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公共行政是正义研究的重要领域。传统理论多采用罗尔斯、诺齐克和沃尔泽等人为正义提供的客观标准。但这些标准不仅在理论上相互冲突,而且在公共行政的实践中也常常会导致模棱两可的判断。本研究旨在提出一种符号正义的观念,来指导当代公共行政的理论与实践。这种观念认为正义并不存在中立客观的标准,而是被群体共享的信念和实践所建构。研究者只有将正义置于特定语言游戏的背景中,才能真正理解其发生和运作。因为和正义相关的不同语言游戏之间只存在家族相似性,所以公共行政必须面对相互冲突的复杂环境。符号正义的观念能够为这种公共行政问题的复杂性提供必不可少的分析框架。  相似文献   
在19世纪西方商船到达中国南部沿海之前,对中国清政权的最主要的外部威胁来自准噶尔,它是西部蒙古的一支。17世纪前期,准噶尔征服了西部蒙古其他各部:土尔扈特、和硕特和杜尔伯特,并且组织起了一个强大的军事联盟。整个18世纪,特别是在噶尔丹的领导下,这些部落从外蒙古向西扩张,直到它们成为中亚的主要政权。1690年,善于骑射的准噶尔领袖和他们的骑兵部队侵入了外蒙古,相继威胁北京和西藏。准噶尔的军事胜利震动了中国宫廷,  相似文献   
许多南非白人对祖鲁人是怀有相当敬意的。作为工人,祖鲁人是很多金矿和工厂的骨干力量。他们的精力和技术是众所周知的。在城市的团体领袖、体育明星和知识分子中,祖鲁人所占的比例很大。每当白人回想起祖鲁部落的往事时,他们既是敬佩,又是惧怕。在与白人发生冲突之前,祖鲁人有着他们自己的国家。他们的国父是残暴的沙卡(Shaka)酋长。他是一个非常残忍、但具有非凡军事才能的统治者。十八世纪末,他掌握了一个小部落,后来征服了周围的部落,  相似文献   
地处阿拉伯海怀抱的拉克代夫群岛属印度最小的中央直辖区,是由36个小小的珊瑚岛组成。虽然从外表看来似乎默默无闻,但实际上它却具有强烈的吸引力和独特的重要性。拉克代夫群岛总面积并不大,只有32平方公里。但是,如果将它附近的大约4200平方公里的累恭(Legūna)地区(即被珊瑚礁  相似文献   
一泰人在印度东北部,特别是在阿萨姆的历史上曾经起过重要作用。其重要性主要表现在,他们是公元1228年从东北部发动入侵,取得成功,并在印度土地上建立起一个存在了很长时间的王国的唯一民族。从最早时期,直到莫卧尔人出现,所有其他入侵都来自西北部。泰人王国——阿霍姆(Ahom)王国——的出现,在阿萨姆历史上是如此之重要,以致那里的中世纪时期的开端即从这一时刻算起。确实,早期不列颠行政官员也认为,阿萨姆的历史只能从阿霍姆人的入侵开始。  相似文献   
目前,许多神经科学假设的基础是人的神经系统是一个可计算的系统,并在基本层次上发挥作用。因此,人工智能可能在更基础层面的功能上重现人脑的计算结构。比如,单个的神经元和神经元的互动是通过突触吗?单个人的大脑可能被上传到一个计算机或不同计算机上?不同的硬件能够准确计算相同的内容,数字计算允许“多重实现”,但对于不同实现之间它们共有的是什么?假如整个大脑是一台计算机的话,那么我们就能够扫描它,启动它的不同硬件,它会产生智能吗?我所讨论的这种共享的计算仅仅是一种句法属性,它仅仅解释了一部分属性,特殊实现的因果力正是由于物理属性和语义属性。即使一棵苹果树是一台数字计算机,它的不同硬件的实现不会结出任何果实。  相似文献   
This paper examines the wider social impacts of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and its 'legacy' ambitions in East London, emphasizing securitization as an inbuilt feature of the urban regeneration project. Drawing on extensive original empirical research, the paper analyses the modalities of Olympic safety and security practices within the Olympic Park itself and their wider impact, while also connecting this research to theorization and debates in urban sociology and criminology. In this complex setting, a raft of formal and informal, often subtle, regulatory mechanisms have emerged, especially as visions of social ordering focused on 'cleansing' and 'purifying' have 'leaked out' from the hyper-securitized 'sterilized' environment of the Olympic Park and become embedded within the Olympic neighbourhood. In such complex circumstances, applying Douglas' (1966) work on purity and danger to the spatial realm provides a key conceptual framework to understand the form and impact of such processes. The imposition of order can be seen to not only perform 'cleansing' functions, but also articulate multiple symbolic, expressive and instrumental roles.  相似文献   
In the behavioral health environment, nurses often use continuous staff monitoring and, at times, physical restraints, to manage the severity of patients' self-injury. Both options put staff in control, are the most restrictive in nature, and can be financially draining on the hospital's budget. This can result in negative reactions by both patients and staff. It is important to develop a program that will empower patients to control their behavior and allow staff to be aware of their perceptions and attitudes toward patients who self-injure. This article describes the leadership initiative that drove the development, training, and implementation of a self-injury prevention project and the lessons learned by staff.  相似文献   
The proponents of lean production have pointed to the positive effects of the work organization on employees in terms of autonomy, enhanced skills and empowerment mainly by their participation into the continuous improvement of work process. But studies that have examined this issue suggest that the increase in autonomy is not sufficient to compensate for increases work intensity. Participatory design has grown extensively in manufacturing since the 1980's under the impulsion of the Scandinavian socio-technical system approach and it's central in the model of lean production performance. Its main objectives are to improve quality, increase productivity and safety through employee's participation to the reduction of non-value added activities, such as defined by lean production. In the line of the studies on participatory design and continuous improvement the present study examines the functioning of work groups, based on the kaizen model, the aim of which was to improve the proportion of "value-added activities" and working conditions, essentially physical constraints. The main results are consistent with the literature and show that accelerated forms of re-conception activities give employees limited room for maneuver to elaborate solutions based on the analysis of the real activity. This study is part of a broader initiative that goes in the direction of continuous improvement of the design process itself so that it integrates the real constraints of work and propose changes bases on work as it actually takes place, beyond pre-established performance goals bases on the reduction of "non added value activities".  相似文献   
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