐旱、耐瘠薄和适应性强的特征,全省广泛引种后,成为仅次于小麦和高粱的第三大农产品,对百姓生活和手工业产生了重大影响,改变了人们的饮食结构,也为节粮和救荒创造了条件。  相似文献   
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