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中国酒的原始发明人很难断定,但比较合理的推断是起源于上古时期粮食的自然发酵。黄帝、仪狄、杜康等都是自觉酿酒并有所创造的人。商朝发明了曲和蘖。周朝的酿酒技术已达相当水平。汉代的酿酒业进一步发展,这主要表现在酒曲制作技术的改进和酒类的增多。唐代酒业更加兴旺发达,并创造出以“春”命名的名酒系列。宋代酒业发展的新趋势是长江以南广大地区酒业生产的迅猛崛起,尤以江苏酒业最为发达,并形成了“川黔名酒带”。  相似文献   
The process of brewing is a complex one, in which several biological and chemical reactions occur that involve many variables and their interactions. This pilot study is an attempt to understand and to control the chemical and biological nature of the process of 'beer cooking'. Through data collection and analysis the measurement system was initially evaluated and improved to allow the assessment of the stability of the analysed response variable: wort's F (F is a fictitious name for this variable due to confidentiality). Next, a deeper analysis was carried out to characterize, improve and control the behaviour of this factor by means of confidence intervals and several regression analyses. The way to control F is by adding a certain amount of element X according to a previously empirically developed table. After the analyses, this table was questioned and a new one was developed. This study is the outcome of the willingness of a group of people in this company to incorporate into its traditional and, at some stages, artisan way of producing beer, the utilization of statistical techniques for analysing and improving its processes and products.  相似文献   
中国宪法诉讼机制的模式设计及其民主性论证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立"复合型"的违宪审查制,即在全国人民代表大会之外设立宪法法院,专司法律违宪性与否的审查大权,确认宪法在普通法院系统中的司法适用力,是完善我国宪法监督制度的一种比较好的方法。该种模式既不违反"议行合一"原则,也不抵触"民主集中"原则,是符合立宪的初衷的。同时,它也是中国的民主政治建设所必须的。  相似文献   
辽代是我国历史上北方重要的少数民族政权,辽所处的地理、气候环境及契丹民族的生活习性决定了其酿酒行业的发展方向及特色。辽代的酿酒业规模庞大,酿酒的技术水平达到很高的水平,酿造出"乳酒"等极具民族特色的酒类。辽境内的各个民族都崇尚饮酒,对社会的发展有着重大的影响。  相似文献   
We document abrupt increases in retail beer prices just after the consummation of the MillerCoors joint venture, both for MillerCoors and its major competitor, Anheuser‐Busch. Within the context of a differentiated‐products pricing model, we test and reject the hypothesis that the price increases can be explained by movement from one Nash–Bertrand equilibrium to another. Counterfactual simulations imply that prices after the joint venture are 6%–8% higher than they would have been with Nash–Bertrand competition, and that markups are 17%–18% higher. We relate the results to documentary evidence that the joint venture may have facilitated price coordination.  相似文献   
唐代葡萄酿酒术探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最初传入内地的葡萄酿酒术是葡萄自然发酵酿酒法 ,唐代除继续采用这种方法外 ,继承曲而来的传统葡萄酿酒术得到了发展 ,出现了种类繁多的加曲葡萄酒 ,特别是红曲葡萄酒 ,唐西州出现了葡萄蒸馏酒 ,是宋以后内地粮食蒸馏酒术的滥觞 ,冷热处理和降酸措施也在葡萄酿酒中得到了运用 ,而葡萄酿酒原料种类和范围也有较大扩展。唐代葡萄酿酒术的进步 ,使其处于同期果酒领域中的领先地位。  相似文献   
1938年花园口决堤不是偶然的 ,有一个前期酝酿和思想积累的过程 ,有远因 ;中日双方在豫东地区战争形势的急剧变化加速了这一谋略的实施 ,是个加速器和近因 ;历史上决江河以阻敌的成功范例无疑也对该决策以重要影响  相似文献   
分析了糯、粳及粳×糯3种淀粉结构高粱籽粒的吸水量、吸水率、糊化温度及吸水膨胀率。表明糯高粱具有吸水量小、吸水速率快、糊化温度高、吸水膨胀率小的工艺参数特点。  相似文献   
苏轼才学出众,仕途上历经风雨,多次被贬谪迁徙大江南北,客居多地,每到一地,苏轼都积极主动体味各地的 饮食文化,创造性地改造变革,创新各种饮食,并用诗文记载歌咏风味饮食,弘扬了独特的地域饮食文化。  相似文献   
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