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Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising technological intervention for anxiety disorders. However, there are no existing standards and best practices to evaluate the effectiveness of environments to achieve their intervention goals. The purpose of this study was to develop a VR intervention for student veterans with social anxiety disorder and test feasibility utilizing a three-stage development model. The development of a therapeutic VR environment may benefit from an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers from various fields of study. Utilizing three stages of prototyping with two virtual reality platforms, fully immersive video (n?=?6) and three-dimensional (3-D) immersive virtual reality (n?=?8), the research team designed an intervention for student veterans with social anxiety disorder, testing bio-reactivity of participants. Results of prototyping include user feedback validating increased stress levels and increased bio-reactivity specifically in galvanic skin response and heart rate elevation. Implications include the use of 360° video for prototyping 3-D virtual reality interventions.  相似文献   
通过黑格尔在《法哲学原理》中对“等级”的相关论述阐明了“等级”概念的具体含义。黑格尔在精神发展内在逻辑的结构框架下论述了等级理论,展现出理性的机巧。市民社会孕育分化出来的殊多等级由于在理念和现实上的缺陷,必须被纳入政治国家这一更高阶段,实现现实的自由。逻辑和现实的距离终未使伟大人物黑格尔的社会政治理想现实化。  相似文献   
王国维用“意境”“境界”等概念建构起自己的美学体系。他认为作为抒情文学的词作必须有作者的真情实感蕴藏于内,“真情”是“境界”说的重要组成部分。出于对“真情”的看重,王国维着力于对元剧的研究,从戏剧艺术的角度,他对元剧十分鄙视,但从文辞的角度,他对元剧十分欣赏。王国维称元曲为“活文学”,与元曲作者蕴于其中的“真情”有莫大关系。王国维对元曲的研究基本延续了治词的角度和观点,论曲仍以“真情”为首要标准。不同之处在于,“当行”也是他的“本色”观的组成部分,是其“本色”观比“意境”说在理论范围上更为广阔之处。相比较而言,吴梅的“本色”观亦注重“真情”,对作品的评论,他更多的是从排场角度分析、评价作品。对作品的用字,吴梅亦崇尚自然,同时又有所保留。  相似文献   
The development of digital taste and smell underscores the importance of cultural dimensions of bodily perception in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices. This can be seen in Vocktail and Season Traveller, two digital devices incorporating taste and smell. Vocktail is an AR technology that augments the experience of drinking water, or even air, through the electrical stimulation of tastebuds and the manipulation of color and smell. Season Traveller is a VR game in which the user moves through four seasonal landscapes. It uses wind, odor, and temperature in addition to the more standard audio-visual displays. The cultural dimensions of these devices can be examined using phenomenological terms. They instigate perceptual circuits, and call on and create sedimented habits. Although VR and AR are often thought of in terms of their similitude to reality, understanding Vocktail and Season Traveller this way illustrates the world-creating dimension of multisensory devices. These technologies structure and shift thresholds of taste and smell, reworking past perceptual styles and habits to develop new perceptual experiences. In so doing, Season Traveller and Vocktail throw to the fore questions about the conditions according to which people exercise their senses in digitally dominated environments.  相似文献   
在戏曲创作中,自然被视为一种重要的美学追求。清曲论家梁廷枏所著《藤花亭曲话》便明确标举戏曲语言贵乎自然的创作理念。在梁氏看来,语言上的自然性表现为对情自肺腑的真实、庄语入曲的巧妙和文辞声律的谐调。以上三者,既是梁廷枏语言自然观的主要内容,又是他提出的裨益于语言自然性的创作途径。  相似文献   
柳青《创业史》 的现实主义缺陷主要表现在两个方面:一是对农业合作化的绝对肯定与歌颂,一是根据阶级属性进行人物塑造。造成这种不足的原因是对现实的真实表现让位给了作家秉持的观念。现实与观念之间的关系,是现实主义创作的关键之一。对这一问题,马克思主义经典作家早就有了明确的回答,那就是当现实与作家的观念发生矛盾的时候,不应让现实屈从观念,而应按现实的本来面貌进行描写。  相似文献   
北魏王国史上有一个国史案问题,本文从中华文化史学视角揭示国史案背后的华夷文化冲突。文章就"从邓渊到崔浩"、"崔浩的‘国史案’"、"崔浩其人"、"说中华史家之实录传统"四个方面展开讨论。  相似文献   
聚焦物与装置范式是伯格曼将技术人工物还原到具体生活情境之后创造的一组对立概念。这种对立不仅体现在理论层面,而且还表现在现实生活中的自然信息、文化信息与技术信息之间的对立。通过剖析伯格曼有关聚焦物与装置范式关系的思想,有助于理清伯格曼经验的现象学技术哲学的研究进路。  相似文献   
目前国外对手机依赖的概念尚未达成共识;在手机依赖研究对象的选取上主要以青年群体为主,方法也主要采用定量研究;考察了手机依赖和性别、年龄、自尊等八个变量之间的关系;手机依赖的危害涉及生理、心理和社会三个方面,对手机依赖的防范主要从手机本身和教育两方面着手。国外对手机依赖的研究主要从生理和心理的微观层面进行,还缺乏宏观层面的考察。  相似文献   
不动产登记是各国物权立法中一项极为重要的内容,我国的物权法对于物权变动公示方法之一的不动产登记制度做出了明确规定,这些规定不仅保持了现行有关不动产登记制度的稳定性和连续性,而且根据现实需要创设了一些适应社会需求的制度,呈现出一定的创新性。从不动产登记的概念、性质出发,介绍了我国物权法关于此制度存在的一些不足,并提出相关的完善建议。  相似文献   
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