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Entrepreneurism is widely regarded as being one way in which women can sidestep the sexism of male‐dominated institutionalized work environments and enter into a world in which men and women operate on a level playing field. Yet, in a corpus of stories of female entrepreneurs’ experiences, we noted that being ignored by men was a constant theme. Taking a social constructionist and narrative approach to identity, we analyse the gendered identity work that female entrepreneurs do in these stories and we seek to explicate the process through which female entrepreneurs do not evaluate being ignored by men as sexism‐in‐action. Using positioning theory as an analytical tool, we analyse these stories at three different levels: the here‐and‐now interaction between interviewer and storyteller; the there‐and‐then identity work of the characters in the storyworld; and the wider societal Discourses that the storytellers enact, and which are enacted by such identity work. Findings indicate that despite making gendered difference, inferiority and lack of agency relevant, the stories are not evaluated as sexism‐in‐action because the female entrepreneurs enact a postfeminist and neoliberal Discourse of freedom, autonomy and choice, rather than a feminist Discourse of discrimination and sexism.  相似文献   
This paper uses subject positioning theory to explore how conflicts between autonomy and protection are managed in the justification of controversial care arrangements for patients with mental/neurological illness. Its basic argument is twofold: firstly, to justify or propose care arrangements at strategic or contentious moments, actors position illness as an actant and make it present in talk‐in‐interaction, exploiting alignments and misalignments between the there and then of reported events and the above and beyond of shared societal discourses to say what matters and what's to be done here and now; secondly, the introduction of authoritative voices from elsewhere involves imbricating narrative and routine sequences in order to prioritise different subjectivities. Dilemmas opposing autonomy and protection may seem less intractable if we adopt a corresponding perspective interplay between narrative and routine situational readings.  相似文献   
在供给侧结构性改革中,国有企业的并购重组与混合所有制改革同步进行,达到优化产业结构、淘汰落后产能的目的。但政府存在角色定位偏差问题,仍有较强的政策指导与干预冲动。在深化供给侧结构性改革进程中,政府应将角色定位于政策指引者、信息中介者、服务提供者及监督监管者,同时强化制度创新,破除阻碍企业并购重组的旧机制,健全完善规章制度。  相似文献   
This article is located in the field of custody and day‐to‐day care, with a focus on experiences of mothering where mothers no longer have everyday care of their children. At the time of writing, tens of thousands of mothers live separately from their children in Aotearoa, New Zealand. However, there is a general perception of rarity associated with non‐resident mothers, partly due to their reluctance to speak of loss of custody. In this article, we develop a theoretical discussion around the inside/outside relationships between non‐resident mothers and their children that informs therapeutic practice. We argue that mothers who live apart from their children are situated at the edge or periphery of their children's day‐to‐day lives and experience this as outside the lives of their children. Nevertheless, mothers' stories speak of qualities of (m)othering that have been born of and nurtured by longstanding and long‐term commitment to their children.  相似文献   
上海国际汽车城环同济知识经济圈在嘉定区和同济大学的战略合作布局中居于重要位置。在对上海国际汽车城的产业发展现状、环同济13平方公里的城区发展和土地利用等情况进行充分调研和分析的基础上,结合同济大学嘉定校区的学科现状及未来发展方向,探讨了产学研结合的主要方向,提出上海国际汽车城环同济知识经济圈的整体定位和具体发展思路。  相似文献   
中国文化推广缺乏学术研究的引领和文化产业的支撑。中国文化推广的战略定位和实施路径应环绕三个枢纽展开:中国文化推广现状,中国文化推广路径,中国文化推广体系;着力解决好四个关键:文化推广路径调研,传统文化精品尤其是哲理思想和世界性理论问题互动,(多模态)影像片创意和精美制作,发展文化产业。只有这样,中国文化推广的春天甚至是夏天才会到来。  相似文献   
重庆都市旅游形象定位研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
重庆是我国西部地区唯一的直辖市,一直是西南地区最大的工商业中心城市和水陆空交通枢纽,城区内独特的山城都市风貌、深厚的历史文化积淀,为开展商务会展旅游、观光休闲旅游奠定了雄厚的基础.发展重庆都市旅游有着深刻的形势背景基础、旅游资源基础、社会经济发展前景基础和旅游产业合理布局的基础.但自重庆都市旅游出现以来,人们一直都在探求它的主题与形象.本文在问卷调查的基础上,对重庆的地方性和旅游者感知进行了分析,同时也对西部地区主要旅游城市竞争替代性进行了探讨,提出重庆都市旅游的形象口号为"神奇西部,热力重庆,风光三峡".  相似文献   
特定物流企业的市场分析与定位,可以为类似企业提供有益的借鉴.郑州邮政应凭借其现有的网络与品牌等优势,发展成为地域性的、提供一站式服务的地区内领先的综合性物流提供商.  相似文献   
新建地方大学的定位与定位调整   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京联合大学办学定位与定位调整的实例说明:新建地方大学要做好学校的定位工作,应该做好影响定位的因素分析、强化市场意识和教育服务的观念、认识定位的基本规律、做好定位前期的调研和预测、注重定位的实施和落实等工作.  相似文献   
要论证坚持马克思主义指导地位的必要性,须阐发马克思主义的当代价值,而这需要澄清对马克思主义在历史定位和理论定位存在的误区。其一,从历史定位看,马克思主义不是"放之四海而皆准"的"唯一科学的真理",而是对人类文明薪火的传承和超越的具体性真理;其二,马克思主义不是"从物质出发揭示了物质运动的普遍规律,再推广出历史发展的普遍规律",而是以实践为逻辑起点的"实践的唯物主义"理论的展开。由此看马克思主义的当代价值,体现在人类解放的精神力量,认识当代世界的思想方法,探索社会主义的理论基础以及揭示社会矛盾的批判武器等方面,从而能够在社会生活中掌握话语主导权。  相似文献   
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