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We examine the causes of non-mutual rival recognition—a situation in which new firms in emerging market segments recognize incumbents in pre-existing and potentially related market segments as rivals, but the incumbents do not recognize the new firms as rivals. Drawing upon the prototype theory, which makes use of cognitive representations or images in recognition processes, we argue that managers use rival prototypes in making sense of competitive environments. Specifically, we argue that non-mutual rival recognition occurs when new firms are not proximate to the incumbents' prototype of rivals because their organizational attributes, such as size and age, are highly distinct. It also occurs when it is difficult for incumbents, owing to their diversification into multiple product markets, or their strong identity as players in emerging market segments, to clearly assess new firms’ proximity to the prototype. Using the context of U.S. online retailers that went public between 1995 and 2001, we find support for our arguments.  相似文献   
The rise of the network economy brought about the strong conviction that economic interactions in the network economy could be based on cooperative, informed and transparent communication, which would counteract the negative welfare effects of unequal bargaining power, the opacity of the intentions of the parties, opportunistic behaviors, monopolies and market failures. So the contracts of the network economy nowadays do not at all remind us of agreements based on the cooperation of free, equal individuals who follow their values and self-interest, during which they take into consideration the increase of each other's well-being as well as the mutual sharing of benefits and risks. The network economy reached the limits set by the segmentation of network architecture, the restrictive regimes of copyrights, the digital privatizations of the public domains, the right holder's control over digitalized contents, the regulatory furors of the different states and international organizations, the 'private legislation' of the corporations, and so forth. The commoditization of knowledge, information and communication and the monopolies have had negative welfare effects. Of course, this in itself does not overthrow the validity of the philosophical, moral-philosophical and economic arguments brought up to support the contractual coordination of economic interactions. On the contrary: On the basis of the current setback of the development of the network economy, we could, rather, conclude that the business model, which is trying to expropriate the positive externalities of the network effect with legal and technical means, leads to a general decrease of social profit. So, not only does this model of the new economy violate rights and is also contrary to moral principles but it cannot, either, be maintained in the long run from the point of view of the market.  相似文献   
企业经营策划中竞争对手的识别策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞争对手分析是企业确定竞争策略的基本前提,要分析竞争对手首先就要准确识别竞争对手.本文从确定识别竞争对手的标准入手,以品牌转换分析、产品市场矩阵图、策略团体分析和竞争层次分析等四种方法详细说明企业应如何准确辨识竞争对手.  相似文献   
In this paper, an argument is put forward that through literary and political patronage Morgan Tsvangirai constructed a life narrative that is meant to challenge the ZANU-PF hegemonic discourse of demonisation that presents and depicts him as a political puppet to the British whose agenda is to effect regime change in Zimbabwe. He thus makes use of the book as a political and literary tool to set the record straight. It is further argued that different narrative strategies such as modesty topos, blended voices and historical archiving are used to position Tsvangirai as a political messiah in Zimbabwe, whose involvement in politics was not by accident but a fulfilment of his destiny, cause and calling. Therefore, memoir writing is seen more as an act of defiance and personal archiving for political gain than an interest in one’s personal history. Personal history is instead made to replace national history. The self is the nation and his story is the story of the nation.  相似文献   
在媒介的资源链接与集团化发展中 ,媒介竞合顺应产业逻辑的需求实现规模化整合。在头绪纷繁的竞合现象之下 ,却存在着开拓与跟进、广告利益、产业结构、管理与体制 ,做大与做强等诸多或显或隐的矛盾冲突  相似文献   
人力资本理论与公司治理结构的完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李良 《学术交流》2005,(11):93-97
公司治理结构研究的是公司为谁服务、由谁控制、风险和利益如何在各利益集团之间分配等一系列问题。传统的公司结构过于注重保护出资人的利益,产生了“内部人控制”与“人才流失”等负面公司治理效应。在批判吸收人力资本理论的基础上,为解决前述问题,我们提出了应当承认人力资本所有者的价值与价格,确定不同人力资本所有者内部利益分配比例,合理分配控制权,实现风险与利益分配的相对独立与制约等公司治理结构完善措施。  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to some properties of local T-optimaj. designs fox discriminating between two rival regression models. It is demonstrated that the problem of searching for an optimal design is closely connected with the problem of searching for a Tchebycheff extremal basis. The question raised concerns the number of supporting points in an optimal design.  相似文献   
产业国际竞争力是决定一国在世界经济格局中所处地位的关键性因素。希冀立于世界经济强者之林的中国产业界必须将提高其国际竞争力置于发展首位。文章在对"钻石理论"进行评鉴基础上,结合我国客观实际,将影响产业国际竞争力的因素分为直接因素和间接因素两大类,由此构成研究提高我国产业国际竞争力问题的理论分析基础,为切实提高我国产业国际竞争力提出作者一孔之见。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,地方政府在中央放权的利益诱导下加剧了竞争,这客观上推动了GDP增长,同时,也带来诸多问题.新一届政府提出了经济与社会均衡发展的理念,在公共服务领域增加投入、提升质量.由于中央政府掌握着财政资源分配和官员升迁的决定权,中央的政策风向标直接影响到地方政府的行为选择.某些地方将公共服务作为政府间竞争的新增长点,试图以此提升竞争绩效.以此为背景,通过对地方政府竞争进行政治和市场维度的二元划分,构建起相关的模型和指标体系.对数据进行标准化处理后,通过统计排序对中部六省从1996至2005年问的竞争绩效和公共服务水平进行评估和比较,进而利用最小二乘法(OLS)建立回归模型,分析不同变量之间的相关性.研究的主要发现包括: (1)各省在政治和市场维度竞争上的表现存在一定差异; (2)各省公共服务水平在2002年之后逐渐趋同; (3)经济发展水平与公共服务水平不存在显著的相关性; (4)公共服务水平的改进有助于提升当地政治维度竞争绩效,而政治维度的竞争优势反过来又有助于推动公共服务水平的提高,两者构成一个可持续的良性循环.  相似文献   
从微观环境入手,以资源相似性和市场共通性为主导,从企业自身的角度出发,通过分析竞争对手的态势,研究地域环境范畴内快速消费品企业竞争对手识别的模型。参考一线营销人员的市场调研情况,以两个指标就挖掘出了较为满意的竞争对手识别模型。  相似文献   
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