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海南乐东县三师村黎族哈方言区的丧葬民俗,丧礼各环节的民俗事项中均有音声贯穿始终。一是粉枪声、鞭炮声、哭声;二是主祭"帕柔"唱诵,在祭奠期间有专人唱祖先歌、丧歌的场面;三是在祭奠、出殡、下葬过程中用唢呐、锣镲演奏烘托氛围,表现出特殊的地域与民族性征。三类丧俗仪式音声具有哀悼、生死划界、避邪、分化痛苦等多种功能。  相似文献   
缘起于音乐学研究的声音景观,由于关注声音与环境之间的关系,强调声音在地方文化建构中的作用与意义,因此成为研究人地关系的重要内容。通过对近代中国重要的声音景观———陕北民歌的传播历程进行梳理,作者发现,陕北民歌由一个与陕北地方关系密切的声音景观,在演变成为中国革命的文化符号后,随着中国革命的胜利其地域分布迅速扩展到全国。在这一过程中,陕北民歌表面上与陕北地方之间的关系渐行渐远,但实质上,藉由唤起人们对中国革命圣地这一地方意象的记忆,陕北地方在陕北民歌地域扩展过程一直存在着或隐或现的关联。  相似文献   
弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的意识流小说《到灯塔去》浓厚的抒情特色不仅源于作者精湛的意识流写作技巧,更是文字叙述与音乐叙事珠联璧合的产物。本文从音乐叙事结构,意象的主导动机,节奏性语言和风景描写的听觉叙事这四个方面对小说的音乐叙事特色进行认知和解读。  相似文献   
论文通过分析贝克特的两部主要广播剧《凡跌倒的》和《余烬》,探讨贝克特如何利用广播媒介来继续他对表达形式实验的探索。两部作品经历了一个从以声音景观来模拟外部现实到逐渐深入到角色内心,探寻角色的心灵景观的过程,体现了贝克特由外到内,由具体到抽象,由表象世界到意志世界的不断深入的艺术挖掘过程。  相似文献   
《The Senses and Society》2013,8(2):209-221

As part of a wider sensory ethnography on the development of place attachments and situated knowledge amongst international newcomers to a city (Manchester, England), this article tells the story of my collaboration with Phoebe, a student of acoustics from bandung, Indonesia. Using a participatory sensory ethnographic method, Phoebe was encouraged to devise her own contribution to my project, which was modeled around her own sensory preferences and technological expertise. Our work together took place over a period of 4–5 months and yielded a series of soundscape compositions and accompanying narrative texts, all of which conveyed Phoebe's newly acquired sound-based knowledge, or acoustemology, of Manchester. Using narrative textual accompaniments to her recordings, Phoebe ascribes qualities to her surroundings that overlap with her own personal qualities, in effect showing how much she blends with her new city. As Phoebe and I subsequently listened to and “talked over” her soundscape compositions, they evoked sound marks, or sensory memories, of the landscape, sounds and music that Phoebe left behind in Indonesia. these sound-elicited interviews added further layers of emplaced knowledge to both of our constructions of the city.  相似文献   
Sonic Armatures     

This article traces the construction of an acoustic regime in Renaissance Florence that was based on the casting, placement, and ringing of civic bells. In confronting the formidable but mute power of the defensive towers that dominated the city's skyline in the late middle ages, successive republican governments regulated these private towers with legislative restrictions while transforming them into a speaking architecture. The new civic bell towers played a crucial, if hitherto neglected role in the struggle to create the Florentine republic, which was the political ground upon which the cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance was founded. In contrast to the more antagonistic urbanistic policies that Florentine governments used to combat their enemies, however, the ringing of civic bells exploited the unifying power of religious bells—a power embedded in their role in uniting people into spiritual communities—to integrate its ideals, laws, and institutions into the soundscape of the city. As a result, the sonic armature created by these bells can be read as an evolving attempt to bind the social body to its architectural environment and to create a universal civic society that transcended more localized loyalties and whose existence guaranteed the legitimacy of its ruling bodies.  相似文献   
《The Senses and Society》2013,8(2):212-234

This article takes critical issue with the well-circulated but often misapplied term “soundscape.” Coined by Canadian composer Murray Schafer in his book “The Soundscape,” the term has become one of the keywords of sound studies, but in its wide circulation it has become disconnected from its original scholarly concept and used broadly to apply to nearly any sonic phenomenon. Scholars either misapply it or redefine it to suit their needs. This article is an attempt to trace an intellectual history or genealogy of the term, and to open a conversation about the term's use, application, and utility for scholars of sound. This article draws on Schafer's work in an attempt to ground the term in its own intellectual history, and then traces the use of the term in a variety of sound studies works. The term “soundscape” emerges as at once indispensable and elusive, provocative and limited. By calling attention to background sound, Schafer shaped the field in ways that exceeded his own contribution.  相似文献   
文人园林讲究意境.作为艺术范畴的园林,其意境是指通过园林形象所反映的情意,使游赏者触景生情进而达到情景交融的一种艺术境界,也就是“得意忘形”.园林意境不仅可以通过堆山、理水、植物、建筑这些实的景观营造手法实现,而由日、月、风、云、声、影、禅、茶等这些虚的元素形成的“风月景”,则更容易让人产生共鸣.选取三个角度展现了由虚景营造园林意境的艺术感染力:对声音艺术的运用;对天文气象的借用以及人文活动的映衬.  相似文献   
This paper focuses upon the intersection between the MP3 player and the city. In particular it takes issue with arguments concerning the ways in which mobile music devices enable a 'recomposition' of the urban soundscape. Drawing upon Michael Bull's work on the management of the experience of the time and space of the city, as facilitated through various mobile music reproduction devices, this piece questions Bull's central claim that these devices may be used to screen out the urban soundscape. Here it is argued that these mobile music systems merely enable users to tune out of the immediate soundscape - by prioritizing the musical information overlay over the physicality of the urban environment - but that this is often interrupted by the complex imbrications of the pervasive sounds of the city.  相似文献   
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