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资本创造模型(CC模型)忽视了要素流动对产业空间分布的影响。而发展的新的资本创造模型则认为资本集聚的过程必然伴随着工业劳动力的流动过程。另外,是资本的实际收益而不是名义收益决定资本是否创造。研究结果表明,随着贸易自由度、工业品支出份额及资本贴现率的变大,替代弹性及资本折旧率的变小,将降低对称结构的稳定性,而提高中心-外围结构的稳定性;经济地理空间的产业均衡是集聚力和分散力相互作用的结果。当企业生产工业品的规模报酬递增程度足够显著,或者工业品支出份额很高时,市场拥挤效应将彻底消失,并转化成为促进产业集聚的动力;突破点与持续点的大小比较可以形成不同的关系,这意味着随着贸易自由度的变化,本文发展的资本创造模型可以体现出多样化的产业空间动态演化行为。  相似文献   
作为世界遗产地与中国佛教四大名山之首的山西五台山,之所以能传入佛教并将佛教文化保存发展下来,与其地形、气候、气象等地理环境密不可分。作为文殊菩萨的道场,五台山也一步步被描绘为文殊菩萨的形象或载体。本文通过对地理要素与佛教要素的相互关系分析,深度探讨佛教文化的传入和发展与五台山自然地理和环境之间的关系。  相似文献   
秦嘉、徐淑的诗歌既渊源于秦风,又超越秦风,融合了文人的才学灵感和不同地域文化精神而展示出崭新的精神创造,其创作上的成功标志着汉代陇右地区文化的长足进步.秦嘉、徐淑夫妇对书信体文学具有开拓之功,徐淑《答秦嘉诗》是楚风、秦韵相融合的艺术结晶,并对文人五言诗创作具有推动之功.  相似文献   
Persistent simplistic binary discourses of young people’s citizenship portray them either as civically deficit and disengaged citizens or the creators of new democratic modes and approaches. This paper draws on field research with two groups of young people in Australia to better recognise the nuance of young people’s experiences of citizenship, power and influence. The study investigated the extent to which different groups of young people believe that they have the power to influence society; the ways in which they seek this influence; the current barriers to their influence; and what would enable them to have greater influence. Our analysis in this paper draws on Lukes’ concepts of power [2005. Power: A Radical View. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan] and Arvanitakis’ framework of citizenship engagement and empowerment [in Arvanitakis, J., and E. Sidoti. 2011. “The Politics of Change: Where to for Young People and Politics.” In Their Own Hands: Can Young People Change Australia?, edited by L. Walsh and R. Black, 11–20. Melbourne: ACER Press], but also builds on an emerging scholarship concerned with the geographic dimensions of young people’s citizenship engagement and action, as well as with the affective, relational and temporal dimensions of this engagement and action. Our findings suggest that power works in different ways to both constrain and liberate young people as citizens – sometimes at the same time. The paper concludes with an argument for the continuing need to understand young people’s lived and located experiences of engagement, power and influence in more nuanced and sophisticated ways. This includes reframing the discussion about young people’s experiences in terms of the nature of their democratic engagement and action rather than simply their citizenship.  相似文献   
重庆在“一带一路”倡议中有重要的区位优势。重庆“十三五”规划提出建设国内功能性金融中心,是将重庆与国家战略贯通,既立足重庆,又站在全国和世界的视角发挥重庆金融中心的功能。本文以金融功能观和金融地理学为理论基础,对重庆、成都、西安金融中心的相关指标进行评价,测量重庆金融中心发展的功能优势,以期为“一带一路”倡议下重庆建设功能性金融中心的功能定位和发展策略提供理论和实证参考。  相似文献   
本文对金源地区的曲江县、宜春县、巴刺海山谋克城、寥晦城进行了历史、地理考证。  相似文献   
促进新经济地理学理论的发展,不仅要根据理论要求的逻辑完美性修改假设,更为重要的是,要根据空间经济发展的现实修改模型的假设条件。由此,在研究上突破了新经济地理学模型单一生产要素流动假设的局限性,认为企业家与普通劳动者在地区间都可以流动,并且,普通劳动者在行业间也可以自由流动。与新经济地理学可解的经典模型——自由企业家模型相比,新的可解中心-外围模型丰富了新经济地理学的研究结论,发展了新的理论观点:突破点与持续点的大小比较存在三种关系。随着贸易自由度的变化,产业空间结构的演化除了棒棒均衡的结果外,不仅可能出现内部非对称结构为稳定均衡的情形,也可能出现内部非对称结构与中心-外围结构稳定均衡共存的情形,而不仅仅是对称结构与中心-外围结构稳定均衡共存的情形;随着贸易自由度的提高,工业品支出份额的增加,工业品间替代弹性的降低,会引起产业空间的稳定结构由对称结构向非对称结构转化;一旦产业空间结构演化的“黑洞条件”得到满足,则产业空间的稳定结构只能是内部非对称结构或中心-外围结构,而不仅仅是中心-外围的稳态结构。  相似文献   
在江南文化的世界里,潘维是鲜明的诗性符号之一。作为潘维灵魂基因元素的外化,“江南雨水”、“少女”、“太湖”、“巨龙”等江南文化地理意象,既是潘维破译江南文化的诗意密码,又是读者破译潘维灵魂密码的钥匙。他宣称自己是“汉语诗魂的守护者”。他对于“汉语帝王”角色的自期,显示出他的诗学野心。  相似文献   
During fieldwork conducted with workers and customers in betting shops in London research participants consistently conceptualized betting shops as masculine spaces in contrast to the femininity of other places including home and the bingo hall. According to this argument, betting on horses and dogs was ‘men's business’ and betting shops were ‘men's worlds’. Two explanations were offered to account for this situation. The first suggested that betting was traditionally a pastime enjoyed by men rather than women. The second was that betting is intrinsically more appealing to men because it is based on calculation and measurement, and women prefer more intuitive, simpler challenges. I use interviews with older people to describe how the legalisation of betting in cash in 1961 changed the geography of betting. I then draw upon interviews with regular customers in order to show how knowledge about betting is shared within rather than between genders. Finally, I use my experience of training and working as a cashier to describe how the particular hegemonic masculinity found in betting shops in London is maintained through myriad everyday practices which reward certain kinds of gendered performances while at the same time suppressing alternatives. The article shows how particular spaces may become gendered as an unanticipated consequence of legislation and how contingent gendered associations are both naturalized and, at the same time, subjected to intense attention.  相似文献   
在后现代语境下通过对徽州人地关系解读产生了一种"影视"重构,这便是我们认识徽州文化的第二条途径。基于新文化地理学的徽州地域文化经济初步解读,我们该如何反思徽学研究?伴随着徽州的行政区划变迁,徽商兴起是以独特的徽州自然与人文地理作为基础。徽商生存机制主要表现在:经商是徽人在客观环境中的生存选择;以商养士,以士促商;产生大量的徽商买办与传统士绅;以居家型徽州女子作"牺牲"等。徽商的影视再现是徽州文化的现代重构。对徽学研究进行反思:第一,徽学研究离不开徽州文书的深度搜集和整理;第二,择取重点,以小见大,从整体上把握中国封建社会发展的脉络和规律;第三,提倡多学科性的综合研究。  相似文献   
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