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志愿服务乡村是社会参与人才振兴战略的重要方式,大学生在其中承担着重要角色。“乡愁文化”和“社会理性”是大学生志愿服务乡村缘由所在;性别、年级、学校类型、了解程度和志愿组织对大学生志愿服务乡村有显著影响。大学生志愿服务的着力点在于智力支持且具有文教活动倾向性,但也存在意愿与行动脱节、认知流于表面、能动性不强、缺乏思想引领以及对小微志愿组织的支持缺位等问题。乡愁文化嵌入大学文化、引入激励机制、打造志愿组织“大家庭”、牢守宣传育人“主阵地”、强化智力支持优势、补齐理论技能短板、关爱“小微组织”成长、构建“三位一体”支撑体系等可有效优化大学生志愿服务乡村。  相似文献   
目前我国农户的地权诉求已经发生了很大的变化,即由地权稳定、自主经营向农地资源的优化配置和高效利用转化。这一变化的内在动力是农户急切希望改变承包地过于细碎化以及改善农业生产经营基本条件。考察我国农地制度的发展史可以发现,我国农地制度变迁的基本逻辑就是农户的地权诉求决定农地制度的发展方向,这一点在当下一些地方的农地制度创新试验和经验中再次得到证明。今后我国农地制度创新必须遵循这一逻辑,根据我国农户地权诉求的变化,实施农户自愿前提下的承包地连片重划,争取国家对承包地重划制度的支持,强化农民集体民主决策制度,地方政府也要给予必要的支持。  相似文献   
民族自治地方政府在新一轮机构改革中进行了历史性变革和系统性重塑,然而顶层设计与分层对接机制优化、机构设置细化与整合、运转协同和效能提升仍未完全到位。回溯机构改革史,中华人民共和国成立初期作为政府顶层设计和系统性构建阶段,是民族自治地方政府机构建设最富成效的历史时期之一。这一时期的民族自治地方政府机构建设强调权能配置和人员构成的民族性,逐步差异化设置机构、探索单一制下政府机构平衡设置等历史经验,可以为进一步深化政府机构改革提供有益借鉴。在新的历史起点上深化民族自治地方政府机构改革应以新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,合理汲取历史养分,进一步深化理论研究,完善法制体系,明晰特殊性职权和民族性职能,健全顶层设计与分层对接机制,创新改革模式,强化地方参与性,切实破解改革难题,推动政府自身建设持续走向深入。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
农村基层党组织是党在农村的神经末梢,也是党的路线、方针、政策的"终端"推动者和实践者。现阶段农村党组织建设面临新兴组织不断涌现与党组织作用削弱的不适应,"权力和资源缺失"与服务刚性增强的不适应,村民自治进一步发展与群众政治参与欠充分的不适应,群众诉求多样化与满足渠道单一的不适应,部分党员党性不强、意识淡化与始终保持先进性的要求不适应等问题。在加强以党支部为核心的农村基层组织建设的"莱西会议精神"指导下,全面深化农村基层党组织建设:思想上高度认识是前提,加强支部建设是核心,坚持法治、完善村民自治是重点,紧扣服务、创新制度是关键,统筹协调、综合配套是保障。  相似文献   
《加利福尼亚州高等教育总体规划(1960—1975)》是区域高等教育战略规划领域的成功范例,规划内容通过州宪法性效力、州法律法规性效力以及行业约定性效力三种形式发挥作用。准确把握关键问题、秉持院校自治理念、深入开展调研等做法值得借鉴。我国区域高等教育机遇与挑战并存,教育规划应当坚持治理理念、以人为本理念和系统论理念,对区域高校定位作出合理预期与安排,引导区域高等教育健康和谐发展。  相似文献   
Historical institutionalist studies have explained institutional change as resulting from critical junctures that interrupt long periods of stability or from endogenous, incremental evolution. Building on these theories, discursive institutionalists have focused on the roles of agency, ideas and discourse as explainers of change. Combining these approaches, this article analyses Finland’s decision in 2014 to transfer the administration of basic social assistance from municipalities to the central government. This study demonstrates that institutional change can be both abrupt and evolutionary. Due to sudden, exceptional political circumstances, the decision in question was made quickly and under pressure, circumventing possible veto players. However, it was possible only because of the incremental, endogenous change that had occurred in the way in which social assistance was administered at the municipal level. It enabled a change in political discourse, which eroded the credibility of the ideational frames that policy actors had previously utilised to reject the centralised model.  相似文献   
关于地方高校学报改革和发展的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地方高校学报在全面反映高校科研和教学成果,促进校内外、国内外学术交流方面发挥了重要作用,但还存有“全、散、小、弱”的状况。为改变这种状况,必须以改革求发展:一是走集弱成强和强强合并之路;二是有条件地逐步与市场经济结合。可采取创办联合学报,以有实力的学校为龙头合并小弱学报,实行开门办刊,建立论文评审专家组,实施“名栏工程”等改革措施。  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine how middle school children assess the effects of welfare reform on their daily lives. The study consisted of thirty interviews with children and their mothers recruited from a middle school in a large, metropolitan area. From the children's perspective, multiple jobs and evening/night hours interfered with the child-parent relationship. Other consequences included grades going down and not getting to school on time. All the children stated that mothers should work, but most children felt mothers should only work when their children are in school. Welfare and poverty were issues about which children were teased at school.  相似文献   
Welfare reform was examined for 39 Michigan families whose children have significant health or intellectual and behavioral disabilities. As a group, these families received little specialized assistance or services to address their unique needs. Family-cited barriers to self-sufficiency included poorly trained welfare caseworkers, limited public transportation, and inadequate child care. Having an older child was the only discriminating variable between working and non-working mothers. However, working mothers only had temporary positions with no benefits and low pay. All families, whether employed or not, lived below the poverty line.  相似文献   
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