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利用扩展乘数法构造了 Landau型多项式算子逼近全空间或有界集上无界函数的若干收敛定理 ,给出了具有一般性的结论 ,从而推广了已有文献的若干结果 .  相似文献   
I examine the role of rural development strategies in a new member state (Romania) of the European Union and, in particular, analyse the case of the metropolitan area of the Bucharest-Ilfov region. The analysis concerns the selected strategies for rural development in the programming period 2007–2013. It must be noted that Romania is divided into nonadministrative development regions and that the process of land privatisation is not yet concluded. These factors could have a negative influence on the implementation of the interventions. The analysed region is situated in the Southern part of the country and in the central part of the Romanian Plan. The total surface is about 1.8 square kilometres, of which 12.5% are occupied by the town of Bucharest and 87.5% by Ilfov County; however, approximately 88% of the population is concentrated in the urban center and only 12% in Ilfov County. The case study is characterised on the one hand by a high growth rate of the gross domestic product, a relatively low unemployment rate, and increasing consumer good sales (mainly food and beverages); on the other, by some marked disparities in macroeconomic indicators among regions and between rural and urban areas and an enormous lack of infrastructures. The case study thus calls for a local approach in order to identify the strategies required to improve the quality of life of the regional inhabitants (both in rural and urban areas) and to prevent pressure from the urban centre from compromising the rich rural heritage   相似文献   
当代中国人文学之“内外兼修”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,中国的社会政治、经济、文化均发生巨大转变。处此巨变中的人文学,既面临前所未有的困境,亦有不少转机:在日渐"分离"的大学校园,社会科学发展迅猛,人文学则越发退居边缘,风光不再,已是不争的事实;但同时,由于十年来的大学扩招,接受高等教育的人数倍增,民众对人文学的兴趣转浓,与"国学热"形成相互呼应之势;而各高校对"素质教育"的提倡,和"通识课程"的逐渐落实,虽仍在不断的自我调整之中,但均以"人文学"为知识传授的核心,也为人文学预留了巨大的发展空间。人文学当前面临的最大问题,可能还不是其在大学中的地位相对下降,而是被按照工程或社会科学的模样进行的改造,各类学术工程和评审文化在大学里大行其道,其发展日趋数字化、模式化,使人文学特有的灵性和精神受到损害,变得平淡、僵硬、了无趣味。  相似文献   
欧盟东扩极大地促进了欧洲一体化的深化,集中表现在欧盟超国家组织权限的进一步拓展以及多数表决制应用范围的扩大.但扩大对于深化又具有一定程度的否定性,东扩因此又对一体化的深化带来了部分挑战:其一是新成员国的加入将增加一体化的整合成本与难度;其二是东扩推动下的部分制度变革将会对一体化的深化带来一定的负面影响.然而东扩带来的挑战并不完全意味着一体化深化进程的停滞与终结,否定本身又孕育着推动一体化深化的新条件.  相似文献   
高校扩招后大学生弱势群体的心理问题及其教育对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扩招后的生源呈多元化趋势 ,伴随而来的学生各种心理方面的问题也暴露出来 ,这已引起高校学生工作者的普遍重视 ,积极探寻解决大学生心理问题的有效途径和方法 ,提高学生的心理素质 ,以此帮助高校弱势群体学生走出心理困境 ,使身心健康发展。  相似文献   
谈高校扩招后四川省体育专业毕业生的就业问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高校扩招后体育专业大学毕业生就业困难,这不只是学生自己单方面的事情,而是国家,学校,院系,教师,学生共同的事情。在对体育专业大学毕业生就业困难的原因分析后得出结论:“学校加快教育改革的步伐,调整课程结构。学生迅速转变择业观念,教师努力提高业务和科研能力、使教育理念、方法手段、知识结构尽量保持学科前沿,”才是解决这一问题的关键。  相似文献   
At the end of May 2005, UNMIK head Jessen-Petersen addressed the UN Security Council presenting a generally positive picture of the situation in Kosovo. Now, a special envoy of the UN Secretary General will prepare a full-length report by September 2005 that addresses whether the most important human rights and democratic standards in Kosovo have been fulfilled. It is expected that this report will ascertain that the necessary progress has been made so that, as early as autumn of 2005, the UN Security Council can give the green light for starting negotiations on Kosovo's final status. Whether the carrot of EU membership can be dangled as the most enticing political incentive for Belgrade and Prishtina is questionable in light of the increasing weariness within the EU over expansion.  相似文献   
在科学发展观的指导下,分析投资、出口、消费“三驾马车”对拉动经济增长的不同作用;着重强调了居民消费需求是实现经济平稳较快发展的重要因素;指出我国居民消费低迷现状及其形成的原因;提出了提高消费率扩大居民消费需求的有效措施。  相似文献   
随着国际经济、科技竞争日趋白热化 ,人才市场对高教普及程度的要求还将更高。在我国 ,高校扩招因而具有重要的现实意义  相似文献   
盟东扩使欧盟成为全世界最大的区域经济体和全球最大的自由贸易区,对当今世界政治经济格局也带来了极为重要的影响。文章首先将欧盟东扩的进程划分为两个阶段,然后分别对每一阶段进行了探讨,最后剖析了欧盟东扩对国际政治产生的影响。   相似文献   
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