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目前,我国在页岩气开发的环境保护方面存在着大量的法律空白,往往只能参照环境保护法和矿产资源法中的相关规定进行规制,无法有效解决页岩气开发暴露出来的环境问题。页岩气开发环境风险的法律规制,核心目的就是解决当前页岩气开发中的环境风险,促进页岩气开发与环境保护相协调,实现能源开发的可持续发展。在页岩气开发环境风险的法律规制方面,英美两国已经探索出一些经验和制度。积极借鉴国外有益经验,努力改进和完善我国应对页岩气开发环境风险的法律规制,对实现我国页岩气开采的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益三者的统一具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Urban greening in Dhaka, Bangladesh is fraught with injustice for slum dwellers. Access to the commons for the enactment of gardening, farming and foraging by the urban poor, many recent internal migrants from rural areas, is contested by wealthier citizens, developers and political elites. Through qualitative research with households within the informal settlement of Korail in Dhaka’s urban core, and a range of stakeholders in governmental and non-governmental organizations, this study critiques competing policy visions that involve urban greening and urban green infrastructure. Repurposing the conceptual lense of ‘mobility justice’ to analyse environmental and ecological issues in the global South, the findings highlight the importance of mobility concerns to just futures for urban planning.  相似文献   
女性参与旅游发展是目的地获得可持续发展的重要前提。缺乏旅游发展对女性角色变迁影响的分析,仅将女性参与作为一个必然的过程而不是文化、经济和政治的过程,是女性参与旅游发展在实践中不能获得真正进步的原因。通过对国内外旅游研究中旅游发展对女性角色变迁的影响研究成果进行介绍,以云南大理周城为例,通过田野调查结果的抽样分析,剖析了周城近21年的旅游发展对周城白族妇女角色变迁影响的主要表现、女性角色变迁对大理周城旅游发展的积极意义和消极影响,提出在金融信贷和旅游发展项目中应充分考虑女性的需要,重视社会性别意识,积极改善女性参政议政环境,加强少数民族女性人力资本投资,以互联网为途径整合线上线下营销渠道,提高女性的文化营销能力。  相似文献   
Sustainability objectives have been recognized by the ILO primarily in terms of the impact of environmental protection in the form of “just transition” and “green job” initiatives. Arguably, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now offer richer scope for ILO engagement with social sustainability. This can be attributed to the prominent recognition of “decent work” in SDG 8 and the need for “responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels” in SDG target 16.7. This article examines how the ILO could further promote collective worker voice in the context of debates over a sustainable “future of work”, particularly considering to whom voice is given and how it is exercised.  相似文献   

The increasingly complex and rapidly changing global health and socioeconomic landscape requires fundamentally new ways of thinking, acting, and collaborating to solve growing systems challenges. Cross-sectoral collaborations between governments, businesses, international organizations, private investors, academia, and nonprofits are essential for lasting success in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and securing a prosperous future for the health and well-being of all people (United Nations, n.d United Nations. (n.d.). SDGs: Sustainable development knowledge platform. Sustainable Development United Nations. Retrieved from https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/ [Google Scholar].). Our aim is to use data science and innovative technologies to map diverse stakeholders and their initiatives around SDGs and specific health targets—with particular focus on SDG 3 (Good Health & Well Being) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)—to accelerate cross-sector and multidisciplinary collaborations. Initially, the mapping tool focuses on Geneva, Switzerland as the world center of global health diplomacy with over 80 key stakeholders and influencers present. As we develop the next level pilot, we aim to build on users’ interests, with a potential focus on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as one of the emerging and most pressing global health issues that requires new collaborative approaches. Building on this pilot, we can later expand beyond only SDG 3 to other SDGs.  相似文献   
基于可持续性和脆弱性双重视角,采用跨层线性模型从家庭层面和村级层面综合探讨影响精准脱贫户家庭生计可持续的关键因素,并明确了两个层级之间内在的效应联系。结果表明,贫困户脱贫退出后的生计平稳有赖于自身五类生计资本的优化及生计风险的降低,而当地公共服务、基础设施、产业发展水平和自然条件的提升皆有助于促进脱贫家庭生计资本增殖并降低风险脆弱性,从而保障脱贫效果的持久性,其中公共服务体系和基础设施建设对于精准脱贫户生计稳定作用尤为显著。因此,应将加快完善公共服务体系和基础设施建设作为未来乡村振兴和相对贫困治理的核心契合点。  相似文献   
摘要:为了更好地便利交通并促进城市地面交通系统可持续发展,基于出行者行为选择,从竞合关系视角研究共享单车对公交的影响,以共享单车对公交影响的相关文献为案例进行研究,包括北美、欧洲、大洋洲和亚洲的城市,并总结归纳相关影响因素;对北京市出行者进行了SP问卷调查,利用MNL模型定量分析了各种因素对出行者公交、共享单车选择的影响,采用二元logit模型估计组合模式选择的影响机制。研究认为,共享单车作为独立个体或接驳公共交通的新模式,与地面公交交通模式间竞争与合作并存,可骑行距离、道路基础设施以及出行者的心理因素都会导致共享单车和公交之间的竞争;相反,公交换乘站之间的距离、出行端点与站点的间距均会影响二者的合作模式。城市交通管理者应合理配置公交和共享单车的数量,鼓励市区出行者根据自己的需求选择不同的出行模式以快速接驳轨道交通,提倡竞争性并行,促进公交和共享单车在综合交通系统中的合作与协调发展。  相似文献   
建筑产品的全寿命周期环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑产品在人类的生产和生活中占据重要位置,但其在给人类带来各种享受的同时,又成为资源、能源的主要消耗者及生态环境的主要污染源.本文将全寿命周期评价(LCA)方法应用到城市建设领域,从资源利用、能源消耗和污染排放三个方面,提出了建筑产品环境影响评价的定量模型,旨在利用评价指标推动建筑产品的清洁生产,促进建筑业的可持续发展.  相似文献   
可持续发展已成为全球人类所面临的最为紧迫的问题。儒家文化中的可持续发展思想,即强调道德理性和理想人格的修炼、加强对可持续发展的主体--人的改造,以及其中庸之道与“天人合一”、普遍和谐的思想,对于建立人类的普遍伦理,改善人类生存环境,提高人们的人文道德素质,解决社会群体之间的矛盾,实现经济、社会和环境的可持续发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   
我国农产品贸易首现逆差,既有内在原因,又有外在原因。WTO条件下,面对当今愈演愈烈的TBT,我国农产品的持续发展面临新的挑战。积极应对农产品国际贸易中的TBT,构建我国农产品TBT体系,有利于我国农产品产业持续发展。应对TBT是一个复杂而系统性的工程,形势紧迫,需要政府和农产品企业双管齐下,统一协调性地采取对策。  相似文献   
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