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朱平珍 《云梦学刊》2002,23(4):63-67
《文艺湘军百家文库·文艺评论方阵》及先此出版的《当代湖南文艺评论家选集》丛书,集中汇聚了湖南文学批评50年的主要成果,展示了老中青三代批评家的探寻的风姿。其主要特点突出地表现在异彩纷呈的多样性、真诚鲜明的批评性、科学严谨的学术性等方面。  相似文献   
易文迪 《云梦学刊》2000,(4):101-103,106
文学研究作家风格已经积累下丰富的经验,而新闻学研究记者风格却才刚刚起步。把文学的相关理论引入记者风格研究具有重要意义,文学理论引入记者风格研究的方法主要是通过个人背景分析、典型人物分析等方面来进行。  相似文献   
在中国的古代 ,不同的时期和社会都拥有属于自己的文化环境。面对既定的现实 ,中国古代的文学批评主体不是被动地接受而是积极地应对 ,从而呈现出一个发展的动态过程。从魏晋以来的作者型批评家到明中叶出现的职业批评家 ,直至近代的学者型批评家 ,以及贯穿始终但常不被论及的读者型批评家 ,各类文学批评家因其主客观条件的不同 ,表现出不同的特点 ,各有特长和缺陷。  相似文献   
鲁迅小说的代表作《阿Q正传》和《祝福》的一个重要文学成就表现为两者是完美的合璧之作。小说中的主人公阿Q与祥林嫂分别是封建社会男性民众和女性民众的代表人物 ,两者交相辉映 ,具有整合封建社会民众生存状态本质和民众国民性本质的意义 ,开掘出鲁迅小说社会批判的深刻内涵  相似文献   
中国古代素有“诗画同源”和“诗画一律”之说 ,这种“同源”和“一律”的关系也表现在诗论与画论的文体上。中国古代的诗论与画论 ,无论是内容上还是形式上都存在着相通与互渗之处。本文试从文体样式、批评话语以及内在品格三个方面 ,来讨论中国古代诗论与画论在文体上的相通与互渗之处  相似文献   
摄入性改写视域下的翻译策略研究凸显过程性、生成性、层次性,并且从与研究问题有关的各项事实出发,分析并论证与解决问题相关的各项事实和方案。这一翻译策略研究的理论思维对当代美术论稿的翻译具有指导意义。据此,当代美术论稿的翻译可考虑美术论稿的后现代语言特质和艺术工具论的新视角,本文从研究层次、方法论层次和实践层次就此问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Feminist film criticism is widely thought to have started in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the “Images of Woman” debate associated with critics such as Marjorie Rosen provided the foundation for later developments in feminist film theory. Antonia Lant has recently claimed the immediate post-1950 period to be a barren time for female-authored publications on film and cinema. This article argues that, contrary to received wisdom, the post-war period (1945–1959) in Britain was a time when women's film criticism flourished, with writers such as Dilys Powell, C.A. Lejeune, Catherine de la Roche and E. Arnot Robertson enjoying high-profile careers. Moving beyond a simple recovery of women's “hidden histories,” this article highlights the points of connection between the post-war period and later film criticism informed by second wave feminism. Through a case study of de la Roche and Robertson this article explores how women critics in this period were similarly preoccupied with screen representations of women and women's roles within the film industry, anticipating the later concerns of Rosen and others. I argue that a cross-media focus is a productive method for generating insights into women's critical agency at this time, and conclude that women's film criticism demonstrates something of the wider shifts taking place in gender relations in British society.  相似文献   
章学诚对袁枚的批评是清中叶重要的文学事件,其发生时间集中在乾隆六十年至嘉庆三年间。乾隆三十七年,章学诚随朱筠在安徽校文时,就对袁枚印象不佳。乾隆六十年以后,他在信札和《诗话》里对袁枚展开抨击,将其文学思想的弊端归咎于道德的沦丧。从嘉庆元年到二年,章学诚的批判视界转向袁枚的妇学观。嘉庆三年以后,他又因袁枚的《尺牍》与《诗话》中所记轶事,再次对袁枚文论及其伦理基础进行批判与清算。章学诚的袁枚批评涉及文学与伦理两个层面,且把文学问题推本溯源于伦理基础,这是理解清代学术与文学批评理论的重要视角。  相似文献   
Product reviews are assumed to be based on the observable characteristics of the underlying product. However, in the case of new editions in a product series, the determinants may include signals that originate from the reviews and the sales of editions that precede the focal product edition. Our analysis of 577 video games released in a series between 2000 and 2009 indicates that the reviews of earlier versions carry over to the reviews of the sequel by the same type of reviewer. We also find that expert reviews are influenced by the average review of previous editions by consumers and the average sales of previous editions of the product. This suggests that experts tend to adapt to the taste of consumers. Furthermore, it is found that a lack of consensus, between reviewers of a particular type, weakens the impact of average past reviews, whilst it magnifies the impact of the sales of earlier versions.  相似文献   
作为诗人和诗论家的毛翰,根本就不被西方的时髦理论和创作牵着鼻子走,甚至是完全拒绝西方的现代、后现代思潮的,尤其是其诗论,无论是国内向度还是国际向度,均特别彰显了个人立场和中国身份。从他选析的《历代帝王诗》以及诸如《帝王诗、帝王气象及专制情结》、《民国首脑们的诗》以及《诗祸余生石天河》等一系列笔锋犀利、鞭辟入里、充满锐气和才学的重要文章,其从诗歌介入历史,未必就是为了颠覆权力关系。其《诗美创造学》、《歌词创作的原理与方法》特别醒目的是,因为其是诗人出身,在基础理论研究和教学中便随处可见其相当浓厚的经验色彩,是随手拈来和谈笑风生之中的精彩纷呈。  相似文献   
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