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同西方“灵感”说的神赐灵感观念相比 ,中国古代文论中的“灵感”说更注重结合作家具体的创作实践感受 ,来揭示创作灵感的突发而易逝的特点以及它对作家创作想象活动的催发作用。古人论创作灵感现象还进一步透过灵感现象的表现特征而揭示它的产生原因 ,“积之在平日”是灵感生成的必要前提 ,而“得之在俄顷”则是积蓄在胸的作家与客观外物心物交感的必然结果。  相似文献   
对生态美学的两点质疑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为生态美学重要的哲学———美学原则的“生态中心主义”,潜藏着颠覆“人本位主义”的危险;而作为对自然进行所谓“生态学的重新审视”而提出的“自然的复魅”,也存在着容易导致另一个极端的不良趋势,并且缺乏可操作性。本文拟对上述观点提出质疑和批评。  相似文献   
济慈诗歌的走向恰似一个矛盾的组合,就像一枚钱币的两面,一面是直觉与想象的迷狂,另一面是理智的顿悟和伸张。所以,他总是处在半醉半醒的状态。他善于制造各种对立而不作解答,给读者留下巨大的审美和想象的空间,这在《夜莺颂》和《忧郁颂》中尤为明显。在这两首诗中,济慈一反闲适、平和与宁静的常态,以其强烈的情移向我们展示了他迅疾狂迷的另一面。  相似文献   
论大学教师的教学权威   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学权威是大学教师进行教学活动必不可少的因素,也是大学教师行使教学权力的强有力的依据。然而,网络时代的今天,大学教师的教学权威遭到了前所未有的挑战。文章阐述了什么是教学权威;大学教师教学权威的危机与重构;大学教师“人格魅力”权威的建立及其重要意义。   相似文献   
Public engagement in biotechnology has declined as cloning, genetic engineering and regenerative medicine have become socially and culturally normalized. Zooming in on existing bio‐technological debates, this article turns to contemporary genetic art as sites for ethical reflections. Art can be viewed as an ‘imagination laboratory’, a space through which un‐framing and rupturing of contemporary rationalities are facilitated, and, in addition, enabling sense‐making and offering fantastic connections otherwise not articulated. In this article, the framework of ‘bio‐objectification’ is enriched with Bennett's (2001) notion of enchantment and the importance of wonder and openness to the unusual, in order to highlight alternative matters of concern than articulated through conventional politico‐moral discourse. Drawing on a cultural sociological analysis of Eduardo Kac's Edunia, Lucy Glendinning's Feather Child, Patricia Piccinini's Still Life with Stem Cells and Heather Dewey‐Hagborg's Stranger Visions, we discuss how the intermingling of art, science, critics, art historians, science fiction, internet, and physical space, produce a variety of attachments that this article will unpack. The article demonstrates that while some modern boundaries and rationalities are highlighted and challenged through the ‘imagination laboratory’ of the art process, others are left untouched.  相似文献   
低碳技术的出现不是偶然的,是与低碳经济相伴而生,其目的是为解决当下人类发展所遭遇的种种困境。对低碳技术可能的附魅,犹如远古先民对自然界神秘性的崇拜,容易把低碳技术神秘化、图腾化,从而在一定程度上又阻碍了低碳技术的发展。针对这一现实,从低碳技术的实质、附魅和祛魅三方面出发,运用马克思主义辩证法的观点,理性、深入地进行论证,并以一种跨越时空的新视角来考量低碳技术的发展,提出既要预防低碳技术附魅的出现,又对已经存在的附魅要理性地进行祛魅,从而扬长避短,趋利避害,有效引导低碳技术朝着人与自然共存、共融、可持续的路向发展,为人类带来更大的福祉。  相似文献   
从《跨过鸭绿江》这部纪实小说的艺术特质入手 ,从叙述格局的形成、原生形态美创造、艺术形象的刻画、故事魅力以及运用艺术对比法则强化表达效果五个方面 ,来审视作者李国珍教授的艺术追求  相似文献   
试论屈原的人格魅力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从《离骚》入手 ,通过对屈原诗作的杰出成就、诗人虽九死其未悔的坚定意志 ,以及他的因思想超前而造成的“孤独”等方面 ,剖析其人格魅力  相似文献   
“Pottermania”, or the crazed transnational consumption of the most popular children's fantasy fiction series in publishing history, has swept across urban China. It took place along with the rapid emergence of the country's middle‐class culture since the 1990s, marked primarily by a robust consumer revolution constructed as both reality and global dream. Even before China's official membership in the World Trade Organization began, Harry Potter (translated into Chinese) had been widely popular in affluent urban centers, bringing a foreign cultural impact that accompanies the economic tidal waves promised by the accession to the WTO. This essay explores the relationships between local consumption of a transnational cultural text/intertext and the formation of an emerging social imaginary about the urban Chinese middle class. It suggests that the Potter series promotes an alternating valorization and critique of capitalist consumption, which provides young Chinese readers, growing up in the midst of a consumer revolution, with a dialectic of enchantment. It is argued that this enchantment presents a productive tension with which to theorize the current moment of Chinese consumerist capitalism.  相似文献   
生态安全是关系整个人类生存和发展的重要的全球性问题,人类作为自然之子,应当关注"魅"之视野下的自然观在人类文明发展史中的演变流转。历经远古文明时期自然之"附魅"(古朴有机的自然情怀)、近代工业文明时期自然之"祛魅"(主客二分的机械自然观),应当推进生态文明时期自然之"返魅"(共生和谐的生态自然观),这是人类为了拯救自然之"沉沦"的命运所进行的生态思考,对于启发人们的生态觉悟并推进中国的生态文明建设具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
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